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Unit 2 Get off the sofa!,1. thanks to 多亏;幸亏;归功于 【点拨】thanks to相当于because of,意为“多亏;幸亏;归功于”,用来引出好的结果。 另外,thanks to也可表示“由于;全怪”,用来引出不好的结果。如: Thanks to the heavy traffic, I was late for school. 都怪交通太拥挤,我上学迟到了。,【延伸】thanks for意为“因而感谢”,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。如: Thanks for inviting me to your tea party. 感谢你邀请我参加你的茶会。,2. at least 至少 【点拨】at least意为“至少”,其对应词组为at most,意为“最多”。如: We have learnt at least 3,000 words till now. 到现在我们已经学了至少三千个单词了。 We can stay here for two days at most. 我们最多能在这儿待两天。,3. say no/yes to. 向说不/行 【点拨】say no/yes to.意为“向说不/行”,即“拒绝/同意”。如: Did you say yes to her invitation? 你接受她的邀请了吗? Their offer was so good that I couldnt say no. 他们提出的条件很好,我无法拒绝。,4. get v. 得到;到达;变成;收到 【点拨】get的常见含义及用法归纳如下: (1)意为“得到;获得”。如: Where did you get the book? 你在哪里得到这本书的? (2)意为“到达”。如: Lets see who gets there first. 让我们看看谁第一个到达那里。,(3)作为连系动词,后接形容词,表示“变成;变得”。如: The weather gets warmer, and the days get longer. 天气变得越来越暖和了,白天也变得越来越长了。 (4)意为“收到”。如: I got a letter from Tom this morning. 今天早上我收到了汤姆的来信。,(5)get的过去分词got与have构成have got=have,意为“拥有;有”(口语中常用)。如: Ive got a headache. 我头痛。 (6)“get+名词(代词)+形容词”表示“弄得;搞得”。如: Dont get your hands dirty. 不要把你的手弄脏。,【延伸】get的相关短语归纳如下: (1)get up意为“起床”。如: We get up at six thirty in the morning. 我们早上6:30起床。 (2)get in意为“收获;收割”。如: They are getting in the crops. 他们正在收割庄稼。,(3)get back意为“取回”。如: I must get it back from him. 我必须从他那里取回它。 (4)get into意为“进”。如: Women and children were the first to get into the lifeboats. 妇女和儿童最先进入救生船。,(5)get in ones way意为“挡了某人的去路”。如: If he knocks into someone, or someone gets in his way, he says “Excuse me” or “Im sorry”. 如果他撞了某个人或某个人挡了他的去路,他会说“不好意思”或“对不起”。 (6)get off意为“下车;从下来”。如: The conductor got off and checked the rails. 售票员从车上下来,检查了铁轨。,(7)get on意为“上车”。如: An old woman is getting on the bus. 一位老妇人正在上公交车。 (8)get on well with意为“与相处融洽”。如: I can get on well with the people here. 我能和这里的人相处融洽。,(9)get out意为“离开;出去”。如: She got out and the thankful mother joined her children in the lifeboat. 她出去了,心怀感激的母亲和她的孩子们一起进了救生船。 (10)get ready for意为“为做好准备”。如: They are getting ready for the next year. 他们在为来年做准备。,(11)get rid of意为“除掉;去掉”。如: The bosses knew that Joe was the soul of the strike and decided to get rid of him. 老板们知道乔是罢工的核心,决定除掉他。 (12)get to know意为“认识”。如: When did you get to know Jack? 你什么时候认识杰克的?,It is even thought that in the future more and more people will celebrate their hundredth birthdays. 甚至据说在将来,有越来越多的人将会庆祝他们的百岁生日。 【点拨】此句句型为:It is thought+that从句,意为“据称;据说;据认为”。这是被动语态,用于主语不明确时。如: It is thought that he is the best player. 人们认为他是最好的演奏家。,【注意】当从句是“主系表”结构时,该句型可转换成另一种句式。如: It is thought that he is the best player. He is thought to be the best player.,【延伸】类似的句式还有: (1)It is said that.意为“据说”。如: It is said that honesty is the best policy. 人们说诚实是上策。 (2)It is supposed that.意为“据说”。如: Its supposed that our headmaster will go to Beijing next week. 据说校长下周要去北京。,(3)It is expected that.意为“预计”。如: Its expected that the war will end soon. 预计战争不久就会结束。 (4)It is reported that.意为“据报道”。如: It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit. 据报道又有一颗卫星上天了。,(5)It is believed that.意为“人们相信/我们都相信”。如: Its believed that he is the best player on the school team. 人们相信他就是校队最好的选手。,
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