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代词的用法详解代词分为:人称代词;物主代词;反身代词;相互代词;指示代词;疑问代词;关系代词;连接代词;不定代词。.人称代词 主格:I you he she it we you they 宾格:me you him her it us you them 1.人称代词的用法1)作主语(作主语时用主格) We love our country. 我们热爱我们的祖国。 You cannot eat your cake and have it. 鱼与熊掌不可兼得。2)作宾语(作宾语时用宾格) Winnie is a nice girl. We all like her. 温妮是个好姑娘。我们都喜欢她。 Tell him to call back later. 告诉他过一会儿回电话。3)作表语(在口语中用宾格) If I were her, I would stay. 要是我是她,我就留下来。 Dont blame Tom. Its me who broke it. 别怪汤姆,是我打破的。2. 人称代词的宾格代替主格的几种场合1)在日常生活中,人称代词作表语时,常用代词的宾格。 A: Who is knocking at the door? 谁在敲门呀? B: Its me. 是我。2)口语中,当人称代词孤立地用于不带谓语的句子中作主语时,常用代词的宾格。 A: I dont want to go to the theater tonight. 今晚我不想去剧院。 B: Me neither. 我也不想去。 A: Id like to stay here for another week. 我想在这里再呆一周。 B: Me too. 我也是。3)在带as 和than 的比较级后面,许多场合下用代词的宾格。 She knows me as well as him. 她像了解他一样了解我。 He is taller than me. 他比我高。4)口语中,当人称代词用于带有强烈感情色彩的句子中作主语且其后不带宾语时,多用代 词的宾格。 A: You ought to do it at once. 你应该马上做。 B: What? Me! 什么?我!3.多个人称代词并列时的顺序 在英语中如果出现多个人称代词,其排列的顺序主要有如下几种情况:1) 单数的场合you he/she I You, he and I will go shopping tomorrow. 你,他和我明天将去购物。2) 复数的场合we you they We, you and they are all Chinese. 我们,你们和他们都是中国人。3) 男女两性并列场合he she He and she dont agree with me. 他和她不同意我的看法。4) 承认错误或承担责任时I he/she you I and he are to blame for the accident.我和他应为这次事故承担责任。注意:You and I 是固定结构,即使是在承认过失时,词序也不变。 You and I are to blame. 我和你应为此负责。4.he和she 的特殊用法 he 可指代雄性动物或庞大而又威猛之物。 she 可指代雌性动物或柔弱,优美之物,也可代表拟人化说法中的国家,月亮,汽车,轮船等无生命的东西,以表达其喜爱或亲切之情。1) The fierce tiger came at the monkey, but he missed her. (he指tiger,her指monkey)凶猛的老虎向猴子扑来,可没扑到。2) China will always do what she has promised to do.中国将始终履行自己的诺言。3) The moon loses her brilliance when the sun makes his appearance.太阳一出来,月亮就失去了她的光辉。4) She was Titanic, a ship which was said never to sink.她就是泰坦尼克号,据说是一艘永不沉没的船。5.报刊的编辑和文章的作者,在发表观点时,常用we 代替I (同样地,用our 代替my)1) We believe that China will still make greater progress.我们相信中国将会有更大的发展。2) In our opinion this is the best film of the year.我们认为这是今年最好的一部电影。6.we, you, they 有时超出人称的区别,都可以泛指一般人,指“人们”,单数用he. 1) We never know the worth of the well till it is dry. 失去了才知道可贵。2) You cant live without air and water离开空气和水,人就无法生存。3) They say theres going to be another good harvest this year.人们说今年又将是个丰收年。4) He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后谁笑的最好。6. 注意比较:1) I love you better than he.(I love you better than he loves you. 我比他爱你。2) I love you better than him. (I love you better than I love him. 我爱你胜过爱他。7. it 的用法1) 指刚提到过的事物,以避免重复。 A: When did the letter come? 这封信什么时候送来的? B: It came this morning. 今天早上送来的。2)指未知性别的婴儿或孩子。 What a beautiful baby, is it a boy? 多漂亮的宝宝呀,是男孩吗?3)指不明身份的人。 A: Who is it knocking at the door? 谁在敲门? B: It might be the postman. 可能是邮递员。4)指时间或季节。It is ten oclock.现在是十点钟。It was nearly midnight when she came back.她回来时已快到午夜了。It is late autumn.现在已是深秋了。5) 指天气,环境。Its raining hard outside.外面雨下得正大。It is noisy in here.这里很嘈杂。6) 指距离。It is half an hours walk to the city centre.走到市中心只需半小时。7) 用于形式主语或形式宾语。简单句:It is hard to learn English well. 形式主语 真正主语 I find it hard to learn English well. (hard为语补足语,语义上的补充) 形式宾语 真正宾语注:宾语,宾语补足语合称为复合宾语。复合句:I find (that) it is hard to learn English well. (宾语从句) 主句 系表8) 用于强调结构中It is/was that/who(不作任何成分)The students are learning grammar in the classroom now.It is the students who are learning grammar in the classroom now.It is grammar that the students are learning in the classroom now.It is in the classroom that the students are learning grammar now.It is now that the students are learning grammar in the classroom.注意:在强调结构中,不能强调谓语部分。9) 用来代替上文提到过的句子。You saved my life; Ill never forget it.注意:this 上文发生过的,下文要说的事。(通常) that 只能指代上文说过的一个名词。 it 通常指代上文的一句话。 He bought me a shirt. I like it. He bought me a shirt. I like that. It常用的固定句型:1) It takes sbto do某人用多长时间做某事It took the man a week to mend our roof.这些人花了一周时间修好我们的屋顶。2) Its (about/high) time thatshould是该做某事的时候了Its (about/high) time that we should take action.该是采取行动的时候了。3) Its the 序数词 time (that)have v-ed第几次做某事了It is the third time that he has failed the driving test.这是他第三次没能通过驾驶考试。4) Itssince从已(多长时间了)It is five years since he stopped smoking.他戒烟五年了。It is five years since we last met.从我们上次见面到现在已有五年了。5) It was notbefore;It wont be long before用不了多长时间某动作发生了; 过不了多久某动作将要发生It was not long before they arrived. It wont be long before he returns from abroad.没过多久他们就到了。 不久以后他们就要回国。物主代词 形容词性物主代词:my, your, his, her, its, our, y
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