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“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线Unit 4 What would you do? 第四课时Section B 3a-self checkLearning Goals:In this lesson, the students will learn to use Second Conditional to talk about imaginary situations. The teacher should be sure that the Ss can use the right tense structure in the Second Conditional to finish a personality survey and write a reply to an e-mail from Fran. By doing the personality survey and the writing practice, the Ss can find out their own and their friends real personalities and get to know how to get along with others better.Teaching and learning steps:Step I. PreviewAsk the Ss to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the Ss to put them into English orally, then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks.1.个性调查 _2.非常自信 _3.社会情境 _4.一点也不 _5.惹恼别人 _6.大量朋友 _7.喜欢别人的陪伴 _8.与相处 _9.而不是 _10.宁愿做而不做 _11.有一小圈好朋友 _12.一个非常重要的演讲比赛 _13.代表我们班 _14.使失望 _15.想出解决人们问题的好办法_16.剩余的学生 _Ask the Ss to translate the following sentences.1.你的朋友可能会说你容易相处。_2.你宁愿在家里读本书也不愿意去参加聚会。_(设计说明:本部分词组和句子为学生的预习作业,词组和句子都是本节课的重要语言知识,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的性的预习。同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)Step II.Review and lead in1. First, ask the Ss if they are sure of their friendss and their own personalities. Give the Ss time to have a small conversation like: A: What are you like? B: I think Im How about you?2. Then, have the Ss do the personality survey in 2a and count how many As, Bs and Cs they get. (设计说明:借助学生们探索自我和他人个性的好奇心里,让学生们先做个个性调查,为阅读3a 做好铺垫。)Step III. Read1.After the Ss finish the survey, ask the Ss to think about: what would the person be like if he /she answered A / B / C for most questions? See how the Ss guess the results.2.Then ask the Ss to fill in the blanks in the personality survey results in 3a with “a”, “b” or “c”.3. Let the Ss use the Personality Survey Results in3a to make sure what their friends and their own personalities are according to As, Bs, Cs theyve got.4. Give the Ss time to have a discussion about their personality survey results and see if they agree with the results in 3a and think about how it helps after they know their friends and their own personalities. After the Ss show their opinions, the teacher can have a summary:We cant judge our personalities with “good” or “bad”. Peoples personalities are comple. I think after we make sure our own and our friends personalities, we can get along better with our friends, learn from each other and help each other.(设计说明:在阅读3a前,先引导学生们依据个性调查表答案选项,尝试归纳三类人的个性,提前呈现3a内容,使学生们能更自然转入正式阅读3a。)Step IV. Summary:Inquiry into knowledge by translationChoose three sentences from the above and ask the Ss to try to summary the language rules and fill in the blanks. The Ss can help each other and have a discussion after doing the following by themselves.一、 Social situations dont bother you in the slightest._1. bother 近义词为_ 和_。其中_ 最为正式;_ 则指“打搅,使人不得安心”,但没有_那么严重;_ 是“使人心烦”的意思。(1)Pardon me for _ with such a small matter.请原谅我为这点小事麻烦你。(2)I_ by his bad manners.他的无礼使我恼怒。2. not in the slightest 意为“_”=_那位上了年纪的女士根本没感觉累。The old lady didnt feel tired _.二、 Your friends say that you are easy to get along with._get along with _=_get along well / badly with _I am sure _.我相信你一定会跟他相处地很好。三、 You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group._1.rather than=_ 意为“_”连接两个_成分,_对称。Id prefer to go in summer rather than _(在冬天)。I decided to write rather than _(打电话)。2.常用的结构有:would rather than 宁愿而不愿=would rather than前后连接两个_, 否定形式为:_
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