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大学英语六级考试精解真题全解Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversaiton, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1 W:Im trying to find how the dishwasher works. The manual is in French. I cant wait for Bill to translate it for me M:Dont worry,Mary. I can do the dishes before the machine starts to work Q: What does the man mean? A. He will tell Mary how to operate the dishwasher. B. He will wash the dishes himself instead. C. He will help Bill to translate the manual. D. He himself will operate the dishwasher. BestAnswer: B 详解:答案B)。信息明示。男士说在洗碗机可以使用之前他来洗碗,故选B)。2 M:The doctor said if I kept smoking I would increase my chances of having a heart attack W:Did he suggest reducing weight,too? Q: What does the woman think the man should also do? A. Lose weight. B. Quit smoking. C. Weigh himself frequently. D. Have a talk with the doctor. BestAnswer: A 详解:答案A)。推断题。男士说:医生说如果我继续吸烟会增加得心脏病的可能。女士问了一句:他还建议你减肥吗?这也实际是女士的观点,故选A)。3 W:The people next door are making so much noise. I just cant concentrate on. M:Why didnt you stay at the library? Its much quieter there. Q:What does the man mean? A. The woman should have complained to her neighbor. B. The woman should stay out until the neighbors are quiet. C. The woman should have stayed at the library. D. The lab will be a better place for reading. BestAnswer: C 详解:答案C)。信息明示。女士说隔壁的人噪声太大,她无法集中注意力。男士说:你为什么不去图书馆?那里安静多了。故C)为正确答案。4 M:This is hopeless. These figures still dont add up rightLets do the calculations over again. W:Yes,but why not do them tomorrow? Its very late now. Q:What does the woman suggest they do? A. Check the figures later today. B. Do the calculations again tomorrow. C. Bring a calculator tomorrow. D. Calculate the number right now. BestAnswer: B 详解:答案B)。信息明示。男士说这些数字加得不对,建议再算一遍。女士说:何不明天再做呢,现在太晚了。故选B)。5 M:To collect data for my report,I need to talk to someone who knows that small city very wellI was told that you lived there for quite a long time. W:Oh,I wish I could helpBut I was only a child then. Q:What does the woman imply? A. She doesnt remember much about the city. B. Shes never been to the city. C. She would find someone else to help. D. She would talk to the man later. BestAnswer: A 详解:答案A)。推断题。男士说为了收集报告的资料,需要跟非常了解这个小城的人谈谈,而他还听说女士在那里生活了很长时间。女士说:我希望我能帮上忙。但那时我还是个孩子。女士的言外之意是她对小城已记不得多少了,故选A)。6 M:Are you moving into a new house? Need a hand for those boxes? W:Thats O.KI can manageThey look big but they arent heavy actually. Q:What does the woman mean? A. She thinks the man should have helped earlier. B. She doesnt need the mans help. C. She doesnt know the boxes are heavy. D. She wants the man to help with the boxes. BestAnswer: B 详解:答案B)。综合理解题。男士问女士在搬家时是否需要帮助搬那些箱子。女士说:我能行。这些箱子实际上并不重。可见,她并不需要男士的帮助,故选B)。7 M: Its good you brought the books back. W:I thought you might need them at the weekendThanks for letting me use them Q:What do we know about the woman from the conversation? A. She let the man use her books for the weekend. B. She brought the books the man asked for. C. She borrowed the books from the man. D. She offered to help the man. BestAnswer: C 详解:答案 C)。信息明示。女士说:我想你在周末可能会需要这些书。谢谢你让我用这些书。所以,女士是从男士那儿借了这些书,故选C)。 8 M:Do you want to turn on the air-conditioner or open the windows? W:I love fresh air,if you dont mind Q: What can be inferred from the womans answer? A. Shed like to have the windows open. B. She likes to have the air conditioner on. C. The air is heavily polluted. D. The windows are already open. BestAnswer: A 详解:答案A)。推断题。男士问女士是想开空调还是打开窗子。女士说她喜欢新鲜空气。言外之意是她想打开窗子,故选 A)。9 W:Hi,MichaelI can hardly recognize youWhy are you so dressed up today? Are you going to the theatre? M:No,actually,I just had an interview at a photo studio this morning. Q: What do we learn about Michael from this conversation? A. Hes going to visit a photo studio. B. Hes just had his picture taken. C. Hes on the way to the theater. D. Hes just returned from a job interview. BestAnswer: D 详解:答案D)。信息明示。男士说他今天上午刚去摄影工作室进行了面试,D)与题意相符。10 M:Good morning,what can I do for you? W: Id like to have my emergency brake fixedThe car rolls when I park it on the hill Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place? A. At a gas station. B. In a park. C. In an emergency room. D. At a garage. BestAnswer: D 详解:答案D)。推断题。女士说得让男士修理一下她的紧急刹车。车子停在山上时自己就滑动。另外根据男士的职业用语我们可知对话应是在修理厂进行的,故选D)。Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passag
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