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到乌蒙山区的昭通;从甘肃中部的定西,到内蒙古边陲的阿尔山,看真贫、知真贫,真扶贫、扶真贫,成为“花的精力最多”的事;“扶贫先扶志”“扶贫必扶智”“实施精准扶贫”Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World .用所给词的适当形式填空1Pollution poses a threat to the continued _existence_(exist) of this species.2The mother didnt become aware of the childs _disappearance_(disappear) until ten oclock, which made her worried.3The flower is now in danger of _extinction_(extinct)4I was late, but _fortunately_(fortune) the meeting hadnt started.5There is a great deal of evidence _indicating_(indicate) that music activities engage different parts of the brain.6._Attacked_(attack) by a high fever, he had to ask for two days leave.完成句子1因为我们没有足够的时间,让我们谈正题吧。Lets _come_straight_to_the_point_ because we dont have enough time.2我的成功归功于同事们的帮助。My success is _due_to_ the assistance of my fellow workers.3这项研究可能会让人们清楚互联网发展的前景。The study may _throw_light_on_ the future development of the Internet.4由于气候恶化,好几类物种已不复存在。Because of climate becoming worse, several species have already _died_out_.5村庄被大雪封住两个月之久。The village was _cut_off_ by heavy snow for two months.句型训练1用所给词的适当形式填空(1)The doctor claimed _to_have_discovered_ (discover) a cure for the disease.(2)He pretended _to_be_sleeping_ (sleep) when his father came in.(3)He is said _to_go_ (go) abroad next month.2完成句子(1)看长相他们不可能是双胞胎。Judging from their appearance, they_are_unlikely_to_be_ twins.(2)她和玛丽大学毕业时的年龄一样大。She is _of_the_same_age_ as Mary at her graduation.语法填空根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world, 1.covering_(cover) an area of about ten square kilometres.The “Monster of Lake Tianchi” is back in the news after several recent sightings.Although there was no one really getting _2.a_ clear look at the mysterious creature,a local photographer claimed that _3.its_ head looked like a horse.A report came from Li Xiaohe, 4.who_ noticed that the creature moving quickly through the water.After that it dived _5.into_ the water.Several minutes later,it appeared again and could be seen clearly because the lake was calm.There _6.have_been_(be) reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the _7.beginning_ (begin) of the last century.Many people think that the monster may be a _8.distant_(distance) cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland._9.However_,scientists are sceptical about it.They say that the lowtemperature lake is _10.unlikely_(likely) to be able to support such large living creatures.话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子,并按照逻辑连成短文。1Research _indicates_ that some animals _are_disappearing_from_the_world_.研究表明一些动物正从世界上消失。2They_go_extinct_ because they cant _adapt_to_the_environment_,partly _due_to_ human_activities_.它们濒临灭绝的原因是它们不适应环境,部分原因是人类活动。3Many hunters _exist_on_hunting_animals_.They even destroy their habitats to _make_a_ fortune_.许多猎人靠打猎生存,他们为了发财甚至破坏它们的栖息地。4A lot of people _claim_that_the_government_should_take_measures_to_protect_animals_.许多人主张政府应该采取措施来保护动物。组篇公式:加入适当的过渡词(as we all know,to ones relief等)_Research_indicates_that_some_animals_are_disappearing_from_the_world._They_go_extinct_because_they_cant_adapt_to_the_environment,partly_due_to_human_activities._As_we_all_ know,_many_hunters_exist on hunting animals.They even_destroy_their_habitats_to_make_a_fortune._To_our_relief,_a_lot_of_people_claim_that_the_government should take measures to_protect_animals._新的贫困人口还会出现,因灾、因病、因学返贫情况还会时有发生;五是经济下行压力较大,贫困人口就业和增收难度增大,一些农民因丧失工作重新陷入贫困
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