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一岗双责落实还不到位。受事务性工作影响,对分管单位一岗双责常常落实在安排部署上、口头要求上,实际督导、检查的少,指导、推进、检查还不到位。第54练 态度类高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:accept agree attract bearcare certain enjoy standargument devote dislike doubthate appeal approve confirmfaith fancy offence resist短语扫描:be bound to一定会be casual about对随便be fed up with对感到厌烦be opposed to 反对look up to尊敬;仰视subscribe to 同意;赞成believe it or not 信不信由你sound like听起来像in support of 支持;证明approve of赞成跟踪训练.语境填词1We have the pleasure to ask your (accept) of our presents.2Having a trip abroad is (certain) good for the old couple.3The accident taught him to be more (care)4She recalled her (devote) to her husband during his hour of need.5If something (证实) what you believe,it shows that it is definitely true.单项填空6Scholars from the University of Kansas published the results of a decadelong study recently,suggesting that sending children to “preschool” at the age of 6 comes too late to for educational drawbacks at home.(2017江苏南通如东、徐州丰县联考)Acompensate BanswerCaccount Dallow7As a matter of fact,her mother doesnt of her going to study in the United States.Aadmit BagreeCprove Dapprove8We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or our emotions than for straight facts.(2015浙江,11)Ablock off Bappeal toCsubscribe to Dcome across9The park was full of people, themselves in the sunshine.(2015北京,23)Ahaving enjoyed BenjoyedCenjoying Dto enjoy10I first read the fashion magazine over a decade ago and to it since.Asubscribed Bhad subscribedChave subscribed Dwas subscribing阅读能力与写作能力专练.阅读理解(2016天津市第一中学月考)I was waiting in a checkin line at Arlanda International Airport.The man ahead of me was quite a big guy.As an airport baggage handler checked through a customer at the roadside,he accidentally knocked over the mans luggage.He quickly collected the fallen bags and apologized for his mistake.However,the traveler burst into anger,shouting at the baggage handler for his carelessness.The baggage handler calmly apologized and smiled all the time.The customer continued to berate(痛斥) the man,even as he turned away and headed for his gate.Through it all the baggage handler smiled and remained calm.The other customers in line witnessed the incident and admired the baggage handlers professionalism and selfcontrol.“I have never seen such restraint and humility,” one of the customers sighed,“How do you keep your cool when somebody is attacking you so viciously?”“Its easy,” the baggage handler answered.“Hes going to London,but his bags are going to Tokyo.”I wont recommend that we use revenge to relieve stress.But let me tell you about one of my friends who has found a way to go through most of his life unaffected by the turbulence that disturbs most people.He is one of the calmest people Ive ever known and he describes how he keeps his cool no matter how turbulent a situation becomes.He says,“I look at it this way.A traffic jam has no power to make me angry.It just stops my car.And thats the way I try to look at most of what happens to me.” With that philosophy,this guy goes through life with a calmness I can only envy.My friend likes to say things like,“A rude customer has no power to make me angry;he just fusses.” And,“A mistake I made has no power to make me upset;its just a chance to do better.” He shows how we can truly find calmness in the midst of chaos.1The airport baggage handler remained calm during the customers berating because .Ahe was good at selfcontrol Bhe wanted to show his professionalism Che wanted to revenge the customer Dhe knew well the airport rules 2What is the authors attitude towards the baggage handler?AAppreciative. BDisapproving.CConcerned. DSympathetic.3Why does the author tell us about his friend?ATo tell us what is true calmness.BTo explain a special philosophy.CTo show his envy to the friend.DTo advise us to have good manners.4What does the underlined word “turbulence” mean?AAn uneasy or a disturbing state of mind.BA confusing or uncontrolled situation.CA person that makes people angry.DViolence that hurts people.5Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?AA Clever Baggage Handler BRestraint and Humility in Life CA Philosophy for Everyone DCalmness in Chaos.阅读表达(2016天津市南开区一模)I stood at the edge of the cliff.The wind stung my eyes,cutting into my skin.Darkfeathered birds circled the air,swooping(俯冲) low over the ocean every now and then to catch their dinner.Hundreds of feet below,the deep ocean beat against the rough sandy shore.I took a deep breath,filling my lungs with excitementand at the same ti
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