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“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线吉林省延边州2017届九年级英语下学期适应性试题英语试题共8页,包括四道大题。全卷满分100分,考试时间为100分钟。考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 答题时,考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答,在草稿纸、试题上 答题无效。一、基础知识 (20分)I.句意填词 根据所给句子意思,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。(5分)1. Teachers Day is in September, the _month of a year.2. Thanks _ the bus driver, the old man was saved by the doctor in time.3. You must hold on to your dream if you want to make it come_.4. He often tells lies, so nobody wants to make friends with _.5. Hello! May I speak to Mr. Green? Sorry, he is not in. May I take a _for him?II单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(15分)6. Do you like to play _ tennis? No, I dont. I like to play _ guitar.A. a, the B. the, / C. /, the 7. Is this your English book? No, it isnt. It _ be Mikes, it has his name on it. A. may B. must C. might8. Its snowing outside! Put on more clothes, _ you may catch a cold.A. or B. but C. and 9. Its twelve oclock at night, but my father has not come back from work _.A. already B. never C. yet10. Its cold today, I cant stand it. I cant, either. But the radio says it will be even _ tomorrow.A. cold B. colder C. the coldest 11. Where is Linda? I cant find her anywhere. She _ the flowers in the garden.A. waters B. watered C is watering 12. _ great news it is! Well have a school trip next week.A. What a B. What C. How13. Helen has two brothers. _ of them likes chocolate. But she loves it.A. Neither B. Both C. Each 14. Tom was not listening carefully, so he failed to hear _.A. what the teacher said B. what did the teacher say C. what does the teacher say15. Oh, dear ! Your room is in such a mess. Sorry, mum . Ill _at once.A. put it up B. look it up C. clean it up16. The soup tastes wonderful but I need some carrots _ it more tasty. A. make B. to make C. making 17. Chinese New Year _ the Spring Festival which is the biggest festival in China. A. is called B. called C. was called 18. The woman _ is singing on the TV show is our English teacher. A. who B. which C. whose19. You dance so well. _ do you take dancing lessons? I go to dancing lessons twice a week. A. How long B. How many C. How often 20. Would you please help me do the dishes, John? _, Im busy cleaning my room.A. Youre welcome. B. Im sorry. C. It doesnt matter.二、交际运用(共15分)III.完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)(5分)A. What time would you choose?B. Id like the seats in Row Twelve.C. Thanks for calling.D. How many tickets do you want?E. Yes, sure.F. Id like to book(预定) movie tickets for tomorrow afternoon.Booking Clerk: Hello, this is Wanda Cinema. What can I do for you?Customer: 21 My booking card number is 879623059.Booking Clerk: Could you tell me what movie youd like to watch?Customer: Beauty and the Beast.Booking Clerk: We have Beauty and the Beast at 16:00, 18:00 and 20:00, 22 Customer: Id like the movie beginning at 18:00.Booking Clerk: All right. 23 Customer: Two.Booking Clerk: We have only 10 seats left now. They are in Row Two and Row Twelve.Customer: Let me see. 24 What are the numbers?Booking Clerk: They are No.3 and No.5.Customer: OK. Thats it.Booking Clerk: So, well leave the two tickets for you. Please remember to take the tickets half an hour before the movie begins.Customer: No problem.Booking Clerk: 25 See you.Customer: See you.IV. 补全对话 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。(每空词数不限)(10分)Mei Hua: Hi, Wei Hao, you look upset. 26 ?Wei Hao: I played football with my friends and hurt my arm yesterday.Mei Hua: 27 . Have you seen a doctor?Wei Hao: Yes. The doctor said that it wasnt serious. I didnt need any medicine.Mei Hua: Thank goodness. Then can you write with your hand now?Wei Hao: Its too hard for me. I think I am going to 28 the final exam next month.Mei Hua: Dont worry. Lie down and 29 for a few days, youll feel better soon.Wei Hao: You know, the final exam is coming. What should I do?Mei Hua: 30 . I can help you.Wei Hao: Its very friendly of you to do so.三、阅读(共45分)V. 短文填空 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)(10 分)A. question B. tell C. suggestions D. an E. other F. easily G. but H. about I. happens J. better K. Include L. whatJames is a good student and he has lots of friends, but he also has a problem. Some older boys are bullying(欺负) him. James is very unhappy and he d
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