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,选修8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions,重点单词,1._n.专利证书;专利发明 2. _vi.& vt.显示的差别;使有所不同;辨别 _adj.卓越的;杰出的 _adj.易分辨的 3. _n.立方体;立方 _adj.立方的 4. _ adj.突然的;意外的 _adv.突然地;唐突地 5. _adj.方便的;便利的;就近的 _n.方便;便利;有益 6. _n.小心,谨慎 7. _ n.预料;期待;期望 _v.期待;预期 8. _adj.被动的;消极的;被动语态的,patent distinguish distinguished distinguishable cube cubic abrupt abruptly convenient convenience caution expectation expect passive,学生用书见P196,重点单词,9. _vt.放走 10._vt.抓住;提住;夺 11. _n.(评判的)标准;尺度 _(复数) 12._vt.声称 n. 主张 13. _adj.有效的;确凿的 14. _n.文件;档案;文件夹vt.把归档;提交 15. _adj.熟的;成熟的 16. _n.线,绳子 17. _n.胶水 18. _adj.冰冻的;严寒的,release seize criterion criteria claim valid file ripe string glue freezing,重点单词,14. _vt.忍受;忍耐;负担 _(近义词) 15._adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;动态的; 发展变化的 16. _vt.轻打;轻拍;轻敲n.轻轻地敲击(声); (水)龙头 17. _n.(水或气)流;电流adj.现在的;当前的 18. _adj.稳固的;稳定的;安定的 19. _vt.联想;联系n.同伴;伙伴 _n.联系;协会 20. _adj.实际的;实践的;实用的 _v.练习;实践n.练习;实践,bear Stand,endure dynamic tap current stable associate association practical practice,重点短语,1._给打电话 2. _偶尔;有时 3. _开始;着手 _着手做;动身 4. _被踩出的路;常规;惯例 5. _迅速把手伸入;一心投入 6. _ 的确;事实上 7. _不挂断;紧紧握住;稍等 8. _次序颠倒;发生故障 9. _设法联系上(尤指打通电话); (设法)做完 10. _回复电话 _挂断电话,call up now and then set about set out (to do) beaten track dive into in truth hang on out of order get through ring back ring off,1.before 作为从属连词,在句中连接时间状语 The next morning I got up early before the sun was hot. (教材P20) 2.“only+状语从句”引起的倒装 Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor.(教材P21),重点句型,3.so.that.如此以至于 The criteria are so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel. (教材P21) 4.every time意为“每次”,引导时间状语从句 Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before.(教材P25),重点句型,复习过去分词(用作定语、表语和宾语补足语) I carried in my hand a small net used for catching fish. (教材P21) He seemed embarrassed by the failure of his patent. (教材P24) Catherine wants her paintings displayed in the gallery. (教材P24),语法要点,distinguish vi.& vt.辨别;显示的差别;使有所不同 Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them. (教材P20) 这回我有机会来表现一下自己,我要发明某种东西,既可以把蛇抓到又不会伤害到它们。,学生用书见P197,distinguish A from B 把A与B加以分开;使A有别于B distinguish between A and B 辨别A和B distinguish oneself (in/by/as) .(在方面/ 以/作为)表现突出,使自己名扬 distinguished adj.卓越的,著名的,杰出的 be distinguished for.=be famous/(well)known for 因而出名 (3) distinguishable adj.易分辨的,能区分的,(1),(2),The twins are so alike that no one can distinguish one from the other. 这对孪生儿长得很像,没有人能分辨得出哪个是哪个。 You should learn to distinguish between right and wrong. 你应学会明辨是非。 He distinguished himself by his bravery. 他以勇敢著称。 He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics. 他在经济学知识方面出类拔萃。 I admire your distinguished achievements. 真羡慕你卓越的成就。 Tom is hardly distinguishable from his twin brother. 汤姆跟他的孪生哥哥(弟弟)几乎令人分辨不出。,convenient adj.便利的;方便的;就近的 They abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall. (教材P20) 他们突然一下子就消失在附近的墙洞里去了。,It is convenient for sb.to do sth.做某事对某人来说 是方便的 sth.be convenient to/for sb.对某人来说很便利/ 离很近 convenience n.方便,便利;适宜;省事 at ones convenience在方便的时候,在适宜的地方 for convenience为了方便 (3) conveniently adv.便利地;合宜地,(1),(2),Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? 你明天开始工作方便吗? Would it be convenient to make up your room now, sir? 现在来收拾您的房间方便吗,先生? Please call me back at your convenience. 请你方便的时候回个电话给我。 I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience. 为了图方便,我把参考书放在书桌前。,bear(bore;borne/born) vt.忍受;忍耐;负担;生育 I cannot bear the smell of sausage on the barbecue. (教材P24) 我忍受不了架子上烤香肠的味道。,put up with sth.容忍某事 stand doing sth.忍受做某事 bear/endure/tolerate to do sth./doing sth.忍受做某事 bear sb./sb.s doing sth.忍受某人做某事 bear with sb./sth.耐心对待;容忍/忍耐 bear sth.in mind记住,(1),(2),She has borne three children. 她生了三个孩子。 Why do I have to bear all the costs of repair? 为什么要我负担所有的维修费用? I cant bear people smoking while hes eating. 我无法忍受人们吃饭时吸烟。 He cant bear being laughed at in public. He cant bear to be laughed at in public. 他无法忍受在公共场合遭人嘲笑。,We have to bear with his bad temper because he is a bit frustrated these days. 我们不得不容忍他的坏脾气,因为这些日子他有点灰心丧气。 You must bear it in mind that your parents hope to depend on you to become a good doctor. 你要记住你的父母指望你成为一名好医生。,温馨提示:borne和born是bear的两个过去分词,表示“出生,出自”时用born,并且仅用于被动式。表示“生育”时用borne。,associate vi.联想;联系 Although he is most often associated with the invention of the telephone, he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everybodys life. (教材P26) 虽然人们常把他与电话的发明联系在一起,但是他的确是一位永不停息的探索家,不断寻求着改善人们日常生活质量的实用方法。,associate sb./sth.with sb./sth. 把和联系在一起;由联想到 associate with sb.与某人交往或常打交道 association n.联合;联想;交往;协会;团体 in associati
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