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Political Institutions of US,the general principles of the Constitution,Federalism,Separation of powers,Checks and balances,2.1_2_ 4Checks and balances2,The American System of Government,The White House,Foreign affairs,judicial,legislation,AUTHORITY,Administration,.,2.4_2.3,Executive departments,Departments and offices,Main authorities of Congress,2.2_3.2,Functions of Congress,Lawmaking process,The Congress Building,The federal judiciary,9 justices in Obama Administration,The Court Structure,The Supreme Court,Main Responsibilities,1.Watching over the other two branches 2.Determining whether or not their laws and acts are in accordance with the Constitution,Congress approves presidential nominations and controls the budget , it can past laws over the presidents veto and impeach the president and remove him or her from the office,The president can veto congressional legislation,The court can declare laws unconstitutional,The Senate conforms the justicess nominations,congress can impeach judges and removes them from the office,The president nominates judges,The court can declare the presidential acts unconstitutional,vS,Political parties and political election,Democrats,Republicans,National presidential election,
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