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By Bob,沪教八下英语U1-4复习总结,非谓语动词是什么!,被动语态怎么变!,牛津的知识好难!,作文写的什么鬼!,I want to say WTF!,The importance of vocabulary,听力是这样的:*%#_ question one,Unit 1 Help those in need,Revision,一、你需要掌握以下词组,1.需要帮助的 2.义务性工作 3.报请批准 4.因.受苦 5.使振奋 6.谈论 7.给某人写信 8.给拍照 9.筹钱 10.组织一次比赛 11.参加,in need voluntary work ask permission suffer from raise ones spirits talk about write a letter to take photos of raise money organize a competition take part in,12.考虑 13.不能做某事 14.上学 15.因为;由于 16.从那时起 17.靠近 18.改变某人的人生 19.数以百万计 20.待在家里,think about be unable to do attend school/ go to school because of since then be close to change ones life millions of stay at home,二、这些知识点非常重要,1. write a letter to sb I wrote a letter to my uncle last week. 2. ask permission。permission为不可数名词,意为“准许;批准”其动词形式为permit They took away the pens without my permission. 3. give sb. a hand意为“帮助某人”,相当于help sb. 4. offer to do sth “主动提出某事” The kids offered to do the dishes. 5. suffer from sth “因某事受苦或受折磨”,后面常接表示疾病、痛苦、悲伤等词,无被动语态。,6. have difficulty(in) doing sth做某事有困难,difficulty还可以用problem或trouble替代。 7. in the future在将来 8.continue to do sth/doing sth继续做某事,意思差别不大。,三、这些语法你还记得么?,四、这些练习你会做么?,1.Im happy_(hear) that she is much better now. 2.I saw a man _(enter) the room ten minutes ago. 3.My uncle enjoy_(see) the play Teahouse by Lao She. 4.Im really busy, because I have a lot of work_(do) 5.The goverment decided_(build) another bridge over the river. 6. I dont want that boy_(read)my storybooks.,7.Did you watch them_(play)table tennis yesterday afternoon. 8.They are working hard_(build) another bridge over the river. 9. 刚才他来这儿想我们告别。 10. 她答应一小时后回来。,Unit 2 Body language,body language take place sit up straight make a good impression on walk over to smile at instead of go to sb for help hold ones head up communicate with,1.肢体语言 2.发生 3.坐直 4.给.留下好印象 5.朝.走去 6.朝.微笑 7.代替;而不是 8.向某人寻求帮助 10.昂起头 11.和某人交流,一、你需要掌握以下词组,12交流信息 13盼望;期盼 14擅长 15 对感兴趣 16提醒某人某事 17去溜冰 18远离 19与握手 20点头 21摇头,communicate messages,look forward to,be good at,be interested in,remind sb about,go skating,far away from,shake ones head,shake hands with,nod ones head,二、这些知识点非常重要,1. take place “发生,举行”,常指某事按规律、预先布置或计划发生或进行,没有被动语态 Great changes have taken place in China since the 1980s. 2. try doing sth & try to do 3. make a good impression on give sb some advice on how to 给某人一些关于如何做.,3. remind sb of/ about. remind sb that remind sb. to do sth. 4. raise money集资,筹钱;raise money for为筹钱 raise 举起;提高;募集,三、这些语法你还记得么?,动词不定式归纳,四、这些练习你会做么?,1.When di they usually practise_(practise)English songs? 2. Im looking foward to_(visiting)my cousin in London. 3. Last year they did a lot _(help)the children without parents. 4. Yesterday David offered _(show) us around his hometown. 5. I dont mind _(work) in the evening with my friends. 6. Lets _(buy)some pencils from the supermarket. 7. We expect_(meet) the famous movie star at the cinema.,4.Can you tell me how to make a good impression_ others. Smile often. That is the key_success. A.on;to B.in;on C.at; for D.with;from,Unit 3 Traditional skill,1.剪纸 2.达到;至多有 3.出发;动身 4.起伏;上下波动 5.天黑后;黄昏后 6.不再;再也不 7.把.推进,paper cutting up to set off up and down after dark no more push.into,一、你需要掌握以下词组,8 把.带回到 9 在白天 10 在傍晚 11 照顾 12 抚育 13 一个电视节目 14 是.保持温暖,bring .back to.,during the day,in the late afternoon,look after,bring up,a TV programme,keep.warm,15被用于做. 16把.变成 17使.更有趣味 18上演;表演 19由.做成 20在.前面 21.给.配音,be used to do turn.into. make.more interesting put on be made of in front of do the voice of,二、这些知识点非常重要,1. 1)used to do过去常常做某事 2) be used to sth/doing sth 习惯某事/做某事 3) be used to do sth被用于做某事 2. fit adj.健壮的;健康的 ps: fit v. (形状,尺寸)适合,合身 I tried the dress on but it didnt fit 3. up to与at most意思相近 The temperature went up to 30c yesterday.,3.set off 引发,拉响;引爆 Some set off a fire extinguisher. set up , set about, set down 4.stop.from doing prevent.from doing,5. bring up养育,抚养 He was brought up by his uncle. bring back 归还 bring out 出版;把.拿出;产出 bring in 推行;引进,一:英语的谓语动词有两种语态,We speak English.,主语,谓语,宾语,English is spoken by us.,主语,谓语,宾语,be+过去分词(及物动词) ps:助动词be有人称、数和时态的的变化,主动语态(执行者),被动语态(承受者),主变被解题步骤:,1. 找宾语 -即动作的承受者,They make shoes in that factory.,Shoes,2. 判断宾语的单复数 -即be动词的单复数.,are were,3. 判断动词的时态 -即be动词的时态.,4. 修改谓语的时态 -即原句动词改为过去分词,made,5. 修改原句的主语 -即by+ 主语/ 宾语.,by them.,1. Have you heard of the song Little Apple? Yes . It _ every morning when aged people do square dancing downstairs. A.is played B. plays C. was played D. played 2.The flowers over there _(water) twice a week 3. A watch _(find) in the park by a little boy. 4. The tall tree in the school_(cut) down next Saturday. 5. All the windows _(clean) yesterday afternoon. 6.The book _(write) more than 100 years ago,四、这些练习你会做么?,7. I_ that there _an evening party on Saturday evening. A. was told; was going to have B. was told; w
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