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My holiday,our slogan,I enjoy learning English. I enjoy speaking English. I enjoy making mistakes. I enjoy losing face.,learn Chinese,ed,sing and dance,sang and danced,take pictures,took pictures,eat good food,ate good food,climb a mountain,climb a mountain,ed,Childrens Day,May Day,National Day,Holiday,Free talk,?,What do you usually do on your holiday?,I usually take pictures/climb mountains.,take pictures,eat good food,sing and dance,learn English,What does he usually do on his holiday?,What do they usually do on their holiday?,?,What did you do on your holiday?,I _ on my holiday.,?,What did you do on your holiday?,took pictures,I _ on my holiday.,?,What did you do on your holiday?,ate good food,I _ on my holiday.,?,climbed a mountain,I _ on my holiday.,What did you do on your holiday?,?,sang and danced,I _ on my holiday.,What did you do on your holiday?,?,learned Chinese,I _ on my holiday.,What did you do on your holiday?,mountain,climb a mountain,I climbed a mountain on holiday.,climbed a mountain,A:What did you do on your holidays? B:I took pictures.,take pictures,took pictures,The Great Wall,eat good food,ate good food,ate good food,climbed a mountain,took pictures,Practice,The Great Wall,learned Chinese,learn Chinese,A: What did he do on his holiday? B:He learned Chinese.,dance,sing,sang,danced,A: What did they do on their holiday? B:They sang and danced.,learn Chinese,learned Chinese,sing and dance,sang and danced,take pictures,took pictures,eat good food,ate good food,climb a mountain,climbed a mountain,What did you do on your holiday?,在假期里你做什么了?,I,ate good food.,climbed a mountain.,learned Chinese.,took pictures.,sang and danced.,Game:,ate good food,sang and danced,took pictures,learned Chinese,What did he do on his holiday?,climbed a mountain,Game:,took pictures,Whats missing?,sang and danced,climbed a mountain,learned Chinese,I, to, my, Shanghai, on, holiday, went, (.),I went to Shanghai on my holiday.,在假期我去上海了。,2.took, many, I, pictures, (.),I took many pictures.,我照了许多相片。,3.I, good, ate, food (.),I ate good food.,我吃美食了。,4.I, sang, Then, and, with, friends, danced, my,(.),Then I sang and danced with my friends.,然后我和我的朋友唱歌跳舞了。,5.English, I, learned, (.),I learned English.,我学习英语了。,6.was, I, happy, so, (.),I was so happy.,我非常高兴。,Its good to go hiking on your holidays. But when you eat good things , look carefully.,Where did you go on your holiday?,I went to Beijing,Where did you go on your holiday?,I went to shanghai,Where did you go on your holiday?,I went to Japan .,日本,Where did you go on your holiday?,I went to America.,美国,Where did you go on your holiday? 假期你去了哪里? I went to Xinjiang. 我去了新疆。 What did you do there? 你在那儿做了什么? I sang and danced with my friends. 和 我和我的新疆朋友唱歌跳舞了。,Lets read,Dear mom,亲爱的妈妈,,How are you?,您好吗?,Every day I had fun with my cousins.,我每天和堂兄弟们过得都很开心。,have,On Monday we went to a restaurant.,星期一我们去了一家饭店。,We ate good food.,我们吃了美食。,go,eat,On Tuesday we went to a park.,星期二我们去了公园。,We sang and danced.,我们唱歌跳舞了。,go,sing,dance,On Wednesday we played ping-pong.,星期三我们打乒乓球了。,On Thursday we climbed a mountain.,星期四我们爬山了。,We took many pictures.,我们拍了许多照片。,play,climb,take,Tomorrow Ill be back home!,明天我就要回家了。,Miss you and dad.,想念您和爸爸。,Ill=I will 我将要,Love , John,爱您的约翰。,读一读,Dear mom,亲爱的妈妈,,How are you?,您好吗?,Every day I had fun with my cousins.,我每天和堂兄弟们过得都很开心。,On Monday we went to a restaurant.,星期一我们去了一家饭店。,We ate good food.,我们吃了美食。,On Tuesday we went to a park.,星期二我们去了公园。,We sang and danced.,我们唱歌跳舞了。,On Wednesday we played ping-pong.,星期三我们打乒乓球了。,On Thursday we climbed a mountain.,星期四我们爬山了。,We took many pictures.,我们拍了许多照片。,Tomorrow Ill be back home!,明天我就要回家了。,Miss you and dad.,想念您和爸爸。,Ill=I will 我将要,Love , John,爱您的约翰。,背一背,亲爱的妈妈, 您好吗?我每天和堂兄弟们过得都很开心。星期一我们去了一家饭店。我们吃了美食。星期二我们去了公园。我们唱歌跳舞了。星期三我们打乒乓球了。星期四我们爬山了。我们拍了许多照片。明天我就要回家了。想念您和爸爸。 爱您的约翰,When was your last trip?,你去哪里了?,What did you do there?,你的上一次旅行是什么时候?,Where did you go?,你在那儿做什么了?,Finish the sentences.,(1)On Monday John . (2)On Tuesday he . (3)On Wednesday he . (4)On Thursday he . (5)On Friday he .,went to a restaurant and ate good food,went to a park and sang and danced,played ping-pong,climbed a mountain and took many pictures,will be back home,1)On Monday John,went to a restaurant .,2)On Tuesday he,went to a park.,3)On Wednesday he,played ping-pong.,4)On Thursday he,climbed a mountain.,5)On Friday he,will be back home.,Listen,tick or cross.,( )1 John had fun with his parents. ( ) 2 On Monday,he went to a cinema. ( ) 3 He went to a park on Tuesday. ( ) 4 He went swimming on Wednesday. ( ) 5 On Friday,he will be back home.,根据课文内容,选词填空。,John wrote a letter to his mom.He fun with his cousins.He to a restaurant on Monday.He good food in the restau
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