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Section Writing英文海报写作技法指导英文海报通常含有通知性,所以主题应该明确,一目了然。它还包含广告的某些特点,要求内容简明扼要,形式新颖美观。1明确海报的类型明确你要写的海报是活动宣传、招聘广告还是人物介绍。2把握海报的语言特点海报要求用最少的文字包含最多的信息,以起到醒目的效果,因此海报多用省略句、缩略语、短语表达。3突出海报的重要信息为进一步增强海报的醒目性,一些重要信息常常被分行突出,并且在其前面用粗点、星号等特殊符号加以强调,有时还配有图片以增加吸引力。4掌握各种海报的写作要求(1)写活动宣传的海报时,可以先介绍要宣传的活动,再写活动的时间、地点、目的、活动安排以及主办单位等。(2)写招聘广告时要先介绍要招聘的职位,然后写对求职者的要求等。(3)写人物介绍的海报时,可以先把要介绍的人物的名字放在显要位置,然后依次介绍该人物的出生时间、出生地点、特殊技能等,再简单介绍该人物所从事的事业等。1活动宣传类(1)开头语:第一句话用来交代活动的内容和时间Well have a show/football match on July 16th.There is a piece of news that well hold a.活动地点时间.is holding活动地点时间We hope to raise money to help the poor children.(2)正文:交代活动的地点及其他相关内容The match will be wonderful.All the clothes are low in price but high in quality.You can buy tickets in.,and the price is 2 yuan for each.By then,some new clothes are even 50% off.If you spend more than 100 yuan at one time,you can get a present.Call Lily at 51542636 or email.(3)结束语:用一些鼓励性语言激发读者的兴趣Please come and cheer for them.I hope you dont miss it.All are warmly welcome.Catch the chance,or you will regret.Sign up and have a good time.2招聘广告类Would you like to be a(n).?If your answer is “Yes”,we have a job for you as a(n).You are required to.You can get.per hour/day/month.You should:have.years of work experience./be able to speak.and use./be kind/easygoing /friendly/patient/strict/careful/.Please call.if you want to.满分佳作构建许多人都在学习英语,但一些人不知道怎么更好地学习英语。请你以“How to improve English”为题写一篇海报,告知你的同学如何提升英语学习的质量。提升如下:1英语是一门语言,因此我们需要每天都花时间练习。2利用能利用的机会学习英语。3词汇学习很重要。4课堂上和课外怎么做很重要。.对接单元词汇1vocabulary n词汇;词汇量2gradually adv. 逐步地;逐渐地3native adj. 本国的;本地的4play a part in 扮演一个角色;参与.巧用单元句式、语法(一)完成句子1我们需要每天花费时间去学习英语。We should spend time learning English every day.(spend的用法)2那就是我们每天要花时间练习它的原因。Thats why we should take some time to practice it.(thats why;thats because)3词汇对英语来说很重要。Vocabulary is very necessary to English.4遇到新单词,我们应该从词典中查出来。When we meet with new words,we should look up them in the dictionary.5尽力去做我们上面提到的内容。Try our best to do the things that we have mentioned above.(二)句式升级6We should use every chance to do that.(make use of)We should make full use of every opportunity to do that.7用省略结构改写句4。When meeting with new words,we should look up them in the dictionary. 8用名词性从句改写句5。Try to do what weve mentioned above. 【参考范文】How to improve EnglishEnglish is one language,thats why we should take some time to practice it.To begin with,we should make full use of every opportunity to do that,such as reading English novels,chatting with native English speakers.In addition,vocabulary plays an important part in English,so we should gradually enrich it in our daily life.In our class,we should take notes of what our teachers emphasize;after class,we should go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully.When meeting with new words,we look up them in the dictionary.Try to do what weve mentioned above and you can make great progress.
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