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内蒙古乌拉特前旗一中2019届高三英语上学期第一次月考试题(满分120分,考试时间100分钟)第1部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。A Welcome to our website. Here are some magazines to recommend this week.Cover Price: $56.00Sale Price: $25.00 Alarm celebrates independent thinking in music, art, film and fashion through in-depth writings. Each issue of Alarm features interviews, reviews and life stories of famous people in the artistic world. It also provides the latest news on famous bands, artists, film makers and fashion trends.Cover Price: $47.40Sale Price: $12.00 Alternative Press celebrates music and youth culture. It features the latest music news and releases, and includes interviews with new bands as well as famous bands. The magazine is written for fans of electronic, industrial, punk, underground, rock, experimental and other musical types. It also offers columns about new technology, book reviews and film reviews.Cover Price: $39.92Sale Price: $12.00 Sound Vision is for people with a great interest in music and video. It is also for people who want to know how to reproduce video. The magazine tests new technology and explains how to buy and use music equipment.Cover Price: $23.70Sale Price: $12.00 Complex is a lifestyle magazine. It covers everything with hip-hop culture. Articles cover music, fashion, film and sports. It also has a buyers guide to the hottest gear, clothes and gadgets. Complex combines two magazines into one. It is not only a lifestyle magazine but also a product guide.1. Alarm would most probably attract people who love reading _.A. reviews of novelsB. stories written by famous artistsC. simple humorous storiesD. serious writings on music2. What discount can you get if you buy Alternative Press on the website?A. About 38%B. About 75%C. About 70%D. About 55%3. Which magazine will suit a hip-hop fan?A. Alternative Press.B. Alarm.C. Complex.D. Sound & Vision. B Recently I accepted a challenge to join Naasih, a motivational speaker, on a voyage through India designed to refresh my spirit. After too many hours, Naasih and I arrived in the slum(贫民窟) just as the sun was breaking across the smoggy Delhi sky. It seemed as if the small houses extended for miles, an ocean of tin roofs and laundry lines. Finally, Naasih stopped and turned to me. “Give me your bag,” he said. I handed it to him. I had promised to follow his directions, and in return, I was hoping to find whatever I thought was missing from my life. “I will meet you back here at sunset,” Naasih said and walked away. I began to walk through the streets. No one paid too much attention to the tall, hairless man walking among them. My throat was dry, my stomach turning over with hunger. And then I saw a small house and I knocked softly on the door. A young, skinny man, no older than 25, came to answer it. As I soon found out, the man is named Sankar and he was a Lakers fan. I also learned that he was a recently graduated university student who had left his family to go after a dream of success in the big city. Instead, he had found work in the back of a restaurant. After lunch, Sankar took me to play basketball with a group of children in a trash-filled field down the road. The sun was beginning to fall as the laughter of the basket games echoed (发出回声) across the slum. I had been so caught up in my day with Sankar. I had started the morning in fear and exhaustion, but I was ending the day connected to something much larger. After the game, Sankar and I walked to Rata Road. There stood Naasih. He said, “Youre shining, Leon.” I had been knocked entirely out of my comfort zone, and I felt that wild burst of life that had been missing from my own.4. Why did the author come to Sankars home?A. To relieve his hunger and thirst. B. To respond to Naasihs request. C. To learn how disadvantaged people live. D. To play a game with him. 5. What can we learn about Sankar?A. He studies cooking in university. B. He finds a good job in the city.C. He doesnt live as he dreams D. He has a great talent for basketball. 6. What does Naasih mean by saying “Youre shining, Leon” in the last paragraph?A. Leon is an inspiration to him. B. Leon has changed his state of mind.C. Leon is popular among the children. D. Leon is good at connecting with others. 7. What is the best title of the passage?A. The Pleasure from Indian Slums B. The Power of Sport Games C. A Voyage for Finding the Self D. A Chance to Make Acquaintances C83-year-old Antonio Vicente has spent the last four decades of his life fighting against the trend. As Brazilian landowners cut down rain forests to make room for profitable plantations(种植园) and cattle grounds, he struggled to bring the jungles of his childhood back to life.“When I was a child, the peasants cut down the trees to ma
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