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,人教版初一英语上册期末复习精品课件,七年级英语上册课文填空(上),一. 用适当的介词填空 二. 用适当的冠词(a, an, the) 填空 三. 用适当的名词(单数/复数)填空 四. 用形容词填空 五. 用代词填空,一. 用适当的介词填空,Whats this _ English? Call Alan _ 495-3539. A set _ keys. Thanks _ the photo _ your family. Look _ the family photo. Write _ the people _ the photo. Bring a photo _ your family _ school and write a letter _ it. The pictures are _ the wall. The big windows are _ the wall. The keys are _ the drawer. The backpack is _ the dresser. My pencil sharpener is _ the backpack. He only watches basketball game _ TV. Jim is _ Class 116.,in,at,of,for,of,at,about,in,of,to,about,on,in,in,on,in,on,in,一. 用适当的介词填空,15. Sandra Clark eats lots _ healthy food. 16. _ breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples. 17. _ dessert , she has ice cream. 18. Come and buy your clothes _ Huaxings great sale. 19. We have sweaters _ a good price. 20. We have great bags _ only ¥12! 21. Do you need bags _ sports? 22. _ girls, we have T-shirts _ red, green and white _ only ¥18! 23. _ boys, you can buy socks _ only ¥5 each! 24. Come and see _ yourself _ Huaxing Clothes Store. 25. Come _ Mr Cools Clothes Store! 26. Have a look _ Zig Zags Clothes Store. 27. The green shorts are _ sale _ 25! 28. Do you have s School Day _ your school?,of,For,For,at,at,for,For,in,For,for,at,to,at,on,at,for,for,for,for,一. 用适当的介词填空,29. Do you go _ a movie? 30. What kind _ movies do you like? 31. She thinks she can learn _ Chinese history. 32. I often go _ movies _ my friend. 33. He often goes to see Beijing Opera _ weekends. 34. Jet Li is _ the movie. 35. Are you good _ kids? 36. We need help _ our Beidaihe School Trip. 37. Can you help kids _ swimming? 38. Then you can be _ our school music festival. 39. Please call Zhang Heng _ 622-6033. 40. Musicians Wanted _ School Music Festival. 41. We want two good musicians _ our rock band. 42. I usually get up _ five oclock. 43. He goes _ work. 44. I usually go _ school _ eight oclock.,to,of,about,to,with,on,in,with,for,with,in,at,For,for,at,to,to,at,一. 用适当的介词填空,45. I usually go _ bed _ eight oclock. 46. Please take these things _ your sister. 47. Can you bring some things _ school? 48. The notebook is _ the floor. 49. To get _ work, he takes the number 17 bus _ a hotel. 50. The bus usually takes him _ work _ 19:15. 51. People love to listen _ him. 52. People usually eat dinner _ the evening. 53. People usually eat breakfast _ the morning. 54. People usually eat lunch _ the afternoon. 55. Thanks _ your letter. 56. Do you want to know _ my morning? 57. Please write and tell me _ your morning. 58. _ class I have volleyball _ two hours. 59. Im usually very tired _ class.,to,at,to,to,on,to,to,to,at,to,in,in,in,for,about,about,After,for,after,一. 用适当的介词填空,60. I have science _ 8:00 _ 9:00. 61. Dave has music _ Monday. 62. Scott has art _ Friday. 63. Han Xiao plays volleyball _ Tuesday. 64. I like to play _ my dog. 65. But his “subject” is only running around _ me. 66. _ America, School starts _ eight-thirty. 67. I have breakfast _ seven-thirty, but _ that, I take a shower. 68. _school I like to play basketball. 69. Please write and tell my _ your life _China. 70. Is that your computer game _ the lost and found case? 71. Lets listen _ the teacher. 72. Please listen _ me.,from,to,on,on,on,with,with,In,at,at,after,After,about,in,in,to,to,二. 用适当的冠词(a, an, the) 填空,Whats this in English? Its _ orange. Whats this in English? Its _ map. This is _ eraser. Thanks for _ photo of your family. Look at _ family photo. Write about _ people in _ photo. Bring _ photo of your family to school and write _ letter about it. Wheres _ backpack? Its under _ table. Theyre on _ sofa. Is _ baseball on _ sofa? Wherere _ books? I dont know. _ math book is on _ dresser. _ ID card is on _ table.,an,a,an,the,the,the,the,the,a,the,the,the,the,the,the,The,the,The,the,二. 用适当的冠词(a, an, the) 填空,14. _ pen is on _ floor. 15. Do you have _ ping-pong ball? 16. Ed has _ great sports collection. 17. This is _ egg. 18. That is _ apple. 19. I have _ ice cream for dessert. 20. I have _ broccoli ice cream for dessert. 21. _ apple is _ fruit. 22. How much is _ red sweater? Its eight dollars. 23. I want _ sweater. 24. _ blue sweater is seven dollars. 25. How much are _ red socks? Theyre 8 dollars. 26. We have sweaters at _ very good price. 27. Have _ look at Zig Zags Clothes Store. 28. Do you have _ School Day at your school?,The,the,a,a,an,an,an,a,An,a,a,a,The,the,a,a,a,二. 用适当的冠词(a, an, the) 填空,29. Do y
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