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英语新闻标题-常用小词总结,Boom,相当于flourish,繁荣,蓬勃 Business/tourism/labor market booms Chinas bike-sharing booms Boom 做名词也常见于新闻标题中:Paris Climate Agreement Could Bring a Huge Economic Boom (Gzimodo),boost,相当于increase,提升,增长,注意区别它与 boom Boost safety/commercial ties/growth/population/funding Carlsbad plans to scan license plates to boost safety,curb,Control, 抑制,限制 Curb immigration US calls for immediate action to curb smoking US said to curb devices on flights from Middle East,Blow,打击,尤其常用于体育竞赛的新闻中 Warriors Blow by Bucks 用做名词:blow to A blow to the local retail market Elections in the Netherlands: A blow to the surge of right-wing populism?(Jerusalem Post),Blow,打击,尤其常用于体育竞赛的新闻中 Warriors Blow by Bucks 用做名词:blow to A blow to the local retail market Elections in the Netherlands: A blow to the surge of right-wing populism?(Jerusalem Post),Aid,Help/assist,帮助,援助 名词在新闻中都很常见 Food/business/legal/development aid Bill Gates talks foreign aid in meeting with Donald Trump(CNET) African Region to Receive $45 Billion in Development Aid,Aid,Help/assist,帮助,援助 名词在新闻中都很常见 Food/business/legal/development aid Bill Gates talks foreign aid in meeting with Donald Trump(CNET) African Region to Receive $45 Billion in Development Aid,Blast,=explore, 爆炸 Islamic State claims responsibility after 27 killed in Baghdad blast 严厉批评或猛烈攻击(v),criticize Democrats blast FBI director after probe revelation(The Washington Times),Blast,=explore, 爆炸 Islamic State claims responsibility after 27 killed in Baghdad blast 严厉批评或猛烈攻击(v),criticize Democrats blast FBI director after probe revelation(The Washington Times),Scare,在新闻标题中多用名词,恐慌 Survive (a) scare from Saints Survive MacDonald County scare No.1 Notre Dame(圣母大学) Women Survive a Scare Against Purdue(普渡大学),Scare,在新闻标题中多用名词,恐慌 Survive (a) scare from Saints Survive MacDonald County scare No.1 Notre Dame(圣母大学) Women Survive a Scare Against Purdue(普渡大学),Scare,在新闻标题中多用名词,恐慌 Survive (a) scare from Saints Survive MacDonald County scare No.1 Notre Dame(圣母大学) Women Survive a Scare Against Purdue(普渡大学),
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