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Module1 Unit 1I. 根据句意及汉语提示,写出句中所缺的单词。1. We should correct mistakes in the _ (拼写).2. Mr Yang gives us some _ (建议) on how to learn English.3. Its good for your _ (发音) as well.4. Please write down the _ (正确的) answers in your notebooks.5. _ (使相配) the sentences in Column A with the sentences in Column B.II. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. I want to _ (practise) playing basket-ball.2. Our English class is very _ (interest).3. We dont _ (understand) what he said.4. Why dont we write down our _ (mistake) in our notebooks?5. I think its not bad to spell and _ (pronunciation) new words aloud every day.III. 按要求转换下列句子。每空一词。1. We will play football tomorrow. (改为同义句)We _ _ to play football tomorrow.2. I think he can pass the exam. (改为否定句)I _ think he _ pass the exam.3. I can finish the homework alone. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ finish the homework alone?4. Why dont we learn English? (改为同义句)_ _ learning English?5. I often go to school by bike. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you often go to school?Unit 2I. 根据句意及汉语提示,写出句中所缺的单词。1. The _ (主要的) question is how to learn English well.2. Ms Zhang _ (建议) us to listen to her carefully in class. 3. I would like to know how to _ (改进) my English.4. She is _ (羞怯的) and she is always afraid to speak to us.5. Weather is a good topic to start a _ (谈话) in England.II. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。1. Reading is a good way to enlarge (扩大) our v_.2. Dont be worried. It is n_ to forget new words! 3. Please help me p_ the plants on a sunny windowsill (窗台).4. Daming goes into the room q_ and do his homework.5. I s_ that we will go sightseeing the day after tomorrow.III. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。每空一词。 1. 我们应该向这位老人微笑。We should _ _ the old man.2. 我不知道这个单词的意思。I dont know the _ _ the word.3. 尽量使用新词造句。Try _ _ the new words to make sentences.4. 玲玲向赵老师咨询有关改进数学的建议。Lingling asks Ms Zhao _ advice _ how to improve her maths.5. 早起吃好饭是保持健康的好方法。Getting up early and eating breakfast are great _ _ keep healthy.IV. 根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词只用一次。 read, very, play, if, practice, speak,important, danger, without, giveLearning a language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly, how to 1. _ the piano or how to drive a car. But learning how to do such things needs lots of 2. _. It is3. _ important for you to do things with what you know. Its not enough simply to4. _ a book on how to fly a plane. A book can 5. _ you lots of information on how to fly, 6. _ you only read the book and then try to fly 7. _ lots of practice first, itll be very 8. _. The same is true of learning a language. Its 9. _ to listen to English and practise 10. _ it a lot. Unit 3I. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空。每空一词。1. _ _ (查找) the new word in the dictionary.2. Its always natural to _ _ _ (犯错误).3. Ms James _ _ (同意) Lingling and Daming.4. They often _ _ (请求) advice on how to improve their English.5. Please _ _ (写下) the words and expressions in your notebooks.II. 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (not think) we can do that.2. Li Dong _ (make) a few mistakes in yesterdays homework.3. We _ (talk) about good ways to learn English tomorrow.4. They _ (watch) an English film at the moment.5. We always _ (write) to each other in English.III. 将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出)。 1. how, going, about, shopping (?) _2. it, important, well, was, English, to, learn (.) _3. dont, I, think, am, I, for, school, late (.) _4. you, are, to, next, going, have, picnic, a, week (?) _5. we, why, dont, this, play, afternoon, football (?) _Module1 随堂练习参考答案Unit 1 I. 1. spelling 2. advice 3. pronunciation 4. correct 5. MatchII. 1. Practise 2. interesting 3. understand 4. mistakes 5. pronounce III. 1. are going 2. dont; can 3. Can you 4. What / How about 5. How do Unit 2I. 1. main 2. advises / advised 3. improve 4. shy 5. conversationII. 1. vocabulary 2. natural 3. place 4. quickly 5. suggestIII. 1. smile at 2. meaning of 3. to use 4. for; on / about 5. ways to IV. 1. play 2. practice 3. very 4. reading 5. give 6. if 7. without 8. dangerous 9. important 10. speakingUnit 3I. 1. Look up 2. make a mistake 3. agrees with 4. ask for 5. write downII. 1. dont think 2. made 3. will talk / are going to talk 4. are watching 5. writeIII. 1. How about going shopping?2. It was important to learn English well.3. I dont think I am late for school. 4. Are you going to have a picnic next week?5. Why dont we play football this afternoon?3
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