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,Do you know Taipeis National Palace Museum ?,Taipeis National Palace Museum is an art gallery and museum in Taipei City, Republic of China (ROC) containing artifacts(a:rtifkts n. 手工艺品;人工制品 ) of ancient China.,It should not be confused with the Palace Museum (note the absence of the word “National“), which is the Forbidden City in Beijing.,Both institutions(,institju:n n. 制度;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗;建立 ) derive from the same original institution, which was split(split vi. 离开;被劈开;断绝关系 ) in two as a result of the Chinese Civil(sivl adj. 公民的;民间的;文职的;有礼貌的;根据民法的)War.,The National Palace Museum in Taipei holds one of the largest collection of Chinese artifacts and artwork in the world.,The museum reopened on Christmas of 2006 after an extensive renovation(,renuvein n. 修理;革新;恢复活力 ) project.,The renovation project lasted for four years, during which two-thirds of the museum were closed.,Three “Grand(rnd adj. 宏伟的;豪华的;极重要的 ) View“ exhibits in honor of the reopening will run from 2006/12/25 2007/03/25: Ju Ware from the Northern Sung Dynasty, Painting and Calligraphy of the Northern Sung, and Sung Dynasty Rare Books.,There are some relics in Taipeis National Palace Museum .,青瓷奉华纸槌瓶,核舟记(中学课文中的核舟记的原型),北宋汝窑莲花式温碗,宝石红僧帽壶,镀金镶珊瑚松石坛城,肉形石,毛公鼎,婴儿枕,五彩龙凤大盘,散氏盘,汝窑天青无纹椭圆水仙盆,翠玉白菜,松山行旅图,快雪时晴帖,早春图,万壑松风图,藏文大藏经,帝鉴图说,Thanks for watching.,From Christina,
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