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到乌蒙山区的昭通;从甘肃中部的定西,到内蒙古边陲的阿尔山,看真贫、知真贫,真扶贫、扶真贫,成为“花的精力最多”的事;“扶贫先扶志”“扶贫必扶智”“实施精准扶贫”Module 5 Cloning .单句语法填空1If they refuse to make (make) heartfelt apologies,we will have to bring an action against them.2All of a sudden,the thief walking behind a young and pretty lady seized her purse, rushing (rush) into the crowd.3Although a sudden change can be a bad thing,it might often be beneficial (benefit) in the long run.4Scientists are still wondering how it is that the Egyptians built the pyramids so long ago.5She is overweight,but she still cant resist eating (eat) more delicious food.6. Accompanied (accompany) by the leader,they visited the hospital.7So absorbed was he in our talk that my brother took a wrong turn on the way to the airport.8After the earthquake,the villagers tried their best to bring the village back to life.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空as follows, as far as we know, up and down, again and again, throw oneself on, treat.as., break down, get out of control1He continued to walk up and down , lost in thought.2You have to read it again and again before you can recite it finally.3His explanation was as follows .4. As far as we knew , there was no cause for concern.5The children got out of control after their teacher left.6Youd better not throw yourself on him, for he is not reliable.7The boy objects to being treated as a child.8Chemicals in the body break down our food into useful substances.句型训练1用所给词的适当形式填空(1)I wish I had seen (see) you when I was badly in need of your help.(2)I wish I knew (know) what is going to happen.(3)I wish I could fly (fly) like a bird.(4)They were leaving (leave) for the station when they heard a warning on the radio that all trains were delayed by the fog.2句型转换(1)We returned home before dark and we felt tired and hungry.We returned home before dark, tired and hungry . (2)We all agree that the harder you work, the more progress you will make. It is agreed that the harder you work, the more progress you will make.(3)If I am invited, I will go to his birthday party. If invited , I will go to his birthday party.语法填空In 1816,a nineteenyearold Englishwoman wrote a novel called Frankenstein.Frankenstein is the name 1.of a young scientist from Geneva,in Switzerland.While 2.studying (study) at university,he discovers the secret of 3.how to create life.Then he creates a creature that resembles a human being.But the creature is the 4.ugliest (ugly) thing the scientist has ever seen so that it terrifies anyone who sees it.In fact,Frankenstein has tried to make him beautiful. 5.Seeing (see) the ugly monster,Frankenstein wishes he had not created this creature and wishes he could disappear.He hides in the garden,terrified by 6.what he has done.The monster becomes lonely 7.and unhappy,so when Frankenstein refuses to create 8.a wife for him,he murders Frankensteins brother,best friend and wife.At the end of the story,Frankenstein decides to chase and destroy 9.him (he)Finally,the monster disappears into the ice of the Arctic 10.to end (end) his life.话题写作先将下面几个句子翻译成英语,然后连成一段小短文。1克隆是利用来自单一“父母”的DNA创造细胞或整个动物的过程。2在1997年,科学家成功地克隆了哺乳类动物。3一些科学家想用克隆动物的方法,来为人类制造人类使用的皮肤、器官与其他的身体构造。4克隆人类细胞有可能会找到治愈疾病的疗法并消灭疾病。5但是克隆技术仍然处在初级阶段,还有很多科学家不明白的地方。6许多人担心克隆会对社会带来的影响。在许多国家中,法律禁止克隆人类。 Cloning is the process of the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA from a single “parent”Scientists successfully cloned the first mammal in1997. Some scientists want to apply the methods used in cloning animals to producing skin, organs and other body parts for humans. The cloning of human cells provides the potential to find cures and wipeout diseases. But the technology of cloning is still in its very early stages and there is much that scientists do not understand. Whats more, many people fear the effects cloning could have on our society. So in many countries,human cloning is banned by law. 新的贫困人口还会出现,因灾、因病、因学返贫情况还会时有发生;五是经济下行压力较大,贫困人口就业和增收难度增大,一些农民因丧失工作重新陷入贫困
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