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为深入贯彻落实党的十九大精神和习近平总书记的重要指示精神,保障人民安居乐业、社会安定有序、国家长治久安、进一步巩固党的执政基础,束城镇深入贯彻全市扫黑除恶会议精神,强化措施,深入扎实开展扫黑除恶专项斗争Unit 4Making the news .阅读理解A(2017河南省六市高三第一次联考)Weve all had a bad feeling soon after a hearty lunch. You cant stay focused, your energy level falls, and you wish you possessed a warm blanket so you could curl up under your desk for a quick nap. But you have important things to do like completing that project or leading a team meeting in less than an hour.You dont have to suffer that_fate anymore. I have four foods that will get your focus back on track so that you can finish your workday stronger than you started. Keep these products handy in your office, and youll never suffer from that 2 pm. mental slog ever again.Green TeaWhile coffee is an important afternoon pickmeup, green tea should not be overlooked. The unique combination of the amino acid thiamine (硫胺素) and caffeine has been shown across several studies to improve creativity, ability to multitask, and reaction time. Try some amazing tea recipes to get started.AlmondsAlmonds are a great afternoon recharger and research from Purdue University shows they will also aid in your weightloss efforts. This is because almonds provide sustained energy:a mix of fat, fiber, and protein. Those elements allow almonds to offer a convenient snack that gives you a smooth shot of energy that comes from controlling your blood sugar levels. Plus, research shows that people who regularly eat nuts have as much as a 50 percent reduced risk of having a heart attack.Greek YogurtResearch from the University of Missouri shows that protein helps your body into better blood sugar control by stimulating the release of the hormone glucagon (胰高血糖素). Aim for a cup that has 20 to 23 grams of protein for your snack.Dark ChocolateDespite often being viewed as a bad dietary food, dark chocolate can help fight off that urge to take a nap in the middle of the day. While dark chocolate does contain small amounts of caffeine, its real power comes from phenethylamine (苯乙胺). Research from Middlesex University in London shows that just smelling chocolate can shift brain activity towards greater attention.【解题导语】午餐太过丰盛常导致下午注意力不集中和工作效率下降。文章介绍了几种可以防止此现象发生的餐后小吃。1The underlined expression “that fate” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”A. staying focusedB. possessing low energy levelC. having a slow napD. curling up under your desk答案与解析:B考查词义猜测。根据该句中的“You dont have to suffer”和第一段第二句中的“You cant stay focused, your energy level falls”可知,午餐吃得过丰盛会让人产生不舒适的情况;据此可知,画线词指“注意力不集中,精力下降”,故B项正确。画线词后一句中的“get your focus back on track”也是提示。2Which of the following statements is true?A. White coffee cant help us stay focused in the afternoon.B. Eating almonds regularly can help us lose weight.C. Dark chocolate can help us have a good nap in the afternoon.D. Having no lunch can help us stay focused in the afternoon.答案与解析:B考查细节理解。根据第四段的第一句“Almonds are a great . will also aid in your weightloss efforts”可知,常吃杏仁有利于减肥,故B项正确。3The passage mainly talks about _.A. foods that fight off an afternoon depressionB. feelings that we have after we have a delicious lunchC. tips that we should follow to keep healthyD. things that we can do in our office after a good lunch答案与解析:A考查主旨大意。通读全文可知,本文第二段的第二句“I have four foods that will get your focus back on track so that you can finish your workday stronger than you started”为文章的主题句,结合下文介绍的四种食品可知,本文主要介绍了几种能帮助抵制午后消沉,恢复下午工作能力的食物,故A项正确。B项仅为文章的细节之一;C项与文意无关;D项概括太宽泛,范围太广。B(2017广州综合测试一)Earlier this year, the social media website Facebook announced that it would work with several news organisations including The New York Times, The Guardian, and the BBC to place news stories directly into users personal Facebook webpage. Stories published using Facebook Instant Articles will load more quickly and keep the style of the original publisher, who will keep all the advertising income the stories earn at least for now. The deal shows how important social media has become to news organisations, and is a clear sign of how the world of news is changing and has been for a while.When Google News began in 2002, many saw it as the death of the newspaper. It had no human editor. Instead Google used and still uses a secret computer program that selects and displays news stories according to the readers personal interests. More recently, Associated Press and Yahoo! have been publishing computerwritten articles. Both use special software to automatically produce stories about company financial results and sports reports areas where the quality of writing is felt to be of secondary importance to the accuracy of the data.Should we be worried about such developments? I think we should. One concern is that Facebook, Google and other social media websites see journalism as a sideline, a way of putting people in front of advertisements. It isnt their primary function so if it stops making them lots
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