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发生伤害 现场人员,工伤事故处理流程(2011版),通报现场主管 或值班长,判断 受伤情况,险情、隐患 未造成伤害 (NM),需一般急救护理 可及时返回工作 (FAC),需入院处理 但不损失工作日 的伤害(MTI),需入院治疗 并损失工作日 的伤害(LTI),通报现场主管 或值班长,值班长室领用 急救护理药物,通报现场主管 或值班长,门卫室领用 急救护理药物,生产部员工,其他员工,做好药物领用及 事故记录,调查及分析,24小时内 通报安全专员,做好简单的 事件分析,安全改善及培训,及时通报 安全专员 部门经理,日间,夜间,安全专员陪同前往 指定医院救治,值班长陪同前往 指定医院救治,伤势严重或有 生命危险时 请及时拨打“120”,做好简单的 事故记录,Injury happen Locale personnel,Accident urgency process,Contact the locale leader or monitor immediately,Determine injury condition,Near-Misses,First Aid Case,Medical Treatment Injury,Lost Time Injury,Contact the locale leader or monitor immediately,Apply the medication from monitor office,Contact the locale leader or monitor immediately,Apply the medication from security room,PD Dept. employees,Others,Make good apply record,Investigation and Analysis,Report to EHS specialist within 24 hours,Make good simple record for incident,Improvement and Training,Contact manager & EHS specialist immediately,Day,Night,EHS specialist accompany the injured to the designated hospital,Monitor accompany the injured to the designated hospital,If the injury is serious or make life-threatening Please call “120” immediately,Make good simple record for accident,
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