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六、非谓语动词,语法精讲,非谓语动词是中学英语语法的重点和难点,也是高考热点之一。主要考查非谓语动词作状语、定语和宾语补足语的用法。 考点一 非谓语动词作定语 1.动词不定式作定语 动词不定式作定语常表示该动作尚未发生,即动词不定式具备将来 含义。 He has a lot of work to do.他有很多工作要做。 He has something good enough to read. 他有很好的读物。,特别提示 动词不定式既可用主动式也可用被动式,但其含义有所不同。 试比较: Do you have anything to send? (动作的执行者是“你”) Do you have anything to be sent?(动作的执行者是“我”或“别人”)。,2.动词-ing形式作定语 当该动词与被修饰的名词之间为主动关系或用来表示被修饰词的用途时, 用动词-ing形式。 Three days later I received a letter offering me the job. 三天后,我收到了一封给我提供这份工作的信。 This is a reading room.这是一个阅览室。,3.过去分词作定语 过去分词作定语,被修饰的名词与分词在逻辑上通常是被动关系,表示被 动。过去分词作定语也可表示完成。 Tsinghua University,founded in 1911,is home to a great number of outstanding figures. 清华大学建立于1911年,是许多杰出人物的摇篮。 This is a book written by a famous Chinese writer. 这是一本由一位著名的中国作家写的书。,考点二 非谓语动词作状语 1.动词不定式作状语,表示目的、原因、结果等。 She came here to work.她来这儿是为了工作。 Im glad to hear the news. 听到这个消息我非常高兴。 He lifted a stone only to drop it on his own feet. 他搬起石头结果砸了自己的脚。,2.动词-ing形式作状语 动词-ing形式作状语,常表原因、伴随、时间、结果等,与句子主语之 间存在逻辑上的主动关系。 She sat there reading.她坐在那里读书。(伴随状语) Seeing her mother,she cried out. 一见到她妈妈,她哭了起来。(时间状语) Being blind,how could he see it? 眼睛失明了,他怎么能看得到它?(原因状语) His parents died,leaving him an orphan. 他的父母去世了,使他成为一名孤儿。(结果状语),特别提示 动词不定式作结果状语时,常表示意想不到的结果;而动词 -ing形式作结果状语时,常表示自然而然的结果。 He hurried to the bus stop,only to find that the bus had already gone. 他急匆匆赶到车站,结果发现公交车已经走了。 There was a terrible accident,causing the traffic jam. 出了严重的交通事故,引起了交通堵塞。,过去分词作状语,分词与句子主语之间存在逻辑上的被动关系。 Given the right kind of training,these teenage soccer players may one day grow into international stars. 如果给予正确的训练,这些青少年足球运动员有一天也许会成为国际 明星。 Bitten twice,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog. 由于被咬了两次,邮递员拒绝给我们送信,除非我们把狗拴起来。 某些动词的过去分词已经形容词化,且往往用于一些系表结构中,此时这些过去分词既不表示被动,也不表示完成,而表示一种状态,如:lost(迷路的),seated(坐着的),hidden(隐瞒的),lost/absorbed in(沉溺于),dressed in(穿着的),tired of(对感到厌倦的)等。 Absorbed in his book,he didnt notice me enter the room.专心于读书,他没注意到我进入房间。 Dressed in red,she looks more beautiful. 穿着红色的衣服,她看上去更漂亮了。,3.过去分词作状语,特别提示 独立成分作状语,其形式不受前后文的影响。常用的有: considering.(鉴于,考虑到);generally speaking(总的来说);judging by/from.(从来看,依据来判断);supposing that.(假定); providing that.(如果);owing to.(由于);talking/speaking of.(谈及);given.(考虑到);provided that.(如果);to tell the truth(实话实说);to be honest(老实说)等。 Generally speaking,it is hot in summer in this area. 总的来说,该地区夏季炎热。,考点三 非谓语动词作宾语 1.有些动词或动词短语后通常接不定式作宾语,巧记如下:,想要干:want,wish,hope,expect,seek,attempt,aim,claim,would like/love,desire 早打算:plan,prepare,arrange 同意否:agree,promise,undertake,offer,refuse 问问看:ask,beg 决定了:decide,determine,make up ones mind,be determined 尽力干:manage(反义词fail),struggle,strive 努力做:make an effort 别装蒜:pretend,此外,learn,choose,afford,happen,wait等也常用不定式作宾语。 All the factors considered,we decided to offer the job to Li Wei,a man of rich experience. 把所有的因素都考虑进去后,我们决定把这份工作给李伟,一个很有经验的人。,2.表示下列含义的动词或动词短语后常接动词-ing形式作宾语,巧记如下:,考虑建议盼原谅:consider,suggest/advise,look forward to, excuse/pardon 承认推迟没得想:admit,delay/put off,fancy 避免错过继续练:avoid,miss,keep/keep on,practice 否认完成停止赏:deny,finish,stop,enjoy/appreciate 不禁介意准逃亡:cant help,mind,allow/permit,escape 不准冒险凭想象:forbid,risk,imagine,此外,feel like,devote to,be/get used to,object to,set about, insist on,pay attention to,stick to,be busy (in), have difficulty/trouble (in)等动词短语后也接动词-ing形式作宾语。 I avoided mentioning the subject in case he should be offended.我回避提及这个问题,以免冒犯他。,3.既可用动词-ing形式,也可用动词不定式作宾语,但意义区别明显的动词,That would mean wasting a lot of labour. 那将意味着浪费许多劳动力。 Really? I dont mean to waste any labour. 是吗?我并没打算浪费劳动力。,考点四 非谓语动词作宾语补足语 1.动词不定式作宾语补足语 动词不定式作宾语补足语时,有两种情形: (1)接带to的动词不定式作宾补,此类动词或短语有advise,allow, cause,command,encourage,forbid,expect,invite,call on, depend upon,long for,wait for 等。 Were all longing for the new term to begin. 我们都盼望新学期开始。,(2)接不带to的动词不定式作宾补,此类动词或短语有 make,have,let 等使役动词及see,watch,notice,hear,look at等感官动词(短语)。 若此类动词或短语用于被动语态,则to不能省略。 I can let you have one ticket. 我能让你得到一张票。 2.动词-ing形式作宾语补足语 动词-ing形式作宾语补足语时,句中的宾语往往就是其逻辑主语,它们 之间存在逻辑上的主动关系。常强调正在进行中的主动动作,即动作 过程的一部分。可以带有这种复合宾语的动词有 see,watch,hear, observe,feel,find,have,keep 等。 He saw a boy getting on the bus. 他看见一个男孩正在上公交车。,3.过去分词作宾语补足语 过去分词作宾语补足语时,该动词与句中的宾语之间存在逻辑上的被动 关系。 When I opened the door,I found the ground covered by fallen leaves.当我打开门时,我发现地上满是落叶。 4.have,get后作宾补的三种非谓语动词形式 have,get作“使、让、叫”讲时,其后可接动词-ed形式、动词-ing形式 和动词不定式这三种形式作宾补。 (1)have sth. done = get sth. done使/让某事被别人所做;使某物 遭受 Every year,Tom remembers to have some flowers sent to his mother on his birthday. 每年汤姆都记得让人在母亲生日那天送花给她。 Mr.Smith had his house broken into while he was away on holiday. 史密斯先生外出度假时有人闯入了他家。,(2)have sb./sth. doing sth.使/让某人/物持续地做某事 (动词-ing形 式表主动,正在进行) get sb./sth. doing sth.使某人/物干某事(表状态) He had us laughing all the way. 他让我们一路笑个不停。 Can you really get that old car going again? 你真能让那辆破旧的车再跑起来吗?,特别提示 have sb.doing sth.用于否定句时,其中have有“容忍”之意。 He feels it dangerous for a girl to be out late at night so he wont have his daughter arriving home late. 他认为一个女孩子深夜在外面是很危险的,所以他不会容许他女儿晚回家。,(3)have sb.do sth=get sb.to do sth.使/让/叫某人去做某事 Mo
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