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国际交流英语视听说国际交流英语视听说 Unit 3 Fascinating Planet Book 3 B | Sherry: How about over here? Lara: Sure, that looks like a nice table. Sherry: I saw the most interesting TV show last night. Lara: Really? What was it about? Sherry: This cool place in MadagascarI dont remember the name, but its a national park. Lara: Does it have lemurs? Sherry: Yep, there are lemurs. In fact, lemurs are one of the few kinds of animals that can live there because the place is so pointy. Lara: The place is pointy?! To be continued Listening 1 Sherry: It really is! Patron: Oh, excuse me. Lara: No problem. Sherry: Its all limestone, and over time, the stones eroded and formed thousands of sharp peaks and very deep cracks and canyons its just incredible. Lara: Wow! It sounds fascinating. Sherry: It really is! You should watch it if you get the chance. I think theyre showing it again on Thursday night. Lara: Sorry . I need to get this. Its my daughter. Sherry: Thats OK. Lara: Thanks. Hello? Listening 1 Lara: OK, its starting. Narrator: Journey to the Tsingy de Bemaraha Madagascars unseen paradise. Doreen: Mom . whats this? Narrator: Located in the western part of Madagascar, the Tsingy de Bemaraha is hometo some of the rarestspecies on Earth. Lara: Its a show that my friend told me about. I really want to watch it. Doreen, could you close that window? To be continued Listening 1 Doreen: Sure . Mom, I think Im going to take a walk. Lara: All right. Narrator: Plants and animals are protected here; first, because the Tsingy is a national park, but more importantly because its almost impossible for people to go there. The name of the park means, “place where one cannot walk barefoot”, and in fact, you need more than a good pair of shoes to enter the Tsingy. The stone peaks at the top are almost as sharp as knives. Down below in the deep canyons, there are caves and water to deal with. This is no place for the casual tourist. On the other hand, this dramatic landscape is an advantage for the plants and animals that live in the Tsingy. Here white lemurs can easily jump from peak to peak, looking for trees in the canyons below and eating leaves. Insects, lizards, and frogs live here, too, To be continued Listening 1 and all of them are free from the effects of human beings. Lara: Youre back already? Doreen: Yeah. Its raining. Narrator: In other ways, however, the lack of people visiting the Tsingy is a problem. Tourism was once a very important part of Madagascars economy, but political violence and other problems now keep many tourists away, and in the Tsingy, the rock formations are simply too difficult for most tourists to reach. Without tourists, there is a lack of money coming into the region. That means little money for research, so scientists arent sure how climate change, for example, is affecting the Tsingy . There is still much to learn about this fascinating place. Listening 1 An Informal Conversation Woman: We should make some decisions about our vacation trip. August is only three months away. Man: OK. How do you like my idea? I think avacation in New Zealand would be great! Woman: Well, I think New Zealand is probably a beautiful place. But there isnt much to do there besides go hiking. Thats not something I want to do every day for two weeks. After all, Im constantly on the go when Im at home. Man: We wouldnt do it every day. We could definitely plan to relax on the beach for part of the time. Listening 2 To be continued Woman: But its winter in New Zealand in August. Thats one of the coldest months. Man: Oh, right. But lets keep New Zealand as an option. Lets either go to New Zealand or to Australia. Woman: All right. Ill try to keep an open mind, but Ive been thinking a lot about Australia. There are a lot of things to do there, so we could find a nice balancesome hiking for you and some golf for me. Man: Can you play golf in Australia in August? Woman: Sure, you can. In fact, they even have some winter golf specials, so prices are better. Man: Thats nice, but golf specials shouldnt be the basis of our decision about where to go. Listening 2 To be continued Woman: All right. Then what should be the basis of our decision? Man: Well, um, things like beautiful scenery scenery that we never see here in Japan. Woman: I know, youre thinking about the Tongariro National Park again, arent you? I know it looked cool in the movies, but we have plenty of volcanoes right here in Japan. Man: Its not, its not just volcanoes, though . Listen to this. “The park features native bird species including the rare blue duck, a bird known by the Maori name kaka, and the New Zealand robin, which seems to have no fear as it hops around the boots of hikers.” I guess they must not see human beings as a threat. Oh, and there are interesting towns at the edges of the park, like National Park Village. Maybe we could stay there for a night or two, if we go. Listening 2 To be continued Woman: Hmmm. That does sound pre
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