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Module 4 Unit 1,The balloons are flying away.,l,Can you read ?,balloon 气球 fly away 飞走 carry 提,搬 supermarket 超市 party 聚会 everything 所有东西 fall 落下,降落 later 稍后,pair work: 两人小组读单词两遍,复习单词。,根据图片回答问题: What is he/she doing?,1 Hes sending an e-mail . 2 She is playing the flute. 3 She is cleaning her room. 4 She is reading a book.,他们有什么共同点?,构成:be+动-ing现在分词形式 注:动词的现在分词形式 不可缺失be动词,现在进行时:指现在正在进行或发生 的动作或事情。,am be is are,Game(游戏),以小组为单位开展接龙游戏。,一位同学提供一个单词,请其他同学逐步把这个单词扩展为一个现在进行时的句子,例如:cardbirthday carda birthday cardIm making a birthday card,在两分钟内哪个小组说的句子最多为获胜组。,buy, buy, buying , buying , buying fall, fall, fall . falling, falling ,falling fly, fly, fly. flying. flying flying,1、Listen to the tape ,point and find words ending in “-ing”,Q1:Where is mum? Q2:What is she doing? Q3:What is simon doing? Q4:Who can help her? Q5:Who cant help her?,2.Listen to the tape again,then answer these questions.,Shes at the supermarket.,She is buying things for Damings birthday.,Hes on the phone.,Daming can.,Simon cant.,Then whats happening?,Listen and repeat.,The oranges _ The balloons _ The balloons say,“ _.,are falling .,are flying away.,Happy birthday, Daming,小组合作学习: 精读对话,找出重点短语和句子,并且写在卡片上。,我的发现:,M4 U1 The balloons are flying away!,重点句型:,The balloons are flying away.,A:Who can help me? B:Sorry,I cant. C: I can help you.,重点短语:,at the supermarket,buy things for,have a birthday party,fly away,look at the balloons,carry everything,be careful,happy birthday,The oranges are falling.,向他人寻求帮助可以说:,Who can help me ? Can you help me? I need your help. Help !,知识点拨,提供帮助可以说: I can help you,Who can help me? Who can help me? I can help you. I can help you. Who can help me? Who can help me? Sorry,I cant. Sorry ,I cant.,Role play,( ) Who can help me?,( ) Sorry,I cant . Im making Damings birthday card.,( ) I will help you.,( ) Thank you.,1,2,3,4,读一读,排一排,进行时很好记,be+动词ing; 直加双写去哑e,分词构成需仔细; 别说be无意义,主语和它最亲密; 何时要用进行时,now listen look 来标记,口诀来帮你!,今天有什么收获?,Exercises(练习),认真读句子,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、I _ (read) books now. 2、Now,Lily _ (collect) stamps. 3、Look! The boy _ (climb) the tree. 4、Listen !They _(talk) about the film. 5、We are going to _(have) a picnic.,am reading,is collecting,is climbing,are talking,have,Homework 1、完成本单元同步练习册上的笔试习题。 2、,Composition(作文),shine draw a picture sleep fly a kite eat swim,看图描述图中正在发生的事情。 Today is Sunday. They are having a picnic. The sun _.,Composition(作文),shine draw a picture sleep fly a kite eat swim,tips,看图描述图中正在发生的事情。 Today is Sunday. They are having a picnic. The sun _.,
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