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名著欣赏构建读写新课程,提升英语阅读素养,探索构建名著阅读课程体系,探索学科拓展新路径。 The Sound of Music (extract),音乐之声(The Sound of Music),是一部改编自 玛丽亚冯崔普(Maria von Trapp) 的著作崔普家 庭演唱团(The Story of the Trapp Family Singers) 的戏剧作品。最初以音乐剧的形式于百老汇上演, 之后被改编成电影,位居北美电影史票房榜第三名, 同时也是史上最卖座的歌舞片。,(In front of the Von Trapps house,Maria wonders at its grandeur.She knocks at the door.A man appears.) M:Hello,here I am!Im from the convent.Im the new governess,Captain. Franz:And Im your butler,Fraulein. M:Oh,well,how do you do? Hmm. Franz:Wait here,please. (While waiting,Maria enters a hall.It is such a magnificent hall,that she cant help dancing.The Captain appears.) Captain (Short for C):Why do you stare at me that way?,M:Well,you dont look at all like a sea captain,sir. C:Im afraid you dont look much like a governess.Turn around,please. M:What? C:Turn.Hat off.Its the dress.You have to put on another one before you meet the children. M:But I dont have another one.When we enter the abbey,our worldly clothes are given to the poor. C:What about this one? M:The poor didnt want this one.,C:Hmm. M:I would have made myself a new dress but there wasnt time.I can make my own clothes. C:Well,Ill see that you get some material.Today,if possible.Now,Fraulein.er. M:Maria. C:Fraulein Maria,I dont know how much the Mother has told you? M:Not much. C:Youre the twelfth in a long line of governesses,who have come to look after my children since their mother died.I trust that you will be an improvement on the last one.She stayed only two hours.,M:Whats wrong with the children,sir? C:There was nothing wrong with the children,only the governesses. They were completely unable to maintain discipline.Without it,the house cannot be properly run.Please remember that,Fraulein. M:Yes,sir. C:Every morning you will drill the children in their studies.I will not permit them to dream away their summer holidays.Each afternoon they will march about the ground,breathing deeply.Bedtime is to be strictly observed.No exceptions. M:Excuse me,sir.When do they play?,C:Youll see to it that they conduct themselves at all time with the utmost orderliness and decorum.Im placing you in command. M:Yes,sir. (Captain blows his whistle.After slamming of doors,the children appear on the terrace in a line,and then walk down one by one.) C:Now,this is your new governess,Fraulein Maria.As I sound your signals,you will step forward and give your name.You,Fraulein,will listen carefully.Learn their signal so you can call them when you want them. Liesl:Liesl.,Frederick:Frederick. Louisa:Louisa. Kurt:Kurt. Bargitta:Bargitta. Marta:Marta. (The youngest girl steps forward.) C:And Gretl.Now,lets see how well you listened. M:Oh,I wont need to whistle for them,Reverend Captain.I mean,Ill use their names.And such lovely names.,C:Fraulein,this is a large house.The grounds are very extensive.I will not have anyone shouting.You will take this,please.Learn to use it.The children will help you.Now,when I want you,this is what you will hear. M:No,sir.Im sorry,sir.I could never answer to a whistle.Whistles are for dogs and cats and other animals but not for children and definitely not for me.It would be too humiliating. C:Fraulein,were you this much trouble at the abbey? M:Oh,much more,sir. C:Hmm. M:Excuse me,sir,I dont know your signal.,C:You may call me Captain. (Captain leaves.) M:At ease.Well now that theres just us.Would you please tell me what are your names again and how old you are? Liesl:Im Liesl.Im sixteen years old and I dont need a governess. M:Well,Im glad you told me,Liesl.Well just be good friends. Frederick:Im Frederick.Im fourteen.Im impossible. M:Really? Who told you that,Frederick? Frederick:Fraulein Josephine.Four governesses ago. Louisa:Im Bargitta.,M:You didnt tell me how old you are,Louisa. Bargitta:Im Bargitta,shes Louisa.Shes thirteen years old and youre smart.Im ten and I think your dress is the ugliest one I ever saw. Kurt:Bargitta,you shouldnt say that. Bargitta:Why not? Dont you think its ugly? Kurt:Of course,but Fraulein Helders was ugliest.Im Kurt.Im eleven.Im incorrigible. M:Congratulations! Kurt:Whats incorrigible?,M:I think it means you wont be treated like a boy. Marta:Im Marta and Im going to be seven on Tuesday.And Id like a pink parasol. M:Well,pink is my favorite color,too.Yes,youre Gretl,and youre five years old? My,youre practically a lady!Now I have to tell you a secret.Ive never been a governess before. Louisa:You mean you dont know anything about being a governess? M:Nothing.Ill need lots of advice. Louisa:Well,the best way to start is to be sure to tell father to mind his own business.,Frederick:You must never come to dinner on time. Bargitta:Never eat your soup quietly. Kurt:And during dessert always blow your nose. Gretl:Dont believe a word they say,Fraulein Maria. M:Oh,why not? Gretl:Because I like you. Frau Schmidt:All right now,children!Outside for your walk.Fathers orders.Now,hurry up!Hurry up!Quick,Quick.Fraulein Maria
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