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,英语2,English 3,Class:Class One/Class Two/Class Three in the year 2015 Major: Nursing/Pharmacy,I Want to Further My Study Abroad,Contents,Integrated Skills Development Dialogue A. At a Travel Agents (self-study) Dialogue B. Tourist Information (self-study) Passage A. Holidays B. Saving for Holidays Applied Writing: Travel Advertisements Pick up Your Grammar: 被动语态的现在时,Teaching Aims,1.听说:要求学生熟读对话与课文,背诵课文对话语句,病能救课文内容进行问答。 2. 读译写:要求学生能读懂有关旅游信息方面的英语文章,并能回答相关的阅读理解练习。 3.写: A. 鼓励学生用学过的单词、词组以书面的形式表达自己乘飞机观光旅游的经历。 B. 了解旅游广告的基本写作格式。,Emphases & difficulties,1. 交际重点: 向旅行社查询有关旅行的信息,涉及机票确认、航班时间及各种旅行方式。 2. 重点训练单词和词组 3. 重点句型和习惯表达法 4. 被动语态的现在时用法。 5. 旅游广告的基本写作格式。,Unit 4,TOURIST INFORMATION,Language Points,1. a travel agents 表示某些机构、店铺或某家人时,可用名词所有格并省略后面的名词。 the butchers the hairdressers the Smiths,Language Points,2. check in /check out 表示“办理进入某处的手续” 表示“办理出某处的手续” e.g. He checked in at the hotel as soon as he arrived at the city. You must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leave.,Language Points,3. CA Air China Limited 中国国际航空股份有限公司 PA WA=Pan American World Airways Inc. 泛美世界航空公司 TWA =Trans World Airlines 美国环球航空公司 BA=(British Airways) 英国航空公司,Language Points,travels cheques 旅行支票 5. Its my pleasure=Youre welcome. 6. Package Holidays=Packaged tour 包团旅游,包价旅游 7. the country you go to 这个句子省略了关系代词that/which和动词see。 the country that you go to see.,Language Points,1.international adj.国际的;两国(或以上)国家的 International investors have become jittery about the countrys economy. 国际投资者已对该国的经济状况感到紧张不安。 London is also the major international insurance centre. 伦敦也是重要的国际保险中心。,2. conference n.会议; 讨论 The conference may help to focus attention on the economy. 此次会议可能有助于将关注焦点放在经济上。 He went even further in his speech to the conference. 他在大会发言中作了更进一步的阐述。,3. at the moment adv.当时;此刻 I must say I am really enjoying myself at the moment. 我得说此刻我感到非常愉快。 At the moment, no one is talking to me. 此刻没人跟我说话。 4. travel agency n.旅行社 Im now working as a tour guide in a travel agency. 我现在在一家旅游公司做导游.,5.confirm vt. 确认,批准;证实 You make the reservation, and Ill confirm it in writing. 你来预订,我会去函确认。 I need to have a second test to confirm the diagnosis. 我需要再进行一次检查以确诊。 6. flight n.(物体的)飞行;航班 She made her first and only space flight last September. 她第一次也是唯一一次宇宙飞行是在去年9月。,I arrived just in time for my flight to London. 我及时赶上了飞往伦敦的航班。 7. check in 记录,登记签到 Ill ring the hotel. Ill tell them well check in tomorrow. 我来给旅馆打电话,通知他们我们明天入住。 Do you know your check-in time? 你知道办理登机手续的时间吗?,8.around adv.大约;到处 They were knocking around together for about a year. 他们交往大概有一年了。 We spent years travelling around in a rusty old van. 我们多年来都开着一辆生锈的旧货车四处旅行。 9.opposite adj.相对的;对面的,Suddenly a car came round a corner on the opposite side. 突然,对面的街角处拐过一辆汽车。 Whats the opposite of white? 与白色相对的颜色是什么? 10. in order 按次序的,井然有序 Someone comes in every day to check all is in order. 每天都有人来检查是否一切都井然有序。 It was her job to keep the room in order. 保持房间整洁是她的工作。,11. journey,trip,travel,tour,用法区别 travel一般指长途旅行,或到国外或远方旅行。与journey不同之处,在于不着重某一目的地,有到各地“游的意思,作名词时常用复数形式。 He has just returned from his travels. 他刚刚旅行回来. trip 一般指短距离旅行,直达目的地的旅行。,I am going on a trip to the seaside during the summer holidays. 暑假期间我将去海边旅行。 tour 旅行,周游,观光,主要目的地是游览或视察,距离可长可短,常带有“最后回到出发地”的含义。 一般团队游都是tour,带有导游的是 guide tour。 法国5日游:5-day Tour to France,journey主要指单程较远距离的海、陆、空“旅行”,表示“去旅行”时,英语该说go on a journey,而不说go to a journey Mr. Smith made a journey from Paris to New York. 史密斯先生作了一次从巴黎到 纽约的旅行。 12. arrange vt. 把(系统地)分类;整理;安排,It is not for me to arrange such matters. 我无权安排这些事情。 I will arrange for someone to take you round. 我会安排人带你转转。 13. recommend vt.推荐;劝告 Ive just seen a play that I can highly recommend. 我刚看了一场话剧,我强烈推荐。,May we recommend a weekend in Shanghai? 我们可以提议在上海度周末吗? 14. by the way 附带说说;顺便一提 By the way, Im your number-one fan. 顺便说一句,我是你的头号粉丝。 By the way, what time is it? 顺便问一下, 现在几点了?,15. popular adj.流行的,大众化的 Do book ahead as the restaurant is very popular. 该饭店非常受欢迎,请务必提前预订。 Who is the least popular man around here? 这里谁最不受欢迎? 16. sort n.分类,类别 You cant put that sort of fear into words. 那种恐惧无法用语言表达。,17. charter v t . 包租;发给特许执照 The club chartered two buses to take us on holiday to Paris. 俱乐部包租了两辆公共汽车送我们去巴黎度假 The government chartered a new bank in the capital. 政府特许在首都建立一家新银行。,18. reserve vt. 保留;预约 Please call ahead if you want to reserve a room. 预订房间请提前来电话。 I reserve the right to make my own decisions. 我保留自行做出决定的权利。 19. either 用于否定句或否定词组后也(不),He was not interested in that plan,and I didnt bite either. 他对那个方案不感兴趣,我也毫无兴趣。 Yes, you should not trust me either. 是的,你也不应该信任我。 20. get lift 搭便车 Sometimes Young people get lift. 年轻人有时候搭便车。,Give a brief answer to each of the following questions according to Passage A. What is Mike Hunters nationality? Canadian. Why did Mike come to Beijing? To attend an international medical conference. Where will Mike fly tomorrow? London. How long before the plane takes off should Mike check in? At least one hour before the flight time. .,Check Your Understanding : Exercise 1,Give a br
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