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Underground Utility Line Protection Law Act No. 181 of 2006 Section 1. As used in this act: Abandoned means no longer in service and physically disconnected from a line. Business Day” means any day except a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday prescribed by statute. A business day be-gins at 12:00:00 a.m. and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. Cartway” means that portion of a street which is improved by surfacing with permanent or semipermanent material and is intended for vehicular traffic. Common Ground Alliance Best Practices” means the damage prevention industry recommended standards issued by the Common Ground Alliance, a not-for-profit corporation created pursuant to the issuance of the United States De-partment of Transportations Common Ground Task Force Report in 1999. Complex Project” means an excavation that involves more work that properly can be described in a single locate re-quest or any project designated as such by the excavator as a consequence of its complexity or its potential to cause sig-nificant disruption to lines or facilities and the public, including excavations that require scheduling locates over an ex-tended time frame. Consumer Price Index means the index of consumer prices developed and updated by the Bureau of Labor Statis-tics of the United States Department of Labor. Continuing Property Records” means a record required pursuant to 66 Pa. C.S. Section 1702 (relating to continuing property records). Demolition work means the partial or complete destruction of a structure, by any means, served by or adjacent to a line or lines. Department means the Department of Labor and Industry of the Commonwealth. Designer means any architect, engineer or other person who or which prepares a drawing for a construction or other project which requires excavation or demolition work as herein defined. Emergency means a sudden or unforeseen occurrence involving a clear and immediate danger to life, property and the environment, including, but not limited to, serious breaks or defects in a facility owners lines. Excavation work means the use of powered equipment or explosives in the movement of earth, rock or other mate-rial, and includes, but is not limited to, anchoring, augering, backfilling, blasting, boring, digging, ditching, drilling, driving-in, grading, plowing-in, pulling-in, ripping, scraping, trenching and tunneling, but does not include soft excavation technol-ogy such as vacuum, high pressure air or water, tilling of soil for agricultural purposes to a depth of less than eighteen inches, the direct operations necessary or incidental to the purposes of finding or extracting natural resources, political subdivisions performing minor routine maintenance up to a depth of less than eighteen inches measured from the top of the edge of the cartway or the top of the outer edge of an improved shoulder, in addition to the performance of incidental de minimis excavation associated with the routine maintenance and the removal of sediment buildup, within the right-of-way of public roads or employes of the Department of Transportation performing within the scope of their employment work up to a depth of twenty-four inches beneath the existing surface within the right-of-way of a State highway. Excavator means any person who or which performs excavation or demolition work for himself or for another person. Facility owner means the public utility or agency, political subdivision, municipality, authority, rural electric coopera-tive or other person or entity who or which owns or operates a line. The term does not include the Department of Trans-portation within a State highway right-of-way. The term does not include any of the following: (1) A person serving the persons own property through the persons own line if the person does not provide service to any other customer. (2) A person using a line which the person does not own or operate if the use of the line does not serve more than a single property. Final design means the engineering and construction drawings that are provided to a bidder or other person who is asked to initiate construction on the bid date or the date the project is set for construction in the absence of a bid. Horizontal directional drilling” means the use of horizontal boring devices that can be guided between a launch point and a reception point beneath the earths surface. Page 2 2006 Pa. ALS 181, *; 2006 Pa. Laws 181; 2005 Pa. SB 1104 Line or facility means an underground conductor or underground pipe or structure used in providing electric or communication service, or an underground pipe used in carrying, gathering, transporting or providing natural or artificial gas, petroleum, propane, oil or petroleum and production product, sewage, water or other service to one or more trans-portation carriers, consumers or customers of such service and the appurtenances thereto, regardless of whether such line or structure is located on land owned by a
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