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第2页 / 共2页
1, Whose tea is it? A: its my book. B: Yes, its my tea. C: its mine. 2, Whats the birds name? A: Its a bid. B: His name is Pet. C: Its his. 3, Is that book yours? A: No, it isnt. Mine is there. B: yes, I am C: Its not hers. 4,Is that balcony his? A: No, its ours. B: yes, we are. C: We love that balcony. 5, I like to play the piano. A: Ive got a book. B: Ive got a piano C: Ive got a ruler,6, The watermelon is _ A: round B: square. C: long. 7, The pig is_ A: round B: fat C: thirsty. 8, The boy is _, he needs rest. A: tired B: hungry C: hot. 9, The girl is _, she wants to eat some cakes. A: hungry B: thirsty C: angry. 10, The weather is _. I want to eat an ice-cream. A: cold B: thin C: hot.,
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