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我们在这里,召开私营企业家联谊会,借此机会,我代表成都市渝中工商局、渝中区私营企业协会,祝各位领导新年快乐、工作愉快、身体健康,祝各位企业家事业兴旺Unit 6 When was it invented ? Section B 3a3c【学习目标】掌握本课单词、短语、句子。 1. decide on决定,判定 2. come up with想到,想起 3. lead to导致 4. all of a sudden突然 5. use someone elses idea借用其他人的想法【学习重点难点】完成写作训练。掌握重点句子。 1. This special pen was invented by Liu Jie. 这个特殊的钢笔是由刘杰发明的。 2. Its hard to tell who came up with the idea first. 很难断定谁先想到这个主意。 3. They think the inventor used someone elses idea to create his or her inventions. 他们认为发明家是借用其他人的想法来创造自己的发明。【学法指导】观察思考-运用巩固【教学过程】一、导入 A: This special pen was invented by Zheng Jie. It has three colors and it is used for learning English.B: How is it special?A: When the red color is turned on, the pen reads out English as it is moved along the line.B: When about the black color?A: When the black color is turned on, the pen finds out the structure of the sentences as it is moved along the line.B: When about the yellow color?A: When the yellow color is turned on, the pen shows the formation and meaning of the word as it is moved along the line.B: Wonderful! Where can I get one? A: I am the shop owner selling this kind of pen. 二、 完成教材3a-ab部分的任务。根据3a所给表格列举出的内容提示,想出些你不喜欢做的事,然后想出一些发明来帮助你,然后和同伴进行交流,写出提要。 三、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. These people were d into two groups according to their ages. 2. Look, a few pear r on the trees. Lets pick them.3. Its said that the potato chips were invented by m .4. The hot weather made the milk s .5. My grandparents often goes shopping with a b .(篮子). 四、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。1.begin 2.take _ 3.go 4.have 5.make 6.buy 7.bring 8.teach 9.give 10.leave 11.run 12.see 13.eat 14.prefer 15.study 16.play 17.plan 18.write 19.hear 20.build 21.sit 22.get 23.know 24.choose 25.come 26.sleep 27.keep 认真组织会员学习,及时将党的路线、方针、政策,及时将新的法律和规章,传达到会员,协会编印了会员之家宣传资料共四期
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