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到乌蒙山区的昭通;从甘肃中部的定西,到内蒙古边陲的阿尔山,看真贫、知真贫,真扶贫、扶真贫,成为“花的精力最多”的事;“扶贫先扶志”“扶贫必扶智”“实施精准扶贫”Unit 6 Design .单句语法填空1.The boy lay under the bed,_ (hold) his breath in case his enemies in the game found him.2.The famous tower,_ (date) back to the tenth century,stands on the top of the mount for at least one thousand years.3._ (finish) the project in time,the staff were working at weekends.4.He searched the room carefully,only _ (find) nothing.5.The king showed no mercy _ the prisoners and killed all of them.6.Tickets for such events will _ (typical)cost around thirty dollars.7.Hes got the right man and wants to try him _ on the job.8.Its _ mercy that the accident happened so near the hospital.9.Do you think the reason _ you gave for your absence is valid?10.Dont leave her _ (wait) outside in the rain.11.He brought all the papers _ (relate) to this subject.12.He has a pain _ back,which reminded him of the unusual experience.答案1.holding2.dating3.To finish4.to find 5.to6.typically7.out8.a9.that10.waiting11.related12.in.单句改错1.Bathing in the fog,we couldnt see the mountain clearly.2.Though he is very rich,he shows little mercy on the poor.3.You will be paid to write an article for our website recording a situation that you find yourself extremely embarrassed or scared.4.If he wants to win in the contest,he must take great pain to prepare for it.5.The classroom looks like a mess,then who left the waste paper lie around?6.The drug has not been tried on humans yet.7.The swimmer couldnt hold her breathe any longer.8.Now we can reach the conclusion the earth is round.9.It was typical for him to get angry about this kind of things.10.The house dates from the 19th century cost far more than expected.答案1.BathingBathed2.onto3.thatwhere4.painpains5.lielying6.tried后面加out 7.breathebreath8.conclusion后面加that9.forof10.datesdating.课文缩写语法填空Xu Beihong,who developed the tradition of combining poetry 1._ painting,was a famous painter.2._(promote) Chinese art,he held several exhibitions in Asia and Europe.From his painting Racing Horse,we can see a horse 3._ (run) at high speed like a missile across the sky.Qi Baishi,one of Chinas greatest 4._ (paint),worked with wood during his early youth.5._ (travel) across the country between 1902 and 1909,he painted 6._ large number of pictures of scenery.He was good 7._ painting vegetables,flowers,birds and insects.Chen Yifeis soft portraits of beautiful women are 8._ great value.The painting,9._ name is Poppy,is a typical example of his style.The picture shows a woman 10._ sits alone and is deep in thought.答案1.with2.To promote3.running4.painters5.Travelling6.a7.at8.of9.whose10.who.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1.上周我和几个同学去美术馆参观艺术展,我们看到了一些由著名艺术家创作的抽象作品, 有些相当精彩,以致我们都盯着观看。(exhibition,abstract,fix ones eyes on)_2.许多作品有着悠久的历史,有一些可以追溯到200年前。 (date back to)_3.我对抽象艺术作品了解不多,一些作品的细节我不太明白。 (details)_4.我发现一些作品充满了想象力,很有价值。(imagination,valuable)_5.总之,我真的希望我以前对艺术有更多的了解。(in conclusion)_答案1.Last week I visited an exhibition in the Art Gallery with several classmates.There we saw some abstract works created by famous artists.Some are so wonderful that we fix our eyes on them.2.Many works have a long history and some can date back to 200 years ago.3.I know little about abstract works.I cant understand the details of some works.4.I found some works are full of imagination and very valuable.5.In conclusion,I really wish that I knew more about art before.二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇【参考范文】Last week I visited an exhibition in the Art Gallery with several classmates,where we saw some abstract works created by famous artists.Some are so wonderful that we fix our eyes on them.Many works have a long history and some can date back to 200 years ago.I know little about abstract works,so I cant understand the details of some works.But I found some works are full of imagination and very valuable.In conclusion,I really wish that I knew more about art before.课下作业A卷阅读提速练(限时20).阅读理解ALuci Inflatable (可充气的) Solar LanternsFully waterproof (防水的), with a builtin rechargeable battery, our Luci lights hold a charge for 12 hours and stay bright all night long.Perfect for everything from everyday indoor use to outdoor activities and roadside assistance, Luci lights are ready for anything,anytime, anywhere and any weather.More conv
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