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Review:,1.What are the four styles of stand-up comedy? 2.What does your brain do when you laugh?,observational(观察评论类), prop(道具类), physical(形体动作类) and impressionist(印象模仿类),It sends chemicals around our body that are good for us.,What things can make you laugh in daily life ?,Are you interested in comic plays(喜剧)?,Have you imagined acting in a comic(喜剧的)play?,Today, you will have a chance to experience comic plays!,Welcome to our play class!,Project putting on a play,The invisible bench,The invisible bench,characters,setting,five students,in a park,theme,the invisible bench,Is there really an invisible bench?,?,Fast reading (1):,1.Is there a bench in the park1 ? 2.What does the word invisible mean? 3.Is this a comedy? Why or why not?,No.,It means cant be seen.,Yes, it is a comedy because it is very funny.,Answers :,The invisible bench,“The important papers!”,The important papers,characters,setting,The King, the Queen, Servant,in the castle,theme,the important papers,What does the King really mean by saying “the important papers”?,?,Fast reading (2):,1.How many characters are there in the play? 2.Who do you think is the main character/ hero in the play? 3.What does the King actually want?,3 characters. The king, the queen, and the servant,The king,Toilet paper,In what style of comedy do you think these two plays are, observational(观察评论类), prop(道具类), physical(形体动作类) or impressionist(印象模仿类)? Why?,The invisible bench is physical. Because actors use body language to perform the play.,The important paper is prop. Actors use the proptoilet paper and some other papers to perform the play.,Discussion,Summary (1),the invisible bench,One day, when Tony met Mike in the park, Mike said he was sitting on an (1) _ bench, then, Tony joined in him. They both sat for a (2) _, reading a book. Then, Cathy and Paula wanted to (3) _in them. All make _(4) .But Mike looked (5) _ and stood up and (6) _ over to the middle of the stage and sat down.,invisible,while,join,room,annoyed,wandered,the invisible bench,Later, Ann came to them and asked if they were (7) _ on an invisible bench. They said yes. But Mike said they didnt, because he (8) _ to tell them that the bench was too (9)_, so he had moved the bench. In the end, Tony, Paula and Cathy all (10) _ down.,sitting,forgot,crowded,fell,Summary(2),the important papers,Once _ a time, there _ a very funny story among three people, the King, the Queen and a _. One day, as soon as the King entered the _, he called in a servant and told him he had to have some _ papers immediately. Soon came back the servant with a _ of _-looking papers, but _ this, the King threw them _ the servant and shouted:“No,upon,was,servant,palace/castle,important,pile,official,seeing,at,no, no, bring my important papers! “The servant _ out and in a minute re-entered with a newspaper in his hand. This time, to his _, the King _ it into halves and cried: “No,_ fool! I must have my important papers RIGHT NOW!” However, like the first and second time, the servant _ to bring the King what he wanted several times. Even the Queen didnt know what,dashed,surprise,tore,you,failed,her husband wanted and just tore a page from her book and _ it to the King. At last, the servant _ out a roll of toilet paper. He was puzzled whether the King needed it or not. On the contrary, upon getting it, the King ran _ as fast as possible. So can you guess what happened to the King?,offered,held,off,Group Discussion,Discuss the questions: Which one play you choose to act? who will be the actors and actresses? Who will be the director? Who will make the scenery if it is needed? Who will find props? Who will make costumes? You may make a flow chart to help you manage the task.,After discussion, please act out in groups.,Now its your show time !,Boys and girls, now its your turn to act them out Surprise us please!,Acting,Thats the end of the two plays! Lets do some exercises.,Fill in the blanks with proper forms:,We are sitting on an _ bench. _ if I sit down? Mike stands up and _ to the middle of the stage. I _ (forget) to tell you. The _group fell down to the ground.,invisible wander over entire must have done mind,invisible,entire,wanders over,must have forgotten,Mind,6. The King raises one eyebrow and looks _ at the servant. 7. Servant enters _ official-looking papers. 8. The servant bows and _. 9. _ to bring them to the King. 10. Queen tears a page from her book and _ it _ the King.,meaningfully dash out a pile of offer it is ones duty to do sth.,meaningfully,offers,Its your duty,dashes out,with a pile of,to,PRACTICE,1.Dont handle the vase as if it_made of steel. A is B were C has been D had been,2.Jack wasnt say anything, but the teacher smiled at him_he had done some
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