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为深入贯彻落实党的十九大精神和习近平总书记的重要指示精神,保障人民安居乐业、社会安定有序、国家长治久安、进一步巩固党的执政基础,束城镇深入贯彻全市扫黑除恶会议精神,强化措施,深入扎实开展扫黑除恶专项斗争Unit 1A land of diversity.写作单词会拼写1boomn(人口,贸易的)繁荣vi.处于经济迅速发展时期2occur vi.发生;出现3reform v&n.改;新;改良4hire vt.&n.租用;雇用5major adj.主要的vi.主修n.专业majorityn.大多数;大半minorityn.少数6elect vt.选择;决定做某事;选举某人electionn.选举7applyv.申请applicant n.申请人applicationn.申请8indicate vt.指出;标示;表明;暗示indicationn.迹象;指示器;指示物;迹象9apparent adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的apparentlyadv.显然地;显而易见地10punishv.惩罚;处罚punishment n.惩罚;处罚11boom n.(人口、贸易的)繁荣;vi.处于经济迅速发展时期12crossing n.横渡;横越;十字路口;人行横道crossv&n.交叉;十字架13customs n.海关;关税;进口税customn.风俗;习惯14slipvi.滑动;滑行;滑跤n.滑动;滑倒.阅读单词要识记15hardship n苦难;困苦16percentage n.百分比;百分率17means n.手段;方法18shave vt.&vi.刮;剃19justice n.正义;公平20grasp vt.&n.抓住;抓紧;掌握;领会高频短语会默写1live on继续存在;继续生存2by means of.用办法;借助3make a life习惯于新的生活方式、工作等4keep up坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等)5back to back背靠背6team up with与合作或一起工作7mark out画线;标出界线8take in包括;吸收9a great/good many许多;很多10apply for申请;请示得到教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.However,it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.(it is likely that.“有可能”)1.对我们学生而言参观长城有可能是一次难忘的经历。It is likely that a visit to the Great Wall for us students is an unforgettable experience.2.That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.(That is why.“那就是的原因”)2.他迷恋电脑游戏,那就是他不得不辍学的原因。He is addicted to computer games,and that is why he has to drop out of school.3.It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups,but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.(It is believed that.“人们认为/相信”)3.人们普遍认为书的影响是如此之大,以至于我们的父母总是鼓励我们养成良好的阅读习惯,阅读更多的书籍。It is commonly believed that the influence of books is so great that our parents always encourage us to form good habits of reading and to read more books.4.Built in 1873,the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie,who wanted to find a better form of transport than horsedrawn trams.(过去分词短语作状语)4.给予更多的关心和教导,这个孩子可能成为一名音乐家。Given more care and education,the child is likely to grow into a musician.精讲3个考纲单词 means n手段;方法经典例句Millions of Chinese rely on bicycles as their important means of transportation.自行车是数百万中国人赖以出行的重要交通工具。(1)by this means通过这种方法by means of用办法;借助by all means一定,务必;好的,当然可以by no means决不,一点也不(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装)(2)a means of communication一种通讯/交流工具In addition,we have more choices by means of wild release.(2015年重庆高考书面表达)此外,通过自由分享我们有更多的选择。By no means was he satisfied with the job and he asked us to finish the task by all means他对目前的工作一点也不满意,要求我们务必完成任务。Every possible means has been tried(try),but none has worked.All possible means have been tried(try),but none has worked.各种可能的办法都尝试了,但没有一种奏效。名师点津means用作“方式;方法”时单复数同形。若all/some/several/many means作主语,谓语动词用复数形式;若every/each/one/a means作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。 majority n大多数;大半高考佳句The majority of them take an online language test before starting their programme.(2016年天津高考阅读理解)他们中的大多数在开始课程前参加在线语言测试。(1)a/the majority of.大多数be in a/the majority构成大部分/大多数(2)major n&v.专业;主修major in主修;以为专业(3)minority n.少数in the minority占少数With the prices going up the majority of people find it hard to live on the amount of money they get.随着物价的上涨,大多数人发现靠他们挣的钱很难维持生活。An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are (be) against it.看来意见达成一致是不可能了,因为大多数委员会成员都表示反对。The white are in the majority in Australia while the native people in the minority在澳大利亚,白人占多数而土著人反而占少数。 occur vi.发生;出现高考佳句Years ago,a critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever.(2016年江苏高考完形填空)许多年前发生了将永远改变我的生活的一件极重要的事件。sth.occurs to sb.某人突然想起某事It occurs to/strikes/hits sb.that.某人突然想起It occurs to sb.to do sth.某人突然想起做某事It occurred to her that she should adopt the homeless child.她突然想到她应该收养这个无家可归的孩子。Along with your wonderful innovation,you need to hand in a report,explaining how the idea occurs to you and what materials you use.(2014年辽宁高考书面表达)除了你的奇妙的创新外,你需要提交一份报告,解释你是怎么想到这个点子的,你用的是什么材料。链接写作一句多译他忽然想起他把钥匙忘在办公室里了。It occurred to him that he had left his keys in the office.(occur)It hit him that he had left his keys in the office.(hit)It struck him that he had left his keys in the office.(strike)【导学号:30892173】诠释2个核心短语 make a life习惯于新的生活方式、工作等教材原句Some died or returned home,but most remained in California to make a life for themselves despite great hardship.有些人死了或回家了,但是大多数人留在了加利福尼亚谋生,尽管困难重重。(1)come to life苏醒;变得活跃come back to life苏醒过来,恢复生气bring.back to life使苏醒过来;给活力live/lead a.life过着生活(2)make/earn a/ones living谋生It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life despite his
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