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Module 8 Time off词汇精讲1. hardlyhardhardly是一个表示否定概念的副词,是由hard(adv. & adj. 困难的,努力)+-ly(副词后缀)演变而来。hard又可以作副词“努力”,如study hard, work hard。The problem is too hard, I cant work it out. 这个问题太难了,我算不出来。hardly是具有否定意味的词,它不能再与其它否定词一起连用,在由它构成的反意疑问句中,尾句的疑问式须用肯定式。Hardly anybody (Almost nobody) came to the meeting. 几乎没有人来开会。 He can hardly speak English, can he? 他不太会说英语,对吧?I could hardly hear the speaker.我几乎听不到演说者的声音。Its raining hard. We can hardly see the sign on the road.雨下得很大。我们几乎看不到路面的标志。2. waste (1)waste 作不可数名词,意为“浪费,废物,垃圾”。a waste of意为“浪费”。例如: I hate waste. 我讨厌浪费。 Its a waste of time. 这就是浪费时间。 (2)waste 作形容词,意为“无用的,浪费的,荒废的”。例如: We shouldnt throw waste paper about. 我们不应该乱扔废纸。 A factory is pouring waste water into the river. 一家工厂正在向河里倾倒废水。 (3)waste 作及物动词,意为“浪费”。 Dont waste water! 不要浪费水。 3. human human意为“人;人类”,指有别于动物及其他生物的“人”,其复数为humans。例如: Dogs can hear much better than humans. 狗的听觉比人的灵敏得多。【拓展】其他表示“人”的词:person与people (1)person指个体的“人”,一般用于表示具体数目的人,可以有单数和复数形式。例如: Who is that person? 那个人是谁? Six persons were injured in the car accident. 6个人在这次车祸中受伤了。 (2)people意为“人,人们”,表示复数含义,加定冠词the时,指“人民”;表示“民族”时有复数形式。例如: The Chinese is a hard-working people. 中华民族是一个勤劳的民族。 People dont like to be told that they are wrong. 人们都不喜欢别人说自己是不对的。4. wake wake 动词,意为“醒, 唤醒”, 常用于词组wake up 和wakeup中。具体用法如下: (1)wake up 意为“醒来”,是不及物动词词组,其后不能接表示人的名词或者代词。例如:The students usually wake up early. 学生们通常醒的很早。 (2)wake sb. up 意为“把某人叫醒”,是指一方把另一方叫醒或者吵醒,wake和up之间加表示人的名词或者代词。例如:Dont wake your father up. Hes too tired. 不要把你父亲吵醒。他太累了。5. somebody somebody不定代词=someone,“某人;有人”,somebody比someone要通俗,多用于口语之中,在句中可以作主语或宾语,作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数。例如:Someone has been here.有人来过这儿。 Somebody has lost his car keys. 有人把汽车钥匙丢了。 Theres somebody at the door.门口有个人。 Somebody from your office phoned.你的办公室有人来过电话。【拓展】 常用的复合不定代词有:somebody; someone; something; anybody; anyone; anything; nobody; nothing; everyone; everybody; everything等。不定代词有两种用法:一是作主语时,相当于单数第三人称;一是被形容词修饰,形容词常作后置定语。例如:Everything is ready. 一切就绪。Everyone is here. 人人都在这里。Ill buy you something new. 我要给你买些新东西。6. path path 可数名词,意为“小路,小径”。例如: Mr. Li is taking a walk along a path in the park. 李老师在公园里沿着一条小路散步。 【拓展】其他表示“路”的词的用法 street, roadavenuestreet多指两侧有商店等建筑物的城市街道,用于地址时可缩写为St.。road只可以行使车辆宽阔而平坦的城市道路或乡村道路,用于地址时可以缩写为Rd.。avenue所指的街道比street稍宽,常指林荫大道,用于地址时可缩写为Ave.。7. at the top of at the top of 意为“在的顶端”。例如: Children are planting trees at the top of hill. 孩子们在山顶上植树。 Dont shout at the top of your voice. 不要高声叫喊。 【拓展】on the top of 意为“在上”。例如: There is a bird on the top of the house. 房顶上有一只鸟。8. point out point out意为“指出”,是“动词+副词”结构,人称代词作宾语时应放在动词之后、副词之前。例如:There is a mistake in this sentence. Can you point it out?这个句子有一处错误,你能把它指出来吗?He pointed out the woman from these photos.他从这些照片中指出了那个女子。【拓展】(1)point作不及物动词,意为“指;指向”,常与介词at,to,towards等连用,表示“指向某位置或方向”。例如:She pointed at me, laughing.她指着我笑。(2)point作可数名词,意为“点;要点”。例如:Lets discuss the difficult points in the passage.让我们讨论一下文中的难点。词汇精练 .英汉互译。 1. 指出_ 2. at the top of _ 3. a waste of time _ 4.wake sb. up _ 5. 占据(时间或空间)_ 6. be famous for_ 7. time off _ 8. 看起来像_ 9. notany more_ 10. 最后_. 根据首字母提示补全单词。 1. We are spending some time o _in Los Angeles. 2. The t _is very busy in the morning, so wed better drive slower. 3. I have p_ you more than three times. 4. Standing on the top of the mountain, we can see the w _city clearly. 5. There are less and less p _in the nature because of the environmental pollution.6. Dont push; you should p_ the door if you want to open it.7. This is the only p_ if you want to get to the top of the hill.8. I am t_; I want to drink some water.9. The accident was caused by h_ error.10. She can h_ speak French because she didnt study it. 用括号中单词的正确形式填空。 1. Lets _ (walk) along the river. 2. Why not _ (say) goodbye? 3. I saw some boys _ (play) in the playground just now. 4. Its fantastic _ (see) the city from the top. 5. They dont allow people _ (swim) in the lake. 6. I remember _ (turn off) the light in my bedroom. But I dont know why it is on again. 7. We should speak to the old man _ (polite). 8The elderly always _(wake) up early in the morning 9. Its hard work_ ( print) everything on time. 10. The _ (leaf) turn green in spring.IV. 选词填空。 1. Walk around the lake and go_(cross, across) the bridge, youll find Bai Ta. 2. I was told to look after_(me, myself) last weekend.3. Wu Guangzong_(discovered, found)
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