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到乌蒙山区的昭通;从甘肃中部的定西,到内蒙古边陲的阿尔山,看真贫、知真贫,真扶贫、扶真贫,成为“花的精力最多”的事;“扶贫先扶志”“扶贫必扶智”“实施精准扶贫”Unit 3 Travel journal.阅读理解A(2017广东六校教育教学联合体高三检测)Its always good to experience something new in life.Travelling gives plenty of such opportunities and when you choose a hotel to stay in next time,here,on this website,is a list of 4 most weird (怪异的) hotels in the world.Dog Bark Park InnIf you keep a dog and love animals,then you will definitely become a fan of this hotel.The shape of the hotel reminds you of a dog.Here visitors will find a microwave oven to prepare a simple meal,games,puzzles and books to entertain themselves,an air conditioner and of course a bath.There is no TV set or a phone though.Das Park HotelYou will love the place because it is perfectly adjusted to basic human needs.However,there is one disadvantage to all these.The matter is that bathroom facilities are not included in the price.Each room here is quite small,but has a bed,electricity and air conditioning.CasAnusRead the name of the hotel attentively and you will easily guess what place exactly you are going to spend your vacation in!The hotel is situated in Kemzeke,Belgium and was designed by Joep van Lieshout.Do not say no to this hotel since it is quite comfortable and nice inside.Hobbit MotelDeep inside we stay kids forever.This is what the creators of the Hobbit Motel kept in mind when they were creating this motel.The Hobbit Motel is located in Woodlyn Park,New Zealand.You will recognize the inn by its blocks it is made of and the green roof covered with a thick layer of grass.【语篇解读】本文为应用文。文章介绍了世界上最怪异的四家旅馆。1What can you know about the Dog Bark Park Inn?AIt doesnt provide food for visitors.BVisitors can take their pets to it.CIts name may come from its appearance.DVisitors cant make phone calls there.C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“If you keep a dog and love animals,then you will definitely become a fan of this hotel.The shape of the hotel reminds you of a dog.”可知,这家旅馆的外观就像只狗,再结合旅馆的名字可知这家旅馆的名字也许源于其外形。2What do visitors in Das Park Hotel need to pay extra money for?AThe bed.BThe shower.CElectricity.DAir conditioning.B推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The matter is that bathroom facilities are not included in the price.”可知,这家旅馆的房价里不包括洗浴设施,因此想要洗澡的话,需要另外支付费用。3Which is the best choice for a person who most values comfort?AThe Dog Bark Park Inn.BDas Park Hotel.CCasAnus.DThe Hobbit Motel.C细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Do not say no to this hotel since it is quite comfortable and nice inside.”可知,重视舒适度的游客可以选择入住CasAnus。 【导学号:30892202】B(2017福州高三检测)Want to help fight global warming?Take off your tie,says the Italian Health Ministry.It has urged employers to let their staff dress casually at work in the summer so that the air conditioning can be turned down.“Taking your tie off immediately lowers the body temperature by 2 or 3 degrees centigrade,” the ministry said in a statement.“Allowing a more sensible use of air conditioning brings about electricity savings and protects the environment.”It called on all public and private offices to let employees wear no tie during heat waves like the one that has brought Africalike temperatures to many parts of Italy this week.The move echoes (回应) a similar action from Italys biggest oil group,ENI,which told its staff earlier this month they need not wear a tie at work.The tie makers,however,were left hot under the collar“Italy confirms that it is a strange country,”Flavio Cima said angrily in a letter to financial daily Il Sole 24 ORE under the headline:“I,tie maker,am responsible for global warming.”“We can now happily continue with our lifestyle,using ears,consuming fuel,heating and cooling our homes at leisure.On one condition:we should not wear a tie while we do so,” he wrote.“I should have listened to my friends and become an oil producer instead.”Italy is one of the European Unions worst performers on the pollution front and is among the EU countries expected to exceed (超出) their greenhouse gas emission (排放) targets.【语篇解读】解掉领带可以让体温下降2或3度,所以许多公司鼓励员工不戴领带上班,以抵制全球气候变暖;但是,这种主张遭到了领带制造商的反对。4Whats the purpose of the move of taking off ties?ATo dress casually.BTo fight global warming.CTo keep the body temperature.DTo improve working conditions.B细节理解题。根据第一段的“Want to help fight global warming?Take off your tie”可知,解掉领带是为了抵制全球变暖,故B项正确。5Who first encouraged employees to take off ties?AENI.BFlavio Cima.CA financial daily.DThe Italian Health Ministry.A细节理解题。根据第五段中的“ENI,which told its staff earlier this month they need not wear a tie at work”可知,ENI公司最早鼓励员工上班时不戴领带,故A项正确。6What does the underlined part “hot under the collar” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?AAngry.BSpeechless.CDelighted.DPuzzled.A词义猜测题。根据第四段和第五段可知,包括ENI在内的许多公司,都鼓励员工不戴领带上班;根据常识可以判断,此举势必造成领带制造商的商品滞销;结合第七段的“Flavio Cima said angrily in a letter”可以判断,画线部分意为“愤怒的”,故A项正确。B项意为“(因愤怒等)说不出话的”,C项意为“高兴的”,D项意为“困惑的”,都与语境不符。7Which of the following is TRUE about
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