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Module 5 Introduction &Vocabulary &Reading教学设计课题选修六 Module 5 Introduction &Vocabulary &Reading课时1.5考点、知识点1. Module 4的单词和短语;2.课文文意的理解;学习目标1.学习和识记本模块的生词和短语;2.结合词汇的学习,理解课文文意;3.加强阅读理解技能训练;重、难点1.重点:本模块生词和短语的识记和运用;2.难点:在文章文意理解的过程中,训练阅读理解技能;学习环节和内容学生活动建议教师活动建议调整记录Step 1重点单词1四会词汇Terrify, wing,chase, emotion, refuse, breathe, contrast2.认读词汇Clone acid, gene3.词组Be identical toTreatasBurn outContrast with4.重点词汇Terrify, beneficialStep 2 IntroductionDo Activity 1 and Activity 2 to get to know the students and check the meaning of the new words.Step 3 Careful reading for detailsRead the passage and do Activity to check the understanding of the students.Step 4Reading Do Activity 4学生自主学习,拼读模块单词,然后跟读,齐读阅读通过对新单词的理解和运用,学生结合自己的情况选择相应的选项.填写表格,完善课本内容和线索。纠正学生的不规范发音,点拨重要词汇指导学生阅读的方法:略读、扫读课题选修六Module 5(第2课时)Listening and Speaking课时1考点、知识点Listening and Speaking学习目标Enable the Ss learn how to express emotions with the target language.重、难点1.重点 talking about past and present regrets2.难点:Help the Ss learn how to give opinions about things they like or dislike.学习环节和内容学生活动建议教师活动建议调整记录a.重点词汇和短语argument , optimistic, relaxed, ridiculous, surprised, wonderful, amused / amusing, beneficialto be against to be forb.重点句式I wish I was not here.I wish I could disappear.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework.T: Good morning / afternoon. First, Id like one of you to retell Liu Fangsexperience to the whole class. Volunteer?Ask a student to retell it in class. Then check their answers to the exercises in theWORKBOOK.StepListeningIn this step, the Ss will listen to two songs and doLiu Fang enjoys performing in public. She likes Exercises 1 and 2 on page 44according to what they hear. Then they will listen to Christine andDuncantalkabout the songs and then answer some questions.StepSpeakingIn this step, the Ss will learn some words to describe feelings or things first.Then enable them to learn to express emotions with these words and somefunctional patterns.Show the following words and chart on the screen.beautiful, favorite, optimistic, relaxed, ridiculous, stupid, surprised, wonderful学生自主学习,发现疑难,提出问题学生注重倾听,善于记笔记学生跟上课堂节奏,积极思考,踊跃发言explaining, discovering, practising较差层次班级可略讲课题选修六Module 5(第3课时)Grammar课时1.5考点、知识点Subjunctive(1)学习目标subjunctive重、难点The use of subjunctive学习环节和内容学生活动建议教师活动建议调整记录Step I RevisionGreet the Ss and check the homework.Step II Explanation of grammar focusShow the following two sentences on the screen.1.If it was easy, Id be a rich man by now.2.if I didnt believe that, Id be in a different job.3.if that happened, it would be terrible.4.if we were able to do that, it would be wonderful.Step III PracticeGet the Ss to do more practice on the present perfect progressive tense by doingthe exercises in the WORKBOOK.学生注重倾听,学会记笔记学生自主学习,发现疑难,提出问题学生跟上课堂节奏,积极思考,踊跃发言通过练习,发现问题,找寻规律。引导学生发现规律课题选修六Module 4(课时4)Vocabulary and Reading &Cultural Corner课时1考点、知识点Vocabulary andReading&Cultural Corner学习目标1.掌握语言知识;2.能运用本模块学过的句型及短语写文章。重、难点1.Learn about brave new world. 2.能运用本模块学过的句型及短语写文章。学习环节和内容学生活动建议教师活动建议调整记录a.重点词汇和短语identical, controversial, contradictorypossess, compulsoryb.重点句式it is true thatit is certain thatbe identical toStep I readingpart language points1.a sequence of2. because of3. be identical to4.if notStep II Cultural corner1.what are the most important features of the society described in the book,in your opinion?do you think the world described in this novel is possible?explain why.c,more and more people will get to know this special form of musical art and onlyin this way, can we introduce our music to every corner of the world.Step IIIReading(P111)阅读-记忆理解指导学生养成良好的阅读习惯。如在初高中衔接中复习过时态的,可略5
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