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Module 3 My First Ride on a Train,基础知识梳理,考点知识导练,基础知识梳理 抓主干 固双基,1. /dIstns/ n.距离adj.遥远的 . 2. /fraItn/ vt.使吃惊;惊吓n.惊吓;恐惧 adj.受惊吓的 adj.引起恐惧的 . 3. /Intvju/ n.面试;面谈n.(面试时的)主 考官 n.面试者 . 4. /bndnd/ adj.被遗弃的v.遗弃,抛弃 . 5. /prdkt/ n.产品v.生产 n.生 产 . 6. /ut/ vt.射杀(过去式/过去分词) .,distance,distant,frighten,fright,frightened,frightening,interview,interviewer,interviewee,abandoned,abandon,product,produce,production,shoot,shot/shot,7. /treIn/ vt.训练n.训练,受训 n.驯兽 师,教练 (员) . 8. /IzstId/ adj.疲惫不堪的v.使疲倦 n.精疲力竭 . 9. /dantan/ adj.商业区的;市中心的(反 义词)adj.市郊的,非商业区的 . 10. /ekspt/ n.专家 adj.专家的,内行的 11. /sinri/ n.风景;景色 12. /sermni/ n.仪式 13.cartoon /ktun/ n. . 14.event /Ivent/ n. . 15.souvenir /suvnI/ n. .,train,training,trainer,exhausted,exhaust,exhaustion,downtown,uptown,expert,scenery,ceremony,卡通;漫画,事件,纪念品,1.refer 参考,查阅;提到;指的是 2.take (飞机)起飞;脱掉 3.be short 是的缩写/简称 4. date过时 5. .any more不再 6.get 上(车);进入,陷入 7.get 下(车);出去;逃避 8. a speed of 以的速度,to,off,for,out,of,not,into,out,of,at,1. you me your ticket? 把你的票给我看看好吗? 2.Where most of the people live,in the central part of the country or on the coast?你认为多数 人生活在哪里,在这个国家的中部还是沿海? 3.Camels were horses for travelling a long distance. 对于长途旅行来说,骆驼要比马强得多。,1.The -ed form (动词-ed形式) 2.Past tense time expressions (过去时间表达法),Would,mind,showing,do,you,think,much,better,than,考点知识导练 解疑难 提知能,1.distance n.距离;远处;远方,英文典例: I made out three figures moving . 我隐约看出远处有三个人影在移动。 Place the rod at a distance of 40mm from the light source. 把棒放在离光源40毫米的地方。(朗文P542) It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at a distance. 要了解她很难,因为她老是对每个人都保持一段距离。,in,the,distance,2.train vt.训练,英文典例: They an engineer. 他们把他培养成一名工程师。 One is that these instincts appear at a very young age before most parents have started to train their children to behave socially. (2016江苏,阅读理解B) 原因之一是这些本性在年幼时就显现出来了,而在此之前大部分父母并 没有开始培养孩子的社交行为。,trained,him,as,3.frighten vt.使吃惊;惊吓 vi.惊恐,害怕,英文典例: News of the robberies many people fitting new locks to their doors. 发生抢劫的消息把许多人吓得装上了新门锁。 Ill be frightened to look out of the airplane window. 我从飞机的舷窗往外看会害怕的。(朗文P778) She has now begun placing speakers in the fields to see if elephants are frightened away. 她现在已经开始把扬声器放在田里看能否把大象吓跑。 词语辨析:frighten from与frighten into 这两个短语中介词不同,意思则完全相反:前者的意思是“吓得(某人)不敢做(某事)”,后者的意思是“恐吓(某人)做(某事)”。 The thunder the child crying. 雷声把那孩子吓得不敢哭了。 The thunder the child crying. 雷声把那孩子吓哭了。,frightened,into,frightened,from,frightened,into,4.refer to指的是;提到,说到,涉及;查阅,参考;关系到,英文典例: Power the amount of control a person has over other people. 权力是指某一个人对他人的掌控程度。 For further particulars I refer you to my secretary. 详情请问我的秘书。 With reference to your recent advertisement,I am writing to request further details. 关于贵方最近的广告,现特函查询详情。(朗文P1651),refers,to,写作联想:典例其他表达方式 Regarding your recent advertisement,I am writing to request further details. With regard to your recent advertisement,I am writing to request further details. As for your recent advertisement,I am writing to request further details. In respect of your recent advertisement,I am writing to request further details.,5.take off (飞机)起飞;突然开始成功,开始走红;脱(衣服等);匆匆离开; 休假,英文典例: She took off her shoes and cautiously dipped a toe in. 她脱下鞋小心翼翼地用一个脚趾探了探。 We eventually took off at 11 oclock and arrived in Venice at 1:30.我们终于在十一点起飞,一点半到达威尼斯。 Mitchels schedule had not permitted him to take time off. 米切尔的日程表已不允许他休假。 Many businesses started up by college students have . thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation. 由于良好的创业环境,很多大学生创办的公司都很成功。,taken,off,6.be short for 是的缩写/简称,英文典例: Call me Joits Joanna. 叫我Jo好了这是Joanna的简称。 Im a little short of money at the moment. 目前我的钱不大够。(朗文P1828) That young man is honest, cooperative,and always there when you need his help.In short, hes reliable.那个年轻人诚实守信, 善于合作,哪里有需要他就会出现在哪里。简言之,他是一个为人可靠 的人。 It snowed heavily and whats worse,they ran short of fuel. 雪下得很大,而且更糟糕的是,他们的燃料不够用了。,short,for,7.out of date 过期,过时,英文典例: The information in last years tourist guide is already . 去年旅游指南上的信息已经过时。(朗文P1391) “Dottie” is by far his best novel to date. 小多特是他至今最为出色的小说。 Up to now,they havent set a date for the wedding yet. 他们至今尚未确定举行婚礼的日期。,out,of,date,特别提示: out of date,up to date 为介词短语,常作后置定语、表语、补语等;out-of-date和up-to-date是作前置定语的形容词。,8.Would you mind,把你的票给我看看好吗?,英文典例: you waiting outside? 你在外边等好吗? I cant hear the news clearly.Would you mind if I turned up the radio? =Would you mind my turning up the radio? =Do you mind if I turn up the radio? 我听不清新闻,你介意我把收音机音量调大点吗?,Would,mind,特别提示: 在回答此句式(Would you mind.)时,若表示“不介意”常用:Oh,no,please./Certainly not./Of course not./Not at all.若表示“介意”常用:Im sorry,but I do./Yes,I do mind./Im sorry, but youd better not.,
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