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Unit 10 where did you go on vacation?第4课时SectionB 1a1e 【学习目标】1、学习掌握有关评价事物的形容词:delicious, expensive, exciting,terrible, cheap, boring2、能运用be+形容词来评价事物,如:The people were friendly.3、熟练地谈论表示过去发生的事件继续学习一般过去时的用法.【学习指导】1、联系刚过去的暑假,通过对话表演方式大胆张口,敢于用英语进行交际。2、听力策略:A、回忆在练习对话中所用到的形容词。B、必须在听力之前掌握一定量的形容词。【课前准备】拿一些假期外出旅游时的照片,以便对话时使用。学习过程一、预习指导与检测(1)预习指导A、预习P121的单词,根据音标的音节来识读单词,做到会读知意。B、知识点拨people是个复数名词,它的be动词用are,过去式用were.have fun doing sth干什么事很开心.anything special 一些特别的事decide to do sth决定去做某事二、课堂互动探究1、利用照片,引出新单词2、让拿照片的学生模仿老师进行介绍3、把所学过的形容词进行罗列并板书在黑板上并分成两大类4、听1c听力录音,根据所听到的内容回答问题。5、再听录音,看1d,注意关键词,完成填空6、看听力1e答案,配1d问句,形成对话A:Where did you go on vacation?B:I went to Tokyo.A: What did?B: A: Did she?B: A: How was?B: It wasA: How wre ?B: They were?三、当堂检测(一)用疑问词填空1、A: was the weather?B:It was sunny.2、A: did you go on vacation?B:I went to Beijing.3、A: did you do on vacation?B: I played tennis on vacation.4、A: did you go?B:I went there on Monday.(二)单项选择1.Did vera vacation?A. likes her B. like hers C. like her D. likes she2.Where did Kim vacation?A. go on B. go inC. go to D. went on3. Jim is a boy brown hair.A. withB. ofC. hasD. in4. These books are , lets buy them.A. expensive B. the expensive c. crowded d. delicious5. Yesterday we kites.A. flying B. is flying C. flied D. flew四、总结与反思 1、我的收获:words and expressions:sentences: 2、学习本节后,我能用英语进行 。3、我的易错点: 。我需要提高的是: 。2
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