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英语中表示“花费”的几种方法,一、spend表示“花费”时,其前的主语必须是表示“人”的词,可用于指花费金钱、时间或精力等,其后通常跟on sth.或(in) doing sth.例如: She spent two hundred yuan on the dress. He will spend three years (in )writing this book .,二、take表示“花费”的意思时,常用it做形式主语,构成“It takes (sb. )some time (some money) to do sth.”句型。这种结构的真正主语是不定式to do sth。意思是“做某事花费(某人)多少时间(或金钱)。例如 It took me two hours to finish my homework. It took her 100 yuan to buy the coat.,三、Pay”表示”花费的意思时。主语通常是表示人的名词或代词。其常用句型是 Sb. pays some money for sth. 例如: How much did you pay for the book. I paid 10 yuan for it.,pay除“表达”,“花费”,“支付”清等意思外,还有如下的意思: (1)“给报酬”、“出钱雇佣”。例如: The boss paid them to carry the heavy boxes. (2)“偿还”,“补偿”。例如: Have you paid off your debts yet?,cost 表示“花费”的意思时,主语通常是表示”物”的名词或动名词(短语)。 常用句型是:Sth/Doing sth costs some money/time.例如: The book cost me 20 yuan. Doing the homework cost her more than half an hour.,www.jkzyw.com,cost除了表示“花费”之意,还表示“价值为”的意思。例如: The pair of shoes costs 150 yuan. cost还有“付出努力、生命”的意思。例如: His carelessness cost his life. The work cost us much labor,以上只是本人的一点拙见,如有不妥之处,还望广大学生和同仁给以指正。,再 见,
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