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Unit-1,Teaching Aim,Reading I,Reading II,Extended Activities,Auction,Teaching Aim,Teaching Aim,Unit 4 Family,1. Cognitive Information(认知信息): Family Life; Family Union 2. Language Focus(内容重点), Key Words: . motion, sticker, outing, serene, intricate, glide, meander, glow, assure, bud, wane, wax, specimen, angel, peninsula, tiptoe, abandon, mask, twinkle, lap; . penalty, questionnaire, child-rearing, overlook, parenthood, overload, frighten, involvement Phrases: . mark . with, fall on, cast a shadow/beam, bring up the rear, bubble with, break into, run out of, gaze at; . better off, in the context of Word Study: spread, yield, inspire, explore, cast,Teaching Aim,Teaching Aim,Unit 4 Family, Useful Structures: by the time take a role in, . Grammar: Position of Adjectives 3. Communicative Skills(交际技能) Expressions: Explanation Reading: Advertisements for Properties Basic Writing: Unity and Coherence,Background Information,Reading I,Reading I,Unit 4 Family,Pre-reading,Text,New Words and Expressions,Exercises,Post-reading,Pre-reading,Pre-reading,Unit 4 Family,Pre-reading I,Pre-reading II,Brainstorming: Work with your partner and write out words or expressions about family Who are they in you family : _ , _ , _ ,_ , _ , _ , _ . What family are you in : _ , _ , _ , _ , _ . Other elements concerning family : _ , _ , _ , _ .,Pre-reading I,Unit 4 Family,grandmother,father,mother,son,brother,sister,nuclear,small,linear,extended,separate,grandpa,single,marital status,divorced,bearing age,Pre-reading-II,Pre-reading II,Unit 4 Family,What is your idea about family? Do you think family is vital in ones life? Why or why not? What kind of parents is ideal in your eyes? Describe a typical Chinese family of the past or of the present. 5. What changes in family life will happen in the future?,. Pair-work: Discuss the following questions with your partner.,Text-1,Text,Unit 4 Family,Magic of a Full Moon,Text-2,Text,Unit 4 Family,2 My inspiration for this tradition was an October boat outing with friends years ago. I had loved the way the full moon transformed the night, making the familiar landscape serene and mysterious. By the time my daughters were both three (we adopted Kenna from South Korea), I was sure they would enjoy such an evening.,Text-3,Text,Unit 4 Family,3 Our first full moon outing as a family fell on a frosty Wisconsin evening. The birch trees in our front yard cast an intricate pattern of shadows as we stepped into our cross-country skis. Although the air was cold, our long coats, physical activity and sheer exhilaration kept us warm.,Text-4,Text,Unit 4 Family,4 We were surprised at how bright the moonlight was as it reflected off the untracked snow. “The Indians in this region had different names for each full moon.” I told the girls. This one was called Shaking Hands Moon.,Text-5,Text,Unit 4 Family,5 Kate led the way, with Kenna close behind; my husband, Tom, and I brought up the rear. Soon we were gliding across a frozen lake, our shadows gliding beside us. Finally, we meandered back along the shoreline, toward the glow of our windows.,6. Inside, we celebrated our trek with hot cider and popcorn. The girls rosy cheeks and smiles assured me wed have more moonlit adventures.,Text-6,Text,Unit 4 Family,7 We did, under Februarys Sturgeon Moon; then under full moons called Crusted Snow, Maple Sugar and Budding for March, April and May, respectively. A warm June evening proved just right for swimming under a Strawberry Moon. Father-daughter Night yielded a bucketful of freshly caught lake perch, as Julys Half-Summer Moon lit the sky.,Text-6,Text,Unit 4 Family,8 Another year, on a star-filled August night, with a Blueberry Moon on the rise, we spread a blanket in the back yard. The northern lights were dancing, and questions came quickly: “What makes all the colors, Daddy?” “Where will that star land, Mommy?” the girls returned to the house bubbling with enthusiasm. Out came books on the moon, stars, planets and space exploration.,Text-6,Text,Unit 4 Family,9 I shouldnt have been surprised when, a few weeks later, Kate looked up at a quarter moon and observed. “Thats a waning moon its getting smaller. If it were getting bigger, it would be a waxing moon.”,Text-6,Text,Unit 4 Family,10 As the holidays neared, one of the girls asked, “Could we cut down our Christmas tree on Full Moon Night?” Why not? I thought. And it wasnt long before Kate and Kenna were running ahead in the woods behind our house, searching for the perfect specimen, their pink snowsuits made softer in the moonglow. “Here it is,” shouted Kenna. “Its perfect,” said I, pointing to a different tree. We finally found the right one for all of us, and with Decembers Night Moon smiling down, the girls made snow angels around the tree in celebration.,Text-6,Text,Unit 4 Family,11 Another of our favor
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