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,Unit 2 Working the land,【话题词汇】 1. provide v. 提供 2. lack v. &n. 缺少 3. waste v. 浪费 4. recommend v. 推荐 5. decline v. 减少 6. hit v. 产生不良影响 7. worsen v. 恶化,8. energy-saving adj. 节省能源的 9. annual adj. 每年的 10. severe adj. 严重的 11. shortage n. 短缺 12. crisis n. 危机 13. ecology n. 生态学 14. be concerned about 关心 15. due to 由于 16. deal with 解决 17. call on 号召,【经典语篇】 古话说: 民以食为天。目前, 不少地方土地干旱, 粮食短缺问题依然是急需解决的问题。请以“Food Shortage”为题, 写一篇120个词左右的英语短文。 要求: 1. 介绍现在的饥荒状况; 2. 说明其原因; 3. 应当采取的措施。,Food Shortage 总述主题As we know, food shortage has hit many countries and even caused social unrest in some areas. 说明原因But what has caused the current world food crisis? Firstly, annual world grain output has declined because of climate change. Secondly, lots of farmland has given way to factories and buildings due to the rapid development of industry and urbanization. Besides, faced with the rising energy prices, some people use grain for biofuel, which has worsened the severe situation.,具体措施How can we deal with the problem? On the one hand, we should focus on the environmental protection and improve the ecology. On the other hand, strict measures should be taken to protect farmland. 展望未来If the whole world works together, more food will be produced and we can create a harmonious world.,【厚积薄发】 . 完成句子 (1)许多非洲人民正遭受缺粮之苦。 Many people in Africa are suffering from _ food. (2)政府倡导我们开展“光盘行动”。 The government _ us to carry out the“Cleaning Your Plates”campaign.,lack of,calls on,. 句型转换 (1)用分词短语改写句。 _ _ (2)根据句式仿写。 一方面我们应该对外开放, 另一方面我们应该发展农业经 济。 _ _,As we know, food shortage has hit many countries, even,causing social unrest in some areas.,On the one hand, we should be open to the outside, and on the,other hand we should develop agricultural economy.,. 单词分类记忆 【核心单词】不可不记 1. _(vi. 聚焦,struggle,therefore,regret,focus,5. _(vt. ) 减少; 减缩 6. _(n. ) 评论; 议论 (vi. 观察, 观测,reduce,comment,confuse,confusing,confused,confusion,equip,equipment,export,import,discovery,discover,【高频单词】不可不知 11. _(n. ) 十年; 十年期 12. _(n. ) 产量; 输出 13. _(n. ) 自由; 自主 14. _(vt. 打扰,decade,output,freedom,expand,disturbing,disturbed,disturb,. 短语双语互译 1. 幸亏; 由于, 因为 _ 2. 使摆脱或除去 _ 3. 宁愿; 宁可 _ 4. 逐渐增强; 建立; 开发 _ 5. 对感到满意 _ 6. 导致; 造成(后果) _ 7. focus on _ 8. keep. . . free from/of _ _,thanks to,rid. . . of,would rather,build up,be satisfied with,lead to,集中(注意力、精力等)于,使免受(影响、伤害等); 使,不含(有害物),语境取词选用上面的单词或短语填空 _(幸亏)his _(努力)for _(数十年), grain _(产量)of their village has been rising without _(扩大)the area of the fields. The _(让人烦 心的)hunger problem was at last solved. The old village head _(一直集中精力 于)_ all the villagers _(使摆脱)poverty. In order to _(逐步建立)the factory of their village, he _ _(宁可减少)everyday expenses.,Thanks to,struggle,decades,output,expanding,disturbing,has been focusing on,ridding,of,build up,would,rather reduce,. 句型超级仿写 1. if so状语从句的省略形式 _(如果这样的话), what did you do to grow them? 【仿写】如果是这样, 我相信我已经解决了你的问题。 _,If so,If so, I believe I have solved your problem.,2. the+序数词+名词+动词不定式. . . In 1973, he became _ _(世界上第一位种植水稻的农业先锋)that has a high output. 【仿写】刘洋是第一位在太空逗留过的中国女性。 Liu Yang is _ in space.,the first agricultural pioneer in the world,to grow rice,the first Chinese female to have stayed,3. make it +adj. +动词不定式 This special strain of rice _(使生 产成为可能)20% more of the crop in the same fields. 【仿写】大雨使得运动会不可能如期举行。 The heavy rain _ _on time.,makes it possible to produce,made it impossible for the sports meeting to,be held,4. 倍数+as. . . as Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests _ _(是以前的两倍多). 【仿写】我弟弟比你高一倍。 _,twice as,large as before,My brother is twice as tall as your sister.,5. would rather do. . . He _ much _(宁愿做)keep time for his hobbies. 【仿写】我宁愿走路而不愿意坐公共汽车。 _,would,rather,I would rather walk than take a bus.,【重点单词】 1. struggle vi. 努力 【填一填 激活思维】 We still have to _ _ all kinds of difficulties. 我们仍得和各种各样的困难作斗争。 In 1862 the American slaves won their _ _ freedom. 1862年美国奴隶赢得了争取自由的斗争。,struggle,against/with,struggle,for,【记一记 构建知识】 struggle for 为争取而斗争 struggle against 与斗争;
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