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Unit 3 Asking the way (Culture time &Cartoon time),Look and say,沿着这条路走。,沿着太阳街步行。,Look and say,film 电影,Tianmu Road,No. 2 Peoples Hospital,A: Wheres your home? / . B: Its on . Street/ Road.,A: How do you get to the cinema?/ .,B: I .,The way to the cinema,I can ask and show the way in many ways.,Ive got _ stars.,Ticking time,Cartoon time,map 地图,Do you have any questions ?,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,stop 停下、停止;,车站,full 满的;饱的,Cartoon time,Traffic jam 交通堵塞,Cartoon time,over 结束了;完了,What will Bobby say?,Cartoon time,Happy reading.,Traffic jam 交通堵塞,Discussion,What can we do to stop the traffic jam?,Cartoon time,Try to give a name to the story.,Happy tasks,Dub for it in 4s. 4人配音。,Act it in 4s. 4人分角色表演。,Tip:给故事起个名字,适当设计新的结尾。,Read the story in 4s. 4人朗读。,Culture time,toilet 厕所;卫生间,Culture time,How can Bobby ask the way?,Culture time,Tell Bobby the way to the toilet.,Culture time,restroom 厕所;卫生间,rest 休息,Culture time,In the US we call a “toilet“ a “restroom“.,Culture time,In the US we call a “toilet“ a “restroom“.,In China we call a “toilet“ a “茅坑“,“厕所“,“卫生间“,“洗手间“,“更衣室“,“化妆间“.,Culture time,很早以前,厕所Toilet里都有水箱water closet, 人们一提到water closet就想到了toilet,因此water closet就成了toilet的代名词。后来为了方便,人们就用water closet的开头字母W.C.来代替toilet。 但wc是一种很粗俗的表达方式(相当于中国乡村常在厕所中标“大便处”“小便处”),是英美等国一二百年前使用的,现在一般不用WC,而使用Toilet等较文雅的词。WC在中国传入多年,许多中国人都知道WC是公共厕所的英文简称,但实际上此缩写在英文国家根本就不使用。取而代之的是Toilet 或者其他单词。 在美国,绝对没有人使用这个缩写的。一般称为Restroom 或者 Bathroom,有些地方也用 Washroom。,Game,I can understand, read and act the story in Cartoon time.,Ive got _ stars.,Ticking time,I know the different ways we call “卫生间“ in the UK and the US.,Homework,1. Discussion: There is often traffic jam. To stop this. How will you come to school tomorrow?,2. Try to draw the way from home to school. Try to tell the way to school in English.(温习坐标概念。),
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