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利用28项帕瑞昔布治疗术后疼痛的随机、安慰剂对照临床试验研究进行汇总分析, 其中5402名患者应用帕瑞昔布,比较应用帕瑞昔布和安慰剂两组,传统NSAIDs药 物相关的不良事件发生率,要求: 疗程范围为3-7天; 研究对象排除目前或曾患有胃肠道疾病,或对任何COX抑制剂过敏的患者。 特耐(帕瑞昔布)术后疼痛的最新安全性报告特耐(帕瑞昔布)术后疼痛的最新安全性报告 2015年年6月月1日发表于欧洲麻醉学协会大会日发表于欧洲麻醉学协会大会 研究发现: 在应用帕瑞昔布治疗术后疼痛的随机对照研究中,大多数预设的与COX抑制剂 相关的不良事件发生率在帕瑞昔布组和安慰剂组中均较低,且相似。 除肾功能衰竭和损伤(帕瑞昔布组1.1%;安慰剂组1.0%),严重低血压(帕瑞 昔布组2.7%;安慰剂组2.1%)以及超敏反应(两组均11%左右)外,两组其余 不良事件发生率均低于1%。 通 过 本 次 研 究 发 现,在 随 机 对 照 临 床 试 验 设 计 研 究 中,应 用 帕 瑞 昔 布3- 7天,非选择性药物相关常见的潜在严重不良事件均不常见,证明了帕瑞昔布在术后 疼痛治疗中的安全性。 9AP7-1 The safety profile of parecoxib for the treatment of post-operative pain: a pooled analysis of 28 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials Parsons B.1, Schug S.2, Li C.3, Xia F.1 1Pfizer Inc, Medical, New York, United States, 2Universit y of Western Australia, Dept of Anaesthesiology, Perth, Australia, 3Pfizer Inc, Statistics, New York, United States Objective/Methods: Parecoxib, a prodrug of valdecoxib, is an injectable cyclooxygenase- 2 (COX-2)-selective inhibitor that is approved in over 80 countries for short-term use as either pre-operative analgesia to prevent or reduce post-operative pain, as a concomitant treatment to reduce opioid analgesic requirements, or for the treatment of acute pain. Parecoxib is commonly administered as a 20 mg or 40mg intravenous or intramuscular dose followed every 6-12 hours by 20 mg or 40 mg doses as required, not to exceed 80 mg/day. The use of COX-2 inhibitors and other non-selective anti-inflammatory drugs have been associated with specific adverse events, including cardiovascular and gastrointestinal events. In order to examine the frequency of such adverse events among patients treated with parecoxib, data were pooled from 28 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in which 5,402 patients received parecoxib for post-operative pain. Trials were up to 7 days in duration. Results: Across all trials, there were no reported cases of severe cutaneous adverse reactions among parecoxib- or placebo-treated patients. The occurrence of arterial (parecoxib = 0.3%; placebo = 0.2%) and venous (parecoxib = 0.2%; placebo = 0.1%) cardiovascular embolic and thrombotic events was similar between treatment groups. Renal failure and impairment was also similar between parecoxib (1.1%) and placebo (1.0%) groups. Gastrointestinal ulceration-related events occurred in 0.3% and approximately 0.2% of patients in the parecoxib and placebo groups, respectively. Hypersensitivity reactions occurred in approximately 12.3% of patients in the parecoxib group compared with 12.6% for placebo. Severe hypotension occurred in approximately 2.7% and 2.3% of patients in the parecoxib and placebo groups, respectively. Masking signs of inflammation occurred in 0.1% of patients in both the parecoxib and placebo groups. Conclusions: Generally, the occurrence of adverse events associated with the use of the selective COX-2 inhibitor parecoxib was low in a pooled analysis of 28 double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of post-operative pain and the frequencies of such events were not significantly dif ferent between parecoxib and placebo groups. Overall, parecoxib was well-tolerated in clinical trials with durations up to 7 days. Sponsored by Pfizer Inc. 帕瑞昔布治疗术后疼痛的安全性报告:帕瑞昔布治疗术后疼痛的安全性报告:28项随机、双盲、安慰剂项随机、双盲、安慰剂 对照临床试验研究的汇总分析对照临床试验研究的汇总分析 B.Parsons, S. Schug, C. Li, F. Xia 背景背景 非选择性非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)同时 抑制环氧化酶(COX)-1和COX-2,进而常 与血小板聚集障碍、出血增加、胃肠道症 状及其他不良反应的发生相关。 帕瑞昔布是伐地昔布的前体药物,是一类 选择性抑制COX-2的新型NSAIDs药物。 COX-2常特异性在炎症组织中被诱导表 达,因此,在不影响镇痛效果的基础上, COX-2抑制剂可导致较少的不良反应。 帕瑞昔布被全球超过80个国家批准作为围 术期镇痛药物,用于预防或降低术后疼 方法方法 痛;作为伴随治疗药物,减少阿片类药 物需要量;还可用于治疗急性疼痛。 帕瑞昔布通常采用静脉注射或肌肉注射 给予20毫克或40毫克,之后根据需要每6 -12小时再次给予20毫克或40毫克,每日 用量不超过80毫克。疗程通常为3-7天。 本次研究是对大量帕瑞昔布临床研究数 据进行汇总分析,报告应用帕瑞昔布治 疗术后疼痛的患者中传统NSAIDs药物相 关的不良事件的发生情况。 本研究为28项应用帕瑞昔布治疗术后疼痛 的随机、安慰剂对照临床试验研究数据的 汇总分析。 疗程范围为3-7天; 研究对象排除目前或曾患有胃肠道疾病, 结果结果 或对任何COX抑制剂过敏的患者 比较在应用帕瑞昔布或安慰剂治疗的两 组患者中,传统NSAIDs药物相关的不良 事件的发生率。如适用,将报告相对危 险度(RR)及95%可信区间。 本研究共纳入28项临床试验研究,其中 5402名患者应用帕瑞昔布,3885名患者应 用安慰剂。 帕瑞昔布组和安慰剂组不良事件发生情况 请见表格。 两组均无严重皮肤不良事件发生。 尽管应用帕瑞昔布组的患者发生略高,但 是多类型心血管栓塞和血栓事件在两组中 发生率均较低(1%)。 两组胃肠道相关不良事件发生率均较低, 且相似(均1%)。 肾功能衰竭和损伤事件在帕瑞昔布组 (1.1%)和安慰剂组(1.0%)中发生率均 较低且接近。 过敏反应、血管性水肿及变态反应发生率 在帕瑞昔布组和安慰剂组中相当。 同样地,两组严重低血压发生率无差异。 两组炎症的掩蔽迹象发生率均0.1%。 结论结论 在应用帕瑞昔布治疗术后疼痛的随机对照 研究中,大多数预设的与COX抑制剂相关 的不良事件发生率在帕瑞昔布组和安慰剂 组中均较低且相似。 除肾功能衰竭和损伤(帕瑞昔布组: 1.1%;安慰剂组:1.0%),严重低血压 (帕瑞昔布组:2.7%;安慰剂组:2.1%) 以及超敏反应(两组均11%左右)外,两 组其余不良事件发生率均低于1%。 通过本次研究发现,在随机对照临床试 验设计研究中,非选择性NSAIDs药物相 关常见的潜在严重不良事件,在应用选 择性COX-2抑制剂帕瑞昔布时均不常见, 证明了帕瑞昔布在术后疼痛治疗中的安 全性。
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