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新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修2,5.6Language Data Bank,Language points for Reading I Language points for Reading II Video data,Language Data Bank,1. dream of sth./doing sth.梦想 dream of a better future dream of becoming famous When she was young, she dreamt of being a doctor in the future. 2. with+n. +现在分词或过去分词 构成复合结构在句中做状语 With winter coming its time for us to prepare for our final exam. With the homework done, he went home happily.,Language points for Reading I,2.with+n./pron. + doing sth(伴随的动作) done(已经完成被动的动作) to do(将要执行的动作) adj. adv. prep phrases,The professor came in with a lot of students following. With the problem solved, we all feel very happy. With Lily to help us, we can finish the work in an hour. He likes to sleep with the door open. With her son away from home, she felt very lonely. With a bag on her back,the girl went home happily.,3. honest adj. 诚实的 dishonest adj.不诚实的 honesty n. 忠实 be honest with 对说老实话,对某人以诚相待 I will be honest with you. If you are honest with the others, they will help you a lot.,4. extra adj. 额外的,特别的 adv.特别的,非常的 He is strong enough to carry the cargo,I dont think he needs some extra help. I bought this picture at an extra high price.,5. play jokes on sb. 在某人身上开玩笑 He is a serious man, dont play jokes on him. Though old, they often play jokes on each other. play tricks on 抓弄某人 We should never play tricks on the others.,6. base on 基于, 以为根据 His argument is based on facts. The writer based his book on a true story. 7. at first 起初,开头,含有后来不这样的意思 At first, she was afraid of water, but she soon learned to swim.,8. attractive adj. 有吸引力的,有魅力的 attract vt. 吸引,引起 attraction n. 吸引力 The girl is very attractive. Like attracts like. 物以类聚。,9. They became even more popular than “The Beatle”in the USA and sold even more records. even +比较级 Its even colder than yesterday. even/much/a lot/far+比较级 The garden is much more beautiful than that one.,Freddy was now quite confident when he went into the hall. be confident + 从句 对有信心 be confident of (about, in ) 对有信心 He is quite confident that hell pass the driving text. Dont be too confident in your own opinion. Tom is confident of his ability to overcome the difficulty.,Language points for Reading II,2. He had to go to London, wear an expensive suit and give a performance to a TV camera. performance n. 表演 performer n. 表演者 perform v. 表演,履行,执行,表现,性能 They put on a performance last night. What play will be performed tomorrow? Perform your promise. The car performs well on hills. One should perform ones duties.,3. Then things went wrong, Freddy and his band could not go out without being followed. go wrong 出了毛病 = Something is wrong with = There is something wrong with My watch went wrong yesterday. Whats wrong with you? He was done wrong. 他受了冤枉。,再见,: http:/www.lacheer.cn/ 皮肤管理培训 bth20dwb 家女儿,可张家姑娘到底封妃了,惠妃,压着我们一大头呢!我们要把张家的扯下来,她们肯?必定是利用老二屋里的,怎么使个法子把宝音拉过去了,给我们背后戳刀子!”“宝音那孩子”苏小横垂下眼皮,像在专心研究自己的肚子,“是你一手教养上来的,你觉得什么法子可以收买她背叛你?”老太太窒了一窒:“她手上帐目亏空很大,数千两银子呢!莫非是外头养了个小白脸?”苏小横问:“你查出这小白脸了?”老太太很泄气:“这倒没有。”“那她一死,你还打算怎么查?”苏小横终于注目于老太太。他这人有个特点,目光特别专注。不管看人、还是看一粒尘埃,都带着种盲人第一次睁开眼睛看见梅花绽放,静着神、凝着气,快要叹息,但还没来得及叹息、没舍得叹息,那样的神气,老太太在他这样的目光下,就像二八的少女,不觉低下了头:“你是说我杀宝音杀早了?”苏小横这次无须回答了。老太太不服气:“宫里来的也同意我的判断,杀了干净!”“确实。不管宝音是什么动机、什么居心,能被人利用,也只是个糊涂孩子罢。杀了,给操纵她的那伙人惊一惊心,一来知道我们手段,二来么,叫他们猜不透我们掌握宝音身上的线索到了什么地步。夜长梦乱,快刀杀人是很稳妥的法子。”苏小横道,“只不过,说到宝音这孩子身上,我恐怕她是作了枉死鬼了。”“我们用了镇鬼的符纸了,不怕她作乱!”老太太扭扭身子,“还是你看中了她,舍不得她死?”六十多的老太太,吃起醋来,还像个大姑娘。七十多岁的苏小横只好赶快转移话题:“咱们家的诗丫头,若是从贵人升了嫔,可以带个妹妹过去帮手,你说带谁好?”“闹出这事,张惠妃扳不扳得倒、诗儿升不升得了,还不一定呢!说不定咱们就败了,家破”说到这儿,赶紧掩住嘴,呸三声,才接下去道,“我一听那玉坠丢了,急得都跟什么似的,你倒想得美!”“我么,一听那玉坠丢了,倒立刻就判断,短时间内不会出什么大事。”苏小横气定神闲道。老太太“咦”了一声。第十六章暗度戎琴成新赏(2)苏小横道:“你想,诗儿与张妃,斗在暗里。张妃甚至未必知道诗儿所图。然则那块要命的玉坠,从宫里出来,藏在苏家的钟魁像里,若着人光天化日的当场搜出来,怎么解释?经官过府到御前,倒是张妃倒霉。”“他们敢进苏府来搜!”老太太咬着牙,但已明显底气不足。“不是不可操作的。”苏小横吐出口气,“我们赌的,只是他们不清楚玉坠藏在钟魁里。但而今,我们不能确认他们是用什么方式说动了宝音、找不到玉坠去了哪里,我们甚至不清楚他们在我们这里渗透到什么地步、了解了多少。这样狠而准的打击,是容易的吗?他们很可能已经具备让我们当场下不来台的实力。”老太太,
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