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第五节七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入短文15小题的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A 1 Do you want to become a writer,singer or just become a rich person?A recent survey shows that in modern society,most people pick up practical goals,such as“earning money to buy a house and a car”,“to improve ones life quality”,“finding a good job”Wang You worked in a small firm in Nanjing. 2 However,he felt the work was not exciting at all and the life was boring. 3 When he arrived in Beijing,he set his new goal as finding a good job. 4 This fact shows that the society is making progress and peoples life goals have become more practical.One researcher says,“Everybody has his/her own life goal,which will be surely different from people to people. 5 If one doesnt have a diploma,studying hard to get a diploma will become his life goal; and if one doesnt have love,his life goal will be to look for it.But if one has no life goal,he will idle away(虚度)his lifetime.”1_2._3._4._5._BLife is filled with regrets(遗憾) 1 When we look back,we always wish that we had made better choices.Then what can we do to avoid future regrets.Make better plans.When you start to make a plan before doing it.The earlier,the better. 2 Youll also know what you should do and what you shouldnt do. 3 You can go around more often.More outdoor activities can keep you relaxed and active.You also need to be kind.“Thank you” can bring a smile to someones face.Learn to say “sorry” and dont be angry with others.Find the right friend.A friend may make your life and can break your life as well. 4 Good friends will always better your ideas.Never fear failure.(永不害怕失败)Everybody fails.Even the greatest person failed.We should not fear failure,because failure is not the end of the road. 5 Life is good.We dont have house to live in our past,but we do hope that we can plan better,live better and work better when we have the chance to do so.1_2._3._4._5._参考答案A【篇章导读】生活目标是很重要的。现在越来越多的人想生活得更好。事实表明,社会进步和人民生活的目标变得更加实际。1C解析:根据后一句Do you want to become a writer,singer or just become a rich person?的描述可推知这里是在问你有生活的目标吗?所以选C。2D解析:根据前一句worked in a small firm in Nanjing. 在南京一家小公司工作。及下句However,he felt the work was not exciting at all and the life was boring. 的描述可推知这里是说那份工作很好,他不需要加班,所以选D。3F解析:根据上句he felt the work was not exciting at all and the life was boring. 并结合下句When he arrived in Beijing,he set his new goal as finding a good job. 可推知,这里该是说他放弃了他在南京的工作去了北京,所以选F。4A解析:根据下句This fact shows that the society is making progress and peoples life goals have become more practical. 的描述可推知,这里该是说现在越来越多的人想生活得更好,所以选A。5E解析:根据后文If one doesnt have a diploma,studying hard to get a diploma will become his life goal;and if one doesnt have love,his life goal will be to look for it. But if one has no life goal,he will idle away(虚度)his lifetime. 的描述可推知这里该选E,如果一个人穷,人生的目标是要赚更多的钱。B【篇章导读】这篇文章讲的是人生难免会有遗憾,但我们怎样做才能避免遗憾存在呢?文中给出了一些建议。1B解析:根据上文Life is filled with regrets(遗憾) (生活中充满了遗憾)可知此句应选B(几乎每个人都能毫无困难地说出自己的遗憾)。2G解析:根据上下文语境可知此段是说要做出更好的计划,结合后一句(你也会知道什么是该做的,什么是不该做的。)可知选G(你会知道事情的前后)。3A解析:根据上下文语境可知第三段所讲的内容是生活态度要积极,故选A。4E解析:根据上下文此句是说如何选择朋友的问题,故选E。5C解析:根据上下文语境此空是说如何面对失败,故选C。3
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