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为深入贯彻落实党的十九大精神和习近平总书记的重要指示精神,保障人民安居乐业、社会安定有序、国家长治久安、进一步巩固党的执政基础,束城镇深入贯彻全市扫黑除恶会议精神,强化措施,深入扎实开展扫黑除恶专项斗争河北省定州市2016-2017学年高二英语下学期周练试题(承智班,4.9)一、阅读理解There is an agreement that we are depriving(剥夺) this current generation of young kids a chance to do what they are not only equipped to do, but need to do take some risks. And were not talking about unimportant ones, either. Kids need to learn how to handle “dangerous” things like power tools, make fires, and derive the benefits that occur from “playing with knives.” Hanna Rosin focuses on some of the misguided reasons we are raising “The Overprotected Kid” in the Atlantic. She details our concerns with kids safety that goes beyond the actual risks. In principle, I agree with this emerging perspective. For many kids growing up today, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to practice risk taking. Risk taking is an important skill every kid needs to learn how to stretch themselves, how to do something that they are a little scared of doing because they havent done it before. Part of the reason for “overprotection” is certainly the parental gravitation(倾向) to fear. This is certainly evident in terms of the physical environment. I claim, however, that much of the parental mindset that prevents risk taking isnt driven by fear of injury its more about concern with success. While many kids arent wandering around playgrounds and playing in junkyards, they are doing structured physical activities that carry plenty of risk of injury. “Play” may be in fact less dangerous than our structured sports yet we focus more on the risk because we dont see the benefit. Its just harder to see the immediate deliverables of that experience as compared to watching a kid hit a home run. And this broader concern with success is not limited to the playground or sports field. “Overprotection” certainly happens in the social and academic fields as well, as phrases like “helicopter parent” have become mainstream. There is plenty of social and academic risk taking that can also be prevented because of the perception of risk.1What does the author think todays children according to paragraph 1?A. They arent as happy as their parents.B. They ignore the benefits from taking risks.C. They live an overprotected life due to parental care.D. They should take important risks for their development.2 Which of the following would Hanna Rosin agree with?A. Not all kids can play on the playground alone.B. The review of the statistics details the danger of the kidnap. C. Parents should take care of the kids in case they are lost. D. Parents concerns with kids safety isnt actually necessary. 3What does the underlined part “helicopter parents” in the last paragraph mean?A. Those who offer any help whenever their children are in need.B. Those who find out the important elements of a healthy development.C. Those who give advice on how to find their own sense of creativity.D. Those who help their children take responsibility for their own actions.4 Why do many parents prevent their kids taking risks?A. They are afraid their kids may get hurt.B. They prefer organized activities to unorganized ones.C. The kids are too young to handle these risks properly.D. The link with potential for achievement isnt clear.The Alice Ferguson Foundation is a non-profit group that works to improve the environment by building relationships between people and nature. The foundation is based in the state of Maryland. It was created more than 50 years ago. It teaches people ways to protect the environment. At the end of the year, it designs events to help children celebrate Christmas without increasing the amount of waste they create. Hanna Seligmann works for the foundation.“So lets figure out what is in our bag of trash.” She shows adults and children how to reduce waste during the holiday gift-giving season. “You can sort it as a cardboard item or you can sort it as a plastic item.” “We encourage using things that are already in your house like newspaper, old magazines, using a gift within a gift.” Urging people to recycle is important in the Washington, D.C., area, because Potomac River, one of the most famous rivers in the country lies there.“Over time we realized that really just doing trash cleanups was the symptom of the problem, not getting to the root cause. And so it was just a little over a decade ago that we started the initiative (倡议)itself.” says Seligman.The Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative is an effort by the Alice Ferguson Foundation to support clean agricultural methods. It includes educational programs teaching children about the kinds of pollution that can enter the watershed.One activity is called the Trash Timeline Game. It teaches children that the things they throw away do not decompose, at the same rate. For example, paper dissolves in about four weeks. An apple core may take two months to rot. A metal can tak
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