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人教新目标教材七年级英语下册 Review of units 7-12一.教学设计学科名称:人教新目标初中英语七年级下册 Review of units 7-12二学生情况分析:相对七年级学生而言,尤其是语法的学习,接受能力较差的学生不容易懂。所以要特别关注这一部分学生的学习,要分别检查,分阶段布置作业。总体来说学生对英语还较有信心,所以要尽量调动学生的积极性、学习的兴趣,营造较活跃的课堂气氛。三教学内容分析:本课是人教新目标教材七年级英语下 unit7-12的复习课。根据学生的实际情况为培养学生自主学习的能力和综合运用语言的能力,在这节课中,我对教材单元顺序做了适当的调整。本课主要从学生兴趣出发通过 group work ,listening, picture talking, discussion, interview等多种活动激发学生的学习兴趣,并坚持任务性学,提高学生概括综合运用语言的能力。四教学目标【Knowledge Objects】a. Review the key words in units7-12. b. Make sentences using the words in units 7-12.【Ability Object】a. Train students ability to classify words. b. Train students ability to put or guess words in context.【Moral Object】Making sentences with words is basic ability for writing. Its a little difficult. The more you practice , the more progress you will make.五教学难点分析:【1】Train students ability to classify words. 【2】Train students ability to put or guess words in context.六教学课时:第一课时:1a-3a 第二课时:3b-5a and practice七教学过程:第一课时【1a-3a】Step Revision1. Dictate some vocabulary words in units 6102. Choose four or five words Encourage students to make sentences with themStep 2a This activity provides practice in listening for the general ideaFocus attention on the four pictures Say You are to listen to four conversations,Match the conversations with the correct pictures,Point out the sample answer Say Picture 2 matches the first conversation you will hearPlay the recording for the first time,Students only listenPlay the recording a second time,This time students listen and match the conversations with the correct pictures by writing the numbers in the boxesStep 2b This activity requires students to listen for specific information in the dialoguesPoint out the four different question types next to the pictures in Activity 2a,Set a time limit of two minutes Students go through the lists of questions,You are to listen to the same recording again This time you need to listen for specific information in the dialogues that will help you answer the questions Point out the sample answersPlay the recording twice or three times so that students have enough time to complete the task,Let students check their answers in pairs, and then with the whole classStep 2c This activity lets students work in pairs to practice the conversations they have just heardRead the instructions to the class,Point out the sample conversation in the box Invite a pair of students to read it to the classStep SummaryIn this class, weve done much listening and oral practice using the target languageStep Homework 根据语境拼写单词 1一 Do you want to go to a m_? 一 Yes,1 want to see a comedy2一 What k_ of movies do you like? 一 I like action movies3Brad likes comedies and he a_ likes Beijing Opera4I often go to the park with my parents 0n w_50n Sundays l usually s_ at home and do my homework6My mother tells me an interesting s _ each evening7My f_ movie star is Gong li and I like her movies best8I dont like thrillers because theyre very s_ 9Guo Peng likes comedies and he thinks theyre f_ 10. Yao Ming is a very f_ basketball player in NBA.第二课时【3b-5a and practice】Step Revision Check homeworkAsk different students to say their conversations to the class,Then let students hand in their homework and correct any errors before returning themStep Part 3 This activity provides writing and speaking practice using the target languagePoint out the list of questions Ask a students to say them to the class. Say, please write your answers to these questions Point out the sample answer Remind them to look back at the information in activity 2a to get extra help,Get students to complete the task on their own Walk around the room offering help with names of different countriesPoint out the sample conversation in the box Invite a pair of students to say it to the class The B student should think of something to finish the conversationPlease work in pairs Make conversations to talk about places youd to visit or you dont want to go and give reasonsStep Part 4 The activity lets students work in pairs to practice writing and speaking skillsPoint to the list of sentence starters Read the sample answer By the time I was five, I had started learning English to the class. Say, please complete these sentences using your own experience Get students to complete the task individually,Point out the sample conversation in the box Invite a pair of students to read it to the classThen encourage students to talk about what sorts of things they had done by different ages other than those ages in the bookAsk students to compare who had done the same things by different agesStep Part 5 This activity provides writing and speaking practice using the target languageRead the instructions to the class, Point out the sample conversation in the box Invite a pair of students t
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