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1 Downton-Abbey-0101 00:00.00 炉火还旺吗 Is your fire still in? 00:02.54 仆人们的早餐摆好了吗 Have you laid the servants hall breakfast? 00:05.11 炉子擦亮了吗 And finished blacking that stove? 00:07.72 卧室的炉火呢 What about the bedroom fires? 都生好了 帕特莫太太 All lit, Mrs Patmore. 好的 带上家什 Right, well, take your things 去把底楼的火也生了 and get started on the fires on the ground floor. 00:15.81 黛西 你蜷在那儿做什么 Daisy, whatever are you doing there, 黑灯瞎火的 crouching in the dark? 你不在 我也不想用 You werent here and I didnt like to touch 脏手去拉窗帘 the curtains with me dirty hands. 00:24.14 说得没错 Well, quite right, too. -你怎么不开灯 -我不敢 - Why didnt you put the lights on? - I darent. 电又不是什么牛鬼蛇神 Well, its electricity and not the devils handiwork. 00:31.77 人家斯凯尔顿庄园连厨房都通上电了 At Skelton Park, theyve even got it in the kitchens. 为什么呀 What for? 00:36.81 把板子准备好 报纸一来就可以熨了 Get the board out so you can do them as soon as theyre here. 00:41.95 书房收拾妥当了吗 Is the library tidy? 收拾好了 休斯太太 Yes, Mrs Hughes. 00:45.57 你是要生火 又不是钻木取火 Youre building a fire, not inventing it. 还剩几个了 How many have you done? 主人下楼前最后一个了 This is me last till they come downstairs. 00:52.99 -他们起来了 -片刻不得消停 - And theyre off. - No rest for the wicked. 00:56.85 是玛丽小姐 茶盘备好了吗 Lady Mary. Are the tea trays ready? 都准备好了 帕特莫太太 All ready, Mrs Patmore. 01:01.48 先熨泰晤士报 他早餐时只读这份 Do The Times first, he only reads that at breakfast. 再是夫人的每日见闻报 And the Sketch for her ladyship. 01:07.03 -为什么还要熨报纸 -关你什么事 - Why are their papers ironed? - Whats it to you? 为了让油墨干透 傻丫头 To dry the ink, silly. 怎能让老爷的手弄得和你一样脏呢 We wouldnt want his lordships hands to be as black as yours. 2 01:15.64 -老爷更衣完毕 -威廉 - His lordships dressed. - William! 别聊天了 把这盘鱼蛋烩饭端上去 Will you stop talking and take this kedgeree up. 小心下面还烧着火呢 And mind the burners are still lit. 01:23.78 安娜告诉我的时候 When Anna told me, 我还以为她说梦话呢 I thought she must have dreamt it. 01:27.31 你妈妈认识阿斯特一家 至少认识他本人 Your mother knows the Astors, at least she knows him. 我们上个月还和罗斯小姐共进晚餐 We dined with Lady Rothes last month. 势必还有其他熟人 There are bound to be others. 01:34.68 没有高不可攀的山峰 Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it, 也没有永不翻沉的船 so every ship is unsinkable until it sinks. 01:41.47 -夫人醒了吗 -醒了 老爷 - Is her ladyship awake? - Yes, my lord. -我这就去把早餐端来 -谢了 - Im just going to take in her breakfast. - Thank you. 01:46.39 真是惨到无以言表 Its too awful for any words. 阿斯特逃过一劫了吗 Did J.J. Astor get off? 他的新婚妻子肯定获救了 Of course that new wife of his is bound to have been rescued. 01:56.18 谢谢 奥布瑞恩 先就这样吧 Thank you, OBrien. Thatll be all for the moment. 02:00.38 我叫约翰贝茨 是新来的男仆 Im John Bates, the new valet. -新来的男仆 -没错 - The new valet? - Thats right. 02:06.00 毕竟没有正式订婚 After all, it wasnt official. 02:09.62 阁楼上有几个内衬雪松木的衣柜 Theres some cedar-lined cupboards in the attic 摆放不常穿着的服装 for things that arent often worn, 以及旅行装束等 travelling clothes and such. 02:16.08 沃特森先生把换季衣物都收在那里 Mr Watson used them to rotate the summer and winter stuff. 迟些带你去看 Ill show you later. 02:22.03 没有特别交代就呈给他挑选 Lay them out unless he asks for something in particular. 这些是舞会用的 These for a ball, 家常便餐时用这些 these for an ordinary dinner, 这些只在伦敦用 these only in London. 02:30.16 奇珍异宝触手可及 The way we live with all this pirates hoard within our reach. 02:35.68 就不能等确定他们遇难了 Cant we at least wait until we know theyre dead 再讨论这件事 before we discuss it? 别说得好像我铁石心肠一样 我也很伤心 Dont talk as if Im not brokenhearted, because I am. 3 02:43.82 老夫人到了 在客厅里 The Dowager Countess is in the drawing room. 02:47.61 但这由老爷您决定 But your lordship will be the judge of that. 02:52.03 他像极了他母亲 He was too like his mother 一刻也不让人安生 and a nastier woman never drew breath. 02:57.40 我记得我从没见过他 I have never to my knowledge set eyes on him. 可要不是已故的老伯爵 Of course, if your late husband hadnt 逼着我签字 侵吞我的财产 forced me to sign that absurd act of legal theft. 03:05.78 现在一个陌生人将有权处置我的财产 Now, a complete unknown has the right to pocket my money 还有这份家业 along with the rest of the swag. 03:12.24 彻底打破对继承权的限制 The entail must be smashed in its entirety 让玛丽成为继承人 and Mary recognised as heiress of all. 03:21.69 唐顿是一所了不起的庄园 贝茨先生 Downton is a great house, Mr Bates. 卡劳利同样也是了不起的家族 And the Crawleys are a great family. 03:27.43 我们日常起居有规有矩 We live by certain standards 这些规矩起初令人望而生畏 and those standards can at first seem daunting. 应该的 Of course. 03:34.60 如果你面见大人时感到拘谨不安 If you find yourself tongue-tied in the presence of his lordship, 那么他的礼仪和风范 I can only assure you that his manners and grace 03:42.64 我只想来跟老战友打个招呼 I just want to say a quick hello to my old comrade in arms. 03:47.30 一盘肉饼总能端得动 I suppose he can lift a meat pie. 去把苹果馅饼放进烤箱下层 Now, put that apple tart in the lower oven. 03:53.78 -这是什么 -草酸氢钾 - What is it? - Salt of Sorrel. 我要来擦铜壶用的 I asked him for some to clean the brass pots. 03:59.73 食物准备得也太多了吧 Seems like a lot of food 他们可是正在服丧 when you think theyre all in mourning. 04:05.01 我姐姐走的时候 愿她安息 When my sister died, God rest her soul, 我一口气吃了四盘三明治 I ate my way through four platefuls of sandwiches at one sitting 然后睡了整整 12 个小时 a
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