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一岗双责落实还不到位。受事务性工作影响,对分管单位一岗双责常常落实在安排部署上、口头要求上,实际督导、检查的少,指导、推进、检查还不到位。第51练 空间、存在与特征类高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:across base exist throughapart aside board browncentral circle disappear goldenopposite surface upper woodenfloat locate surround fade短语扫描:ahead of 在前面as far as远至at the other end of在的另一端face to face 面对面地get close to靠近;接近in front of 在前面;在面前out of/beyond sb.s reach某人够不到的地方be located in 坐落于;位于on board在(船/火车/飞机等)上;上(船/火车/飞机等)in the distance在远处 跟踪训练.语境填词1Like the stars in the sky,a superstar may (逐渐消失) away as the years go by.2The Greeks got into the city by hiding in a (wood) horse.3The new library was built in the (central) of the campus.4Little of the (exist) housing is of good enough quality.5When spring comes,the snow and ice (消失).单项填空6In front of our school ,where a lot of people play or take exercise at any time.Adoes a park lie Bis a park lieCa park lies Dlies a park7 I can see,there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.AAs long as BAs far asCJust as DEven if8In China people believe in the saying “out of debt,out of pressure”;however in the west it is just the when you are in debt,you are trustworthy and financially capable.Aobjective BoppositeCcontrary Dcontradictory9Premier Li Keqiang, by a UNFA organization leader,attended the UN conference and delivered a speech on the eve of World Food Day.Aaccompanied BsurroundedCadvocated Dacknowledged10 an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later.ABased BBasingCBase DTo base阅读能力与写作能力专练.阅读理解American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930.From 1930 until 2006,Pluto sat comfortably beyond Neptune as the ninth planet in our solar system.In 2006,however,changes were made.The truth is,nothing about Pluto changed,but the definition(定义) of a planet did.So Pluto no longer fit the definition of a planet.According to new rules adopted by the International Astronomical Union,a celestial body(天体) must meet the following standards in order to qualify as a planet:1.A planet must be round.2.A planet must orbit the sun.3.A planet must have “cleared the neighborhood” of its orbit.This means that as a planet travels,its gravity sweeps and clears the space around it of other objects.Pluto follows the first two rules:It is round,and it orbits the sun.It does not,however,follow the third rule.It has not yet cleared the neighborhood of its orbit in space.Because it does not follow this rule,Pluto is no longer considered a planet.Dont feel too sad for Pluto,though.It has a new title“dwarf planet”Dwarf planets are celestial bodies that only meet the first two standards in the new definition of a planet.Dwarf planets,like Pluto,have not yet cleared the neighborhoods of their orbitsand still have some cleaning to do if they will ever become “true” planets.The following are facts about Pluto:Pluto is about the size of the moon.It takes approximately 248 Earth years for Pluto to make one trip around the sun.Since astronomers discovered Pluto in 1930,it has not completed one trip around the sun.It still has more than 150 Earth years to go!Pluto is so far away that it takes more than five hours for light from the sun to reach it.The suns light reaches Earth in only eight minutes!1What happened to Pluto in 2006?AIt became the ninth planet.BIt wasnt regarded as a planet.CIt became different from Neptune.DThe official didnt like it any longer.2The second paragraph is mainly to tell us .Athe standards of a planetBthe characteristics of PlutoCa planet and its gravityDseveral kinds of planets3We can learn from the fourth paragraph that dwarf planets .Aturn around other planetsBkeep their orbits clearChave no neighborhoodsDmust be in a round form4Which of the following is TRUE of Pluto?AIt is about as big as the moon.BIt can remove the space around it.CIt takes an Earth year to finish one trip.DIt is much nearer to the sun than the earth.5What would be the best title for the text?AWhat is Pluto Really Like?BWhen will Pluto Become a Planet?CWhy is Pluto No longer a Planet?DHow Long Does Pluto Exist in Space?.阅读表达(2016天津市耀华中学月考)When you get in your car,you reach for it.When youre at work,you take a break to have a moment alone with it.When you get into a lift,you play with it.Cigarette?Cup of coffee?No,its the third most addictive thing in modern life:the cell phone.And experts say it is becoming more difficult for many people to control their longing to hug it more tightly than most of their personal relationships.The costs are becoming more and more evident,and I dont
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