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“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线天津市耀华中学2017届高考英语冲刺导练(36) 【读写应用综合训练】 一、完形填空Cloze 5 政德才能立得稳、立得牢。要深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想特别是习近平总书记关于“立政德”的重要论述,深刻认识新时代立政德的重要性和紧迫性。 It was raining. I went into a caf and asked for a coffee. 21 I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place, but I sensed 22 . I saw their bodies, but I couldnt feel their souls 23 their souls belonged to the 24 . I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man 25 in front of it. “Im Steve,” he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. “I cant talk with you. Im 26 ,”he said. He was chatting online and, 27 , he was playing a computer gamea war game. I was 28 . Why didnt Steve want to talk with me? I tried 29 to speak to that computer geek (怪人), 30 not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction. I was 31 . I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, “ 32 !” I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the caf were looking at me. I 33 , and saw nobody showed any interest. 34 , I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more 35 having a relationship with the 36 , particularly Steve. I wouldnt want to 37 the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines 38 with people. I was worried and sank in my thoughts. I didnt even 39 that the coffee was bad, 40 Steve didnt notice there was a person next to him. 21. A. BeforeB. SinceC. AlthoughD. While 22. A. painB. lonelinessC. sadnessD. fear23. A. becauseB. whenC. untilD. unless24. A. homeB. worldC. NetD. Caf25. A. sleepingB. laughingC. sittingD. learning26. A. busyB. thirstyC. tiredD. sick27. A. first of allB. just thenC. at the same timeD. by that time28. A. surprisedB. delightedC. movedD. frightened29. A. onceB. againC. firstD. even30. A. butB. soC. ifD. or31. A. excitedB. respectedC. afraidD. unhappy32. A. Shut upB. Enjoy yourselfC. Leave me aloneD. Help me out33. A. walked aboutB. walked outC. raised my handD. raised my head34. A. From then onB. At that moment C. In allD. Above all35. A. interested inB. tired ofC. careful aboutD. troubled by36. A. computerB. soulC. shopD. geek37. A. tellB. planC. imagine D. design38. A. other thanB. instead ofC. except forD. as well as39. A. pretendB. understandC. insistD. realize40. A. as ifB. just asC. just afterD. even though二、阅读理解Reading Comprehension Test Reading Skills阅读理解能力 考查5 理解文章的基本结构、上下文的逻辑关系能力解析:对文章的基本结构的理解有助于深刻准确的理解文章,考查涉及语篇中的段与段、句与句的逻辑联系,即全篇文脉的把握;判断文体特征和语言风格, 推测文章出处;细节与主题的支持关系; Passage 1 How Room Designs Affect Our Work and FeelingsArchitects have long had the feeling that the places we live in can affect our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. But now scientists are giving this feeling an empirical (经验的,实证的) basis. They are discovering how to design spaces that promote creativity, keep people focused and lead to relaxation. Researches show that aspects of the physical environment can influence creativity. In 2007, Joan Meyers-Levy at the University of Minnesota, reported that the height of a rooms ceiling affects how people think. Her research indicates that higher ceilings encourage people to think more freely, which may lead them to make more abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other hand, may inspire a more detailed outlook.In additions to ceiling height, the view afforded by a building may influence an occupants ability to concentrate. Nancy Wells and her colleagues at Cornell University found in their study that kids who experienced the greatest increase in greenness as a result of a family move made the most gains on a standard test of attention.Using nature to improve focus of attention ought to pay off academically, and it seems to, according to a study led by C. Kenneth Tanner, head of the School Design & Planning Laboratory at the University of Georgia. Tanner and his team found that students in classrooms with unblocked views of at least 50 feet outside the window had higher scores on tests of vocabulary, language arts and maths than did students whose classrooms primarily overlooked roads and parking lots.Recent study on room lighting design suggests than dim (暗淡的) light helps people to loosen up. If that is true generally, keeping the light low during dinner or at parties could increase relaxation. Researchers of Harvard Medical School also discovered that furniture with rounded edges could help visitors relax.So far scientists have focused mainly on public buildings. We have a very limited number of studies, so were almost looking at the problem through a straw (吸管)
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