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Unit 2 Colours单元主题写作二本单元通过讲解有关彩虹的自然科学知识引出“颜色”的话题,旨在指导学生学会运用颜色调节情绪、改善生活,并且进行广告的策划与设计。我们生活在个色彩斑斓的世界里,无论何时何地,我们都可以感受到不同的颜色给予我们的感官刺激。不同的人对颜色有着不同的喜好。你最喜欢的颜色是什么?请以“My favourite colour”为题,写一篇90词左右的短文,告诉大家你最喜欢的颜色以及喜欢它的理由。短语:1影响我们的情绪_2使人感到_3感觉放松_4使振作起来_5对有帮助_句型:1Different people like different colours.2I likecolour(s) best.3It/They can help me4It/They can make me高分模板My favourite colourOur world is full of colours. The world would be a boring place without colours. Different people like different colours.I like two colours best. They are red and white. Some classmates ask me why I like them. I_think_I_like_them_because_I_am_often_stressed. I like_wearing white clothes. They can help me relax. Sometimes I am lively, so I can wear red clothes to play football. They can make_me_try_to be successful. Red and white are a_good_match. They can help me when I have_difficulty_making_decisionsColours can help us a lot. They can change our moods and improve our life.名师点评文中使用了宾语从句和because引导的原因状语从句,以及like doing sth, make sb do, a good match, have difficulty doing等短语,使文章增色不少;sometimes和so的使用,使文章过渡自然。Daniel是阳光中学九年级的一名学生,他最喜欢的颜色是蓝色,以下是他喜欢蓝色的原因:1蓝色代表着平静,当人们生气或激动时,它能让人们平静下来;2蓝色创造出和谐感,使人舒适;3穿蓝色的衣服或住在蓝色的房间里对我们的身心有益;4蓝色也代表着和平。Daniel期盼着整个世界和平。请根据以上提示写一篇80词左右的短文。要求:1.要点完整,语句通顺,意思连贯;2运用第三人称。提示词:represent 代表;harmony 和谐_ 详解详析素材积累1influence our moods2. make sb feel3. feel relaxed4.cheer up5be of help to/be helpful to小试身手One possible version:Daniel is a student in Grade 9 at Sunshine Middle School. He likes blue best because it represents calm. When some people are angry or excited, it can make them calm. Blue can make people feel comfortable and peaceful because it can create a feeling of harmony. Wearing blue or living in a blue room is good for our body and mind. Blue also represents peace. Daniel looks forward to world peace. 3
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