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九年级 (上) Units 3-4,中考目标导航,重点单词,词汇拓展,短语与句型,重难点讲练,考点1 辨析divide与separate,考点 6 feel like的用法,考点 5 dare的用法,考点4 compare的用法,考点3 consider的用法,考点2 辨析lay与lie,考点 7 辨析achieve, realize与come true,考点 13 辨析besides与except,考点 12 doubt的用法,考点 11 prove的用法,考点 10 辨析be used for/to do/as/by,考点 9 辨析be made of/from/in/into/by,考点 8 辨析turn on, turn off, turn up与turn down,高频话题作文指南,重难点讲练,辨析divide与separate,【现学现用】,1. All the students are_(分成) into four teams to finish the task.,divided,2. Some people believe that mobile phones may separate students _ each other.,from,辨析lay与lie,如: Most birds lay their eggs in their nests.大部分的鸟在它们的巢中下蛋。,She laid all her postcards on the bed and picked out the most beautiful one.她把她所有的明信片摆放在床上,并挑出最好看的一张。 Dont be angry with those who told a white lie.不要跟那些说了善意谎言的人生气。,【现学现用】,3. He felt tired, so he walked to the sofa and l_ down to have a rest. 4. Jones found a beautiful small island _ (位于) to the east of his hometown. 5. The hens he keeps on the farm _ (lay) many eggs every day, and he sells them for a living.,ay,lying,lay,consider的用法,如: Im considering going abroad some day. 我正在考虑将来有一天出国。 We must consider what to do next. 我们必须考虑下一步做什么。 At first they considered me as a doctor. 起初他们认为我是一名医生。 We consider this matter to be very important. 我们认为这件事很重要。,【现学现用】,6. Ive considered _ (take) a job as a Chinese teacher for overseas people.,taking,7. Miss Wang said that the girl in her class was considered _ a hardworking student.,as,8. After rewriting the article for many times, the writer considered it _(be) perfect.,to be,compare的用法,compare意为“比较,比作”。具体用法如下:,【现学现用】,9. Compared _ the children who cant get enough food to eat, we are really living a happy life.,with,10. A hobby is compared to be a special friend that you choose for yourself. _,爱好被比作你自己选择的特殊的朋友。,dare的用法,dare既可以用作情态动词,也可以用作实义动词,其具体用法有: dare用作情态动词,意为“敢;敢于”,后接动词原形。主要用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,构成疑问句和否定句时,不用借助助动词。如:,Jane dare not get out at night.简不敢在晚上外出。 dare用作实义动词,意为“胆敢;敢于”,其后接动词不定式,有人称、数和时态的变化。如: He does not dare to jump over the stream.他不敢跳过那条小溪。,【现学现用】,11. Lucy _ (敢) not say what she thinks, because she is afraid of making mistakes.,dare,12. 这个小女孩儿敢于在公共场合流利地说英语。 _ _,The little girl dares to speak English fluently,in public.,feel like的用法,feel like名词/代词,意为“想要”。如: I feel like a rest after the long journey.长途旅行后我想休息一下。 feel like doing,意为“想做”,与want to do和would like to do同义。如: I dont feel like driving today.I dont want to drive today.I would like not to drive today.我今天不想开车。,【现学现用】,13. Most Chinese feel like _(eat) dumplings when the Spring Festival comes. 14. Sometimes when I look up to the sky, I feel like making a trip somewhere. _ _,eating,有时当我仰望天空的时候,我想去某个地方旅,游。,辨析achieve, realize与come true讲 解详见本书P74,15. You need hard work and a little luck if you want to _ (实现) success. 16. 他从来没想过他会梦想成真。 _ ,【现学现用】,achieve,He has never thought that his dream could,come true.,辨析turn on, turn off, turn up与turn down,其他常见turn短语 turn against变为敌对 turn around转身 turn in上交;告发 turn into变成 turn out结果是;出席 turn over翻转,移交 in turn依次地,轮流地 Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事了,拓,展,【现学现用】,17. When you leave the room, please turn _ the light to save energy.,off,18. Robert turned _ the computer and sent an email to his friend. 19. Sometimes we should learn how to turn down others so as to protect ourselves. _,on,有时候我们应该学会如何拒绝他人来保护我们自己。,【现学现用】,20. As we all know, cotton can be made _ comfortable clothes. 21. I like this kind of salad which is _of apples, pears, bananas and milk.,into,made,辨析be used for/to do/as/by,be used for意为“被用来”,介词for后面接名词或动名词,相当于“be used to do sth.”。如: The machine is used for cutting things.这台机器被用来切割东西。 be used to do sth.意为“被用来做某事”。to为不定式符号,表目的。如: Wood is used to make paper.木材被用来制纸。,be used as意为“被用作”,介词as后面常接名词。如: English is used as a foreign language in China.在中国,英语被用作一门外语。 be used by意为“被使用”,介词by后面常接动作的执行者。如: The car is used by my uncle. 这辆汽车被我叔叔使用。,【现学现用】,22. The computer in our classroom only could be used _ teachers. 23. This building is currently being _ (use) as a warehouse.,by,used,用作系动词,意为“证明是,结果是,不用于被动语态,后常接形容词、名词、不定式作表语。如: The medicine proved satisfactory.结果证明这种药是令人满意的。 She proved a very strict teacher.结果证明她是一位非常严格的老师。,She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job. 结果证明她可能是最适合做这项工作的人。 用作及物动词,意为“证明,证实”,主要用于下列结构中: prove 名词或代词。如: He did some experiments to prove his theory. 他做了一些实验来证明他的理论。,prove宾语宾语补足语,作宾语补足语的通常有形容词、名词、动词不定式等。to be通常可以省略。如: History proved him (to be) wrong again. 历史再次证明他错了。 This just proves what I have been saying for a long time.这恰好证实了我长久以来所说的。 prove 宾语从句。如: The doctors tests proved that Black was in good health.医生的检查证明了布莱克健康状况良好。,【现学现用】,24. With the rapid development of society, the strength of Chinas economy will be f
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